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Circle of Stone


The Cast

Full Name:Amber Sorinshalla
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Race: Human
Nationality: Aleron
Description: A merchant's daughter named Amber. She has blonde hair and warm golden brown eyes. Basic personality: cheerful and inquisitive. She's a pretty new member of the Jewelers' Guild. She specializes in necklaces and earrings, but she can do other things too. All of her jewelry is special. Amber takes such joy in her work that it is absorbed into the jewelry, making it shine especially brightly and radiate that joy to others. People that own her work find themselves smiling more often and people who just look at it often have their day become happier. This magic is almost all that Amber posesses. It's also completely unconscious; although Amber probably could study magic, she isn't aware of it, and so her internal power is channeled into her jewelry-making.
Full Name: Starstone
Gender: Male
Age: 450
Race: Northern Dragon
Full Name: Lady Adriana Kaladaire of the House Talenis
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Race: Human
Nationality: Aleron
Description & Background: Standing at 5'4", Adriana can perhaps best be described as exotic. Although not conventionally beautiful, she is striking to behold with her darkly tanned skin, shimmery black hair, and bright turquiose eyes. She is the third daughter of the House Talenis and she prefers to keep the colors of her house, silver and white, as the predominent colors in her wardrobe. She compliments this basic wardrobe with bright blues and greens and every shade in between.
It is her appearance, however, that has caused her life to be miserable even with her high status. As the rest of her family seems to come as a matched set with their fair skin, blue eyes, and blonde hair, many questions of her legitimacy swirled about her childhood. She has learned not to count on anyone if she can help it, for she has been let down and turned on too many times by those pretending to care for her. The only two people she really trusts are her bodyguard, Rody (see below), and her eldest brother, Lucian. The former she owes her life and the latter is the only one of her family who ever really stood up for her, albeit mostly covertly.
It is because of her loneliness as a child that she took to scholarly and magical pursuits at an early age and has long since surpassed even the teachers hired to teach her in both areas. She has achieved master status in the school of Alteration, in which she specializes in shapechange, and in the school of Divination, in which she is particularly adept at thoughtsensing. The latter she learned as a defense against those who would be two-faced to her. It was the only way she could protect herself from enemies who would have velvet tongues when speaking with her and develop razor sharp ones when she was no longer around.
Of late, the rumors of her illegitimacy have surfaced once again and this time it seems that someone has been stirring them up. Some of the common folk have even begun calling for the Lord to disinherit her. He has refused, of course--not out of love for her, for he has his own doubts and has never shown any feelings towards her, but simply for the fact that each class takes care of its own. At Lucian's advice their father has agreed to send her away to Torrigan for awhile until the rumors once again settle down and it is safe for her to return home.
Full Name: Roderon (no one knows him as anything else)
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Race: Felana
Nationality: Aleron
Description & Background: Feline in appearance as those of his race always are, he looks more human than most. The hair covering his body is very short and fine, and is tawny gold as that of a cougar. It matches the golden tone of his finely tanned skin so that it is not visible until close inspection is afforded him. His eyes are most definately that of a feline and are the most beautiful emrald green. He prefers to wear soft, supple leathers dyed black and complimented by the silver wrist guards given to him by the the Lady Adriana.
He is one of the rarer of his race that chose to leave his home and travel the world. The story of how he fell into the duty of bodyguard for the Lady Adriana is a long one, so we shall give the shortened version of it. Five years ago, his travels brought him to Ardath, the crown city of Aleron. It was there that he saw, looking frightened and very much alone, a small girl who had become lost in the crowd. She was most obviously wearing the colors and outfit of House Talenis, and he realized there would most likely be a reward in the offing if he were to protect her and get her safely to her family. As he protected her though, he could almost physically Feel her emotional instability and fear. She clung on to him and in the short time they spent together she developed a strong attachment to him. Eventually he was hired as her personal bodyguard when she refused to eat after he left.
He soon grew to be fond of the girl, and as he watched her blossom and grow into a woman, his attachment to her became something quite different. She however, still looks to him as her protector and friend, but nothing more.
Full Name: Diana R'Rasni
Gender: Female
Age: In her mid-twenties somewhere.
Race: Llowra
Description: Diana is slender and willowy and, like all her kind, moves with a predator's natural grace. Her amber eyes are framed by dark lashes and her pointed face is always carefully guarded and smooth. Her hair is long and reaches down to the middle of her back and is a deep auburn, leaning towards brown. Dressed in dark brown leather from head to foot, she always carries the twin short swords at either hip that are her people's trademark weapon, as well as a bow and quiver of arrows. In her wolf form, she is a lithe bitch with a rich, reddish pelt.
Both Diana and her brother have a musky, secretive air to them and are very intense to be around. Sometimes one pinned by their yellow eyes, especially when either of the twins feels strongly about something, will become slightly mesmerised and, in rare cases, will come under a hypnosis.
Diana is secretive. She thinks things through before opening her mouth, when she does at all, and refuses to let emotion be seen in front of the Wruria, or those who are not Llowra. She is more apt to defeat an opponent using trickery than strength, and takes perverse enjoyment in silently sneaking up on people to scare them. She is fond of hunting and when deprived of animal prey will sometimes turn to Wruria for enjoyment.
Full Name: Deran R'Rasni
Gender: Male
Age: Somewhere in his mid-twenties.
Race: Llowra
Description: Where Diana is slender and secretive, Deran is dark and strong. He is taller than his sister, and he oozes a predator's challenge whenever he moves. His eyes are likewise amber, and shine out with an intense gleam from under his black brows. His hair, also black, is usually kept in a tail and out of his way. Like his sister, he dresses in leather, but his is black to match his hair. Again, like his sister, he wears the twin short swords, but lacks the bow and arrow. In his wolf form, he is a large male with charcoal black fur.
Deran reeks of challenge and strength and often acts more impulsivly than his sister. He will say what he thinks, whenever he feels like it, and has no tact. He often relies on Diana to get him out of the fire when muscle can't, although that isn't as often as one might suspect. He is often silent, like his sister, but is more approchable than she is.

Background: Diana and her brother Deran were born in R'Rasni in wolf form, and didn't undergo Vishava for quite a while, resulting in their very lupine ways of thinking and acting as compaired to most of their folk. There were four in the litter, but Diana and Deran always remained especially close. From the time that they could hold a wooden sword and a tiny bow, they were trained in their use, and while not among the best in their Pack, they are far superior to many Wruria. When they turned seventeen they left R'Rasni as a pair of bodyguards for a rich merchant, and have remained as mercenaries or bodyguards-for-hire ever since.

Full Name: Sir Joxam Rialta of the Shield
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Description: Sir Joxam is a big man, to put it bluntly. He's tall, but not abnormally so, and he fills out his armour quite nicely. When he walks through a door, he doesn't just use a part of it - he uses it all. His dark brown hair is cropped close for convenience and so it doesn't frizz too much, and his brown eyes have a few laugh lines surrounding them. Despite his warrior-like appearance, though, he is a very gentle man, and walks lightly.
Joxam is completely devoted to his Lady-wife, Emramina, whom he affectionatly calls Emra. He would move mountains for her, part the sea, and plant grass over solid stone so that she wouldn't have to bruise her feet walking. His world revolves around her, and the magic hasn't been lost in their nine years of marrage. It is around her that his gentleness truely shows and around her that he is always happy.
Despite that, Joxam is a rather out-spoken liberal politically, and his stubbron streak can cause quite a few problems in what meetings he attends. He often calls out for reforms within the Knighthood that would make them more accesable to the people, and by becoming more in touch with the people's wants and desires, thereby become a better government. He also calls for less of a phobia around magic, seeing it as a useful tool rather than a curse. He is one of the main leaders of a small group of Knights, and many of the older, more tradition-bound members of the Order would like to see him removed from the Knighthood. Thankfully, Joxam is more often at home at his estate with his wife than at political meetings and he is quite popular with the general public because of his calls for reform, so his position within the Order is secure, for the moment.
Background: Sir Joxam's family have long been members in the Knighthood, and from as far back as he can remember he has been told that a Knight he will become. On his sister's eighteenth birthday he met a young Lady from another family, and fell madly in love. After a three-month courtship he proposed, and was accepted by both the Lady in question and her father. When his father died and Lady Emra nearly did in the coach accident, Joxam refused to leave the house, but became more politically active then ever. Because of this, his standing within the Order was threatened as well and he nearly lost his Knighthood, making a difficult time go from bad to worse.

Full Name: Lady Emramina Rialta, formerly Veratis.
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Description: Lady Emramina is a frail, delicate lady with pale skin and fair hair. She has startlingly blue eyes, however, and a vivid and outgoing personality that prevents her from becoming a completely washed-out individual.
Lady Emra is as devoted to her beloved husband as he is to her, and she is often wondering at how a woman such as herself managed to attract him in the first place. Her main regret is that because of her poor health she is unable to give him a child, as a pregnancy may kill her.
Despite that one regret, she shares her husband's political beliefs and when her health will allow, she will stand by him and support him in his endevors. She is a skilled orator and debator, as well as a painter, although the latter skill isn't as flaunted in public. She is the one who writes many of Sir Joxam's speaches by putting down what he wants to get across in a passionate, convincing manner.
Background: Lady Emra has been a frail child ever since she was born. At five she was diagnosed anemic, and since then has been fed an ungodly ammount of spinach and other blood-boosting remedies. Despite her illness, Emra was a relatively healthy child and as active as any other child her age. By seventeen she was judged cured and let off her strict diet. At a party held for one of her social circle's birthdays, she met a young man by the name of Joxam, who wooed her and courted her non stop for three months before proposing. By that time she was head over heels in love with him, and became ill with excitement when her father deemed her beloved worthy of her hand.
Three years after the wedding, while traveling on a coach back from the city with her husband's father, there was an accident. Sir Dowran was killed and Lady Emra was seriously hurt. She lay next to death for approximately two months wile her husband fretted, prayed, threatened, and grieved, but eventually she recovered, although her precarious health took a turn for the worse. She has become extremely frail and tires easily, and is likely to become ill when exposed to almost every type of sickness. Not only that, she bruises easily and can no longer ride, as a fall from horseback could be fatal.

All of these characters are the property of their respective players and not to be copied or used for any literary endeavor without the players' express permissions.

The World
The Story
The Cast
The Rules

Copyright © 1999 Abigail Laughlin and the members of the Circle of Stone.