cadadonia's poetry place for dwelling frogs

hey this time i finally got a chance to sit down and make some serious edits on my web page. so hopefully i'll have this thing movin by halloween. i hope. well lets see lemme tell u about myself i'm 16 years old scarry as it may be. i started a youth pagan organization for the bay area cali (where i live) wiht a friend of myne and i often do web work and emails late at nite. um i like to dance i was a professional belly dancer click the link "to see me" to see one of my belly dance or well like two belly dance costumes of myne they're my favorite. um i like to write poetry which is basically what this web page is about. um i don't know much about computers except to type and kick it. i have a select few of friends upon which i have a link of down there. um i like horses and animals and um i dunno i'll stop typing now but don't expect too much from my web page cause it's late and i kicked my computer one too many times tonite so i think it's rebelling against me.

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