

Thank you for all your support of this site last year!!! Latest Update:
"Jesus Walks/Psalm 1 study" in Analyze
"All Fall Down Lyrics/Self Conscious article" in Analyze
"Test My Gangsta" in Analyze 

Word on the Street
My City, My Life/D-Town Finest
Anaylze This
From The Heart
Cross Movement
Unfamous Sayings


                                  Word On The Street

 Section that teaches you practical tips on how to share the faith.  Plus some commentaries as well.

                                  My City, My Life/D-Town's Finest

My City/My Life- Section where you get a peek into the culture, people, and places in Detroit.
Sign my Guestbook FREE GUESTBOOKS View my GuestbookD-Town-

Real Audio
section of underground rap and r&b singers.


                                  Analyze This

Section where I give my opinion on current issues such as movies, rap, TV.  Whatever is interesting or hot.


Pics of some of the hottest people in the Gospel music genre.

                                From The Heart

Serction where I feature mine and other peeps poetry.

                                 Cross Movement

Read and hear an exclusive interview with the Ambassador.  Plus excerpts of seminars that CM has given.

                                 Unfamous Sayings

Section that has-- you guessed, it unfamous sayings.


Check out some of my favorite web sites




Email: letuscypha@hotmail.com