Shrooms- My first time experience

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Shrooms- My first time experience

written 5-9-2000

The first time I ever tripped shrooms was late April of 2000. Woah- what an experience. I got a quarter from a friend for pretty cheap, and was going to save them for a friend and me. But, I got impatient, and took the whole quarter. Nothing happened for about 45 minutes, and I began to think that they were bunk- so I forgot about ever taking them, and just got baked instead. About 10 more minutes went by, and I went with some friends to the mountains to party.
All was well, and then I got a lot of energy. I started taking a look around me, and paying attention to details. Things get very detailed when you start tripping, and I remember that the stars were very obnoxious that night. I couldn't stop looking at them. I knew I was tripping, but I wasn't too hard- and I was still in complete control.
We finished paryting, piled into the car and decided to go to Wendy's to get something to eat. I was sitting shotgun in a truck, there was someone sitting to the left of me, and then the driver. (3 people up front.) By the time we were ready to order, I discovered something rather annoying. I couldn't talk. I knew what I wanted to say, and I was thinking what I wanted to say- but for some odd reason the only thing actually being said were oogs, buhs, and waahs. I know- sounds crazy, but it's true. I started laughing, and found that to be rather difficult too- so my friend ordered some fries for me. I went to get my wallet, which was sitting on my lap- and discovered that I couldn't move my hand to even touch my wallet. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't move! I started laughing harder, and then began to get annoyed that I couldn't function properly. I 'mimed' to my friend that I couldn't move, and then began laughing again because I was all of a sudden able to speak! I still couldn't move but was able to form words again. It was one of the oddest feelings I ever remember having... and not too fun. I was more comfortable, though, with the situation because I detest not having control over my motor skills. That's one of the reasons I won't get drunk.
So anyways- chicky looked at me funny, and then got my wallet from me, and got the money needed. (Note: for never had the shroomers- if you feel like people are talking about you behind your back, and making fun of you- don't get paranoid... They either are or more likely it's just a side effect of the hallucenigenic, and it's not really happening.) BUT- I didn't know this at the time, and when my friend looked at me funny, I felt like I was acting all stupid and wanted to crawl into a hole and enjoy my high by myself. Looking back on it- I probably was acting stupid, but I'm used to that so it's okay.
Eating the fries was impossible, and I got ketchup all over me. I just wanted to go home, because (other than my friend) I didn't know the people I was with very well- and none of them knew that it was my first time tripping shrooms. They stopped at a park to get more f*cked up and I got into the back of the truck to look at some stars. I was concentrating so hard at the wonders I beheld, that I didn't realize it when they came back. I was so focused I didn't know they were yelling for me, and looking for me for a while... and after 15 minutes or so they gave up. They thought I had wandered off, enjoying the experience. They weren't concerned because I was at a park that we frequented very very often, and was within waking distance to several other of my friend's places, and so they got into the truck and left. NEVER ride in the back of a truck on the interstate tripping nuts in cold weather...especially on a clear night when the stars are really really bright. Took me forever to realize that we were moving. I sat up too late; we were already en-route via I-25. I knocked on the window, hoping they could maybe slow down, or turn out the lights or maybe give me a coat... it wasn't too comfy back there, especially with the way the driver kept going out of his way to drive over things or swerving this way and that.
Finally, they looked back, and laughed- (I took it personally) and told me to stay there and face the rear- and it would do funky things to my high. I about had a heart attack, with all the lights whizzing by and the wind at my back. I felt a combination of things: fear, anger, and sadness- but nothing good. I turned around and asked them to take me to a friends' house- and gave them directions to a gas station near where they lived- and I got out. I was about 1 minute from their house, but I didn't want to be dropped off right there-- (it was a couple of stoners, and would have had a fit if they weren't able to maintain complete anninnomity) and after they left I started off in the general direction of their house. Not 10 minutes later, I knew I was lost, and I coulda kicked myself. But, I was having a blast, attempting to walk- and navigate at the same time, and about 20 minutes later I fianlly arrived at my destination. I stumbled down the stairs, knocked on the door, and waited for my friend to answer. When he did, I stumbled into his house, and crashed on the first piece of furniture I saw. It happened to be a very stoner friendly chair. There were about 4 other people there, just "smoking" and they offered me the pipe. They had the black lights on, and the tripper posters were going haywire... and I got incredibly more f*cked up. About 30 minutes later, I knew I was going to pass out, and I got up and stumbled to the bathroom. I didn't want to pass out infront of a bunch of guys- just out of sheer embarrasment- and I had to be alone. I had just walked into the bathroom, flicked on the light, and shut and locked the door when my legs gave out on me. I crashed to the floor and against the door, and then experienced the most beautiful ... thing ... I had ever experienced in my entire life. I know for a fact that it was dead quiet in the bathroom, but I was hearing all sorts of crazy music. I traveled all over the world, and then went places that were obviously not of this world. The colors were fantastic, and the music was getting louder, and I had to remind myself that I wasn't really where I thought I was... when I got brought out of my world with very loud knocking and voices at the bathroom door. My friends had heard me crash against the wall and hit the floor, and were trying to pick the lock to see if I was alright. I said I was fine, that I had passed out, and to leave me alone because I was having fun. Upon "waking up" I realized that I seriously had to go to the bathroom, and made my way over to the toilet.
I sat down, and for the next 30 or so minutes I went traveling again. I looked down at the floor and saw all sorts of things. Wild flowers were growing out of the ground like mad, and I swear that there were Smurfs swimming in the bathtub. (Note: I love the smurfs... they are very trippy. Think about it- they live in mushrooms, they're blue, and they sing la LA lalalala all day long. DUH!!! I love cartoons- they all have another side to them if you think about it enough) The music got really loud and crazy, and I about fell off the pot... so I moved over to the side of the bathtub and pulled my pants on. It was then that I passed out again, in between the pot and the bathtub, and went traveling for a third time that night.
This time, I was visiting national parks, and when I went to Mount Rushmore, I swear that Abraham Lincoln was smoking a blunt. He smiled and then the mountain turned into a very large brightly-colored design... and all the faces turned into glowing pulsating mushrooms. I thought that was too crazy and so I "woke" myself up. I went back into the main room where everyone else was, and they all looked at me like I was a cracker. Turns out I had been in there for like 2 hours, and there was only one bathroom. Someone rushed in and slammed the door- but I just blinked at everyone, smiled, and said- "shrooms are awesome." Then I proceeded to sit down and light a cigarette.
My high wasn't nearly as intense as it had been, and I decided that I had peaked in the bathroom (what a place to peak!) and so I just enjoyed the rest of it. About 6 am, I was about back to normal (I had taken the shrooms about 7 pm the night before) and I decided to go to sleep. I had a great first shrooming experience.
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