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RS/360Remote System 360



System Overview

System Requirements


The RS/360 Remote System is network application software that creates and manages remote process, it consolidate all remote machines with its processes that are connected on a heterogeneous network environment and put all the control on the central control center (The
Controller).  The RS/360 can create or execute remote application from different machine
connected on a network.  The RS/360 also manage its own created application whether the
application is still running or not, it can even terminate the running application, query all
running application real time. These entire features are available on one main central control
station.  Basically the RS/360 system does is to cluster multiple computer into one system.

System Overview

The RS/360 Consist of two parts, namely The Controller and Process Server.  The Process Server resides on the remote computer running as a background process, it is waiting for the Controller to make service request.  The Controller is the main control center, its main function is to send command for the Process Server to execute and tracks all the machine it is connected to. Each command the Controller made to a specific Process Server is replied with confirmation and status from the specified Process Server. The Process Server's main function
is to create process as requested by the Controller, tracks and maintain all these process and provide the Controller a control to this processes.  The Process Server can maintain and manage only those processes that are created by the Process Server itself, it has no direct control over the Operating System's processes.

System Requirements

Process Server

- Windows NT4.0 or higher with at least 10MB Hardisk Space and 32MB of available RAM.
- Windows 95 or higher with at least 10MB Hardisk Space, and 32MB of available RAM.
- Redhat Linux 5.1 or higher, with at least 32MB of available RAM.
- Digital OSF1 v3.2 62 Alpha or Higher.


- Windows NT4.0 or higher with at least 10MB Hardisk Space and 32MB of available RAM.
- Windows 95 or higher with at least 10MB Hardisk Space and 32MB of available RAM.

No Unix version for the Controller as of this release.


The RS/360 System is composed of the Process Server main executable program, the Controller's ActiveX control(OCX) together with its sample source and the Controller's Default Controller executable. Process Server is sold separately.

RS/360 or RS360 is trademark of Jose Mari Reyes
Copyright(C)1999, Jose Mari Reyes
No part of this document can be reproduced, copied or transfer in any manner without the consent from the AUTHOR.

Windows NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Redhat is a trademark of Redhat Inc.
UNIX is a registered trademark of the Open Group.
OSF1 is a registered trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation.