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Circle of Stone


The Llowra

The Llowra are a race of werewolves that live spread across the continent, mostly in the north throughout the foothills of the Roof of the World and northernmost Torrigan, where they are generally tolerated and left alone, with a few small knots of the in the Forest of Kéthiel, coexisting quietly with the elves there. They are few in number and tend to stick to their own family Packs, but sometimes do leave to make their way in the outside world. When they do, they are prized for their fighting, tracking, and hunting ability.
They live in Wreshalal, or small, walled, stone villages off main roads and often out in the middle of the forest or plain. They thrive equally well in any climate or altitude, although they are usually regarded as dangerous and unwanted by the government of any country that they may find themselves in.


They come in a variety of sizes and shapes, but all have either haunting yellow or brown eyes and dark hair. The Llowra that are seen outside of their Packs are always in prime physical form. There are very few of the members that are out of shape at all, and those few are either the very young or the very old. All have a dusky, intense aura that either attracts or repels Wruria.
The Llowra, due to their lupine natures, have keen night vision and an acute sense of smell and hearing. For this reason, and because of their ability to undergo Vishava, they are unable to become mages or handle magic in any form.


Above all, the Llowra prize physical strength and agility. They are highly territorial, and rarely are those not of the Pack admitted into a Wreshalal, even if they are Llowra. They are all warriors, trained to the best of their ability in either form, and make formidable foes, especially when a Pack is together. They don't care about Wruria or their politics, and so only attack if they are provoked. They do not acknowledge Wruria boundaries, taxes, or other forms of government either, and are therefore often chased out of a country if the Wreshalal is discovered.
The Llowra's concentration on physical prowess has resulted in a lack of fine arts in their society. All history is recorded by a Gherui, or Historian, and recited as songs and epics. They have no written language besides a few common signs for good/bad hunting grounds, danger, haven/safety, signs that mark where you've been, and Pack signs that mark territory.
Their diet consists mostly of meat, supplemented with various plants found growing wild and grain that they have imported. They raise very few livestock - mostly goats and the occasional horse, as their scent will often frighten tamed animals. They do not farm at all. Their homes and wardrobe reflect their lupine/predatory nature, as it is full of leathers, often skillfully tooled by the Llowra's only artists.
A dami, or female, will have up to five in a litter, and when she undergoes Vishava her pups will as well, which usually results in the mother staying in her wolf shape until her pups are born. When they are, the children are put into training as soon as they are able to carry a sword, hold a bow, or distinguish between scents. They worship the Dark God, or Ywennr, and think of the other Gods and religions as fantasies made up by dreaming madmen. They also believe that Ywennr takes care of his Children, and after death will give them a choice; either to live again or to rest at his feet and watch over his Chosen people.
The Llowra have a good relationship with the Wruylla--their collective word for gypsies, traveling tinkers and tradesmen, and the Dakoi--but they are usually regarded with caution by the other races.


The Wreshalal is governed by an alpha pair, and anyone who wishes to challenge their right to rule can do so. The challenger chooses the form of combat (sword, hand-to-hand, or in wolf form) and if they win they immediately take over half of the government. The rest of the Pack is ranked according to strength, and the stronger you are, the higher in rank you are, until you become alpha. They are almost a communist form of government, as everyone has equal opportunities and equal goods and there is no one that is 'poorer' than anyone else, only weaker and therefore less important. The money that is brought in from the sale of pelts, bone carvings or jewelry and various plants is used to buy grain for bread, weaponry, arrow tips, nails, and cloth. The Dakoi bring them a fair amount of these trade goods and, as they do for the winged Avarel of the Roof of the World, serve as a medium between the Llowra and the Wruria, taking their trade items out to other countries and races and selling them there.


The Llowra find that many of the human tongues don't have words that apply to their own concepts of people, and so will often use Llowrish language to supplement their speech.
Dami - female
Daminei - Alpha female
Dom - male
Domani - Alpha male
Gherui - Historian (Llowra), wise person (Wruria)
Renarni - dominant
Vishava - The Change, or shift, from either wolf or human form
Wreshalal - Pack village
Wruria - one who is not Llowra
Wruylla - Tinker or gypsy. Not as derogatory as Wruria.
Ywennr - the Dark God, their deity
Their own Wreshalal are identified by a R' before the name, and the Llowra will often use the R' before a place name in Wruria lands.

The Llowra were created by Yvonne.


The World
The Story
The Cast
The Rules


Copyright © 1999 Abigail Laughlin, Yvonne Pronovost, and the members of the Circle of Stone.