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Hello again!This is a page where you can read a lot of Pretty Samy TV episodes!I have not seen all the episodes yet (mostly because some of them havn't come out in America yet), if you have seen the episodes I havn't seen e-mail me with summaries!

Episode 8: Midsummer Santa:

Misao is at Sasami's house and they (okay Washu) decide to watch a "Scary"(this movie is just plain WEIRD not scary!!!) movie. Then Misao goes home but nobody is home and she get's scared because of the movie (yeah, Misao good for you....). She calls Sasami and Sasami comes over to stay for the night. Then Misao and Sasami plat a STRANGE type of game that's like "Old Maid". Sasami has two cards, and one of them is the sort of the "Old Maid" and Misao has to pick a card but the answer is written all over her face. Then in the magic kingdom Tsunami says something sort of stupid ("Misao would be fine if a ghost came"). Ramia of corse is all "what a supid thing to say!! As if a ghost would come...... " then she relizes that maybe a ghost could come and destroy Samy thanks to Pixy Misa! So then Rumiya goes and summons Misa and Misa creates a ghost Love-love Monster. Then Sasami wakes up and finds that Misao is gone. Then she hears moaning from down the hall and OF CORSE goes to see what it is! She finds the Love-love(Oh look, it's Moaning Murtle from "Harry Poter and the chamber of Secrets" ^_^) and tells Ryo-ohki they're is a ghost down the hall and he tells her to transform into Pretty Samy. She does but is still all freaked out about the ghost and runs away to the roof. Misa scares her and tells Samy she has Misao "tucked away" and shows her to Samy by going behind this curtain and transforming into Misao every couple of seconds. When Samy asks why she's panting she gets mad and tells teh Monster to posses Samy,but all Samy's attacks go right through the Monster! It doesn't look good for Samy until Santa shows up..... what?!?!?!?! Okay so it's not really Santa it's Washu and her electronic reindeer! Washu clams she's "Come out of Season for the good little magical girl" and gives Samy a machine that looks sort of like a teddy bear and tells her it can give the Monster a body. Samy finishes it off as usual and Misa leves.

Episode 9: The Island of the Love-love Monsters

Okay! So Sasami and her dad and Ryo-Ohki decide to go some place for Sasami's summer vacation! I think they wanted to go to the beach- and they sure did!!!!! And I think Sasami and Ginji defenitly know the meaning of "laughing all the way"!!!!!!!!!!!! Man can they laugh!!!!!!