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Here is the profile page! Here you can learn about all the MAIN "Pretty Samy" characters (along with some of my probably unwanted opions)!!

Name: Kawai Sasami(a.k.a. Pretty Samy!).

Profile: Sasami is 10 years old and in the 4th grade. She seems to get horrible test grades (her parents don't care though!) I have no idea what her favorite subject is (probably home ec. since her mom does her homework for her in that class ^_^) and her least favorite subject is most likly science (I"wonder" why^_^ ). As Pretty Samy she is the same girl. The first few episodes I've heard she's afraid she'll look silly to her friends in the Pretty Samy costume. Sasami cares about.... well just about every thing( even some Love-love Monsters in episode 9). She seems to be very close to Ryo-Ohki and even admited that she loved him (I'm still trying to figure out whether or not this was a joke or did they really mean it^_^ If you know e-mail me)!

Name: Misao Amano/ The Queen of destrution and lover of choas Pixy Misa!!

Profile: Misao is a shy ,quiet girl who surprisingly is Sasami's best friend! Her mother is almost never home 'cause she works so much and her father works overseas. Misao has crush on Hiroto and he sort of likes her but won't admit it. Misao get's straight A's but doesn't appear to be very good at sports. And now [drumroll] Pixy Misa (can you tell she's my favorite character?)!!!!!!!!!Pixy Misa is Misao's magical girl altar ego!!! She speaks English (it's SOOO funny when she screams" You're a dangerous teacher!!" to Washu in ALL English^_^) and likes to yell. Her goal in life is to make Samy brawl ( She says this in just about every episode). The only thing she's not good at seems to be physical stuff and is very weak. Rumiya as a bird is almost always pearched on Misa's shoulder and she calls him Ru.

Name: Washu ( this is the way I spell her name so don't e-mail me saying it's wrong!!!!!!!!!!)

Profile: Wahsu used to be the Stragic Defense Thinga-magigy for America until she heard that magic actully existed! Now she's Sasami and Misao's weird science teacher that somehow knows that Sasami's Pretty Samy! She was (I think) Ginji (Sasami's dad) friend of something 'cause she's always calling him Johnny and he called her Cathrine in Episode 17. She seems to pick on Sasami and get's her in trouble A LOT!!!! She is almost always on her computer and when it's around she really does care what's going around her when it's around. She lives (much to Sasami's dismay) next door to the Kawai's and likes to make herself at home there (this included eating Sasami's cake,watching TV, turning Sasami into a.....well forget it!!!!!). Washu likes to remind EVERYONE ALL THE TIME that she is a genius and is a little less of a loud mouth than Misa!!

Name: Tsunami

Profile: Tsunami is the #1 candidite to be queen. She kind,and gentle, has a even temper, and is REALLY naive. Her hobbies are palnting flowers, and watching Pretty Samy. Except for the naive part, Tsunami *IS* my friend AMI-CHAN!!!! Although she seems normal enough she seems to be normal she can get sort of freaky sometimes ("The balace has been completly tipped, it still remains to be seen if I'll be queen^_^)!


Profile: Ramia is the #2 candidite to be queen. She is mean,rough (espically to Rumiya),has a bad temper,and is smart. Ramia is the one who "created" Pixy Misa. Her hobbies are screaming and dissing Tsunami. She is always trying to make herself queen.

Name: Rumiya/Birdy/Ru

Profile: Rumiya is a very *important* character in Pretty Samy! He's Ramia's only family, her punching bag, her baseball, her excuse for a lot of things, Misao's "Birdy" (and she's his secret love interest ^_^) ,Misa's rational guardian...........but most importantly he's the person who summons Pixy Misa! Unlike his sister,Rumiya actually has a heart and he really cares about Misao!

Name: Hiroto

Profile:Hiroto has definitly taken the role of Tenchi in this series!! In other words all these girls like him. Haida worships the ground that he walks on while he would rather get a route canal then go neat her!!! It seems to me that he likes Misao but won't admit it even to his best friend, Kenji! I think it's be SOOOOO great if they went out bot thats just my opion!!!! Hiroto likes all sports,especially dodgeball ("HEY!!! move this house of ghoul or else we won't be able to play dodgeball tomorrow!!!!!!!!!)


Profile: Mihoshiis the teacher of 4-3......or at least was until Washu booted her out,then she came back as a assistante type-person and then was the offical teacher again! She's a bubblehead and will be no matter what series she's in! But she is a opptimeste and basically let's the kids do whatever they want. Could somebody tell me what's up with her and REALLY stupid stories?


Profile: Kiyone is the teacher of 4-2 class or should I say robot empire^_^ All her kids are so stiff and stuffy and don't really have real different personalties. Kiyone *HATES* Mihoshi and the way she does everything! She is obsessed with her Sundays and personal time.

Name: Hadia

Profile: Hadiai is madly in love with Hiroto and is the cousin of an Ez-hazard character. She is a jerk and likes to tease people who are to shy to stick up for themselves! She was the "Magical Girl Funky Connie" bu t gave that up after a while.