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Prices inflated to match credit output... Must be on planet to buy stuff FROM that planet... Mail Service= Adds 500 to deliver to any planet!

Earth Stuff
  • Small Ship(1 person) - 2,500
  • Large Ship(5 person) - 5,000
  • Jumbo Ship(8 person) - 8,000
  • Dragon Radar - 100
  • Dragon Radar and Scouter in one - 300
  • 50 lb. Shirt (raises your power 100 every day you Train and Fight with it) - 100
  • 50 lb. Boots(2) (raises your power 100 every day you Train anf Fight with it) - 100
  • 70 lb. Pants (raises your power 150 every day you train and Fight with it) - 150
  • 50 lb. Shorts (Better for Questers, easier to fight in and Travel in... a little breeze where the sun don't shine if you know what i mean! :) hahaha, Adds 100 to power level during Training and Fights) - 100
  • 15 lb. Wristbands(2) (raises your power by 70 every day you TRAIN with it)- 70
  • Sensu Bean- (Adds 2000 to your power level! Helpful in Fights and in mass quantities) - 2000
  • Sensu Bean Pack (Special Offer of 5) - 5,000
  • Sensu Bean Farm (Two weeks before it grows anything, produces 3 a week continuously) - 10,000
  • Sensu Bean Fertilizer (Doubles the amount of Sensu Beans Produced by the Farm: Max. amount for the farm is 3 uses) - 8,000
  • Tree of Might(Young: Takes one week before it is fully grown, produces one a week) - 10,000
  • Tree of Might(full grown)- (Produces one fruit of might every week) - 15,000
  • Tree of Might seed- (Takes 3 weeks to grow, produces two to three fruits of might once it is full grown, then it produces one a week) - 10,000
  • Tree of Might fertilizer (Speeds up the growth process by half: One usage) - 5,000
  • Fruit of Might - (Adds 1/4 power level) - 6,000
  • Flying Nimbus - 5,000 (Adds 200 + PL after battle.. other secret advantages also, email to find out)
  • Extending Pole (Adds 100 to PL during training AND Fight) - 2,000
  • Complete Saiyanman(Or woman) Suit (Equipped With special Helmets, Cape with Shoulder Pads, Boots, Shirt, Pants, and WristBands: PL+ 400) - 1,000
  • Denshi Jars - captures enemies 1/2 your power level for one week, gives you power increase the more people in it, MAX. Limit captured people = 10 - 10,000

    Namek Stuff

  • Small Ship(1 person) - 2,500
  • Large Ship(5 person) - 5,000
  • Jumbo Ship(8 person) - 8,000
  • Dragon Radar - 100
  • Dragon Radar/ Scouter - 300
  • 30 lb. Turbin - 70 (raises your power by 70 every day you train with it)
  • 50 lb. Cape (raises your power by 100 every day you train with it) - 100
  • 70 lb. Cape with Shoulder Pads (raises your power by 150 every day you train with it) - 150
  • Namek Vegetables(You Know, those Blue Cabbage Looking ones?!! Well, they Add 2,000 to your power level every time you eat it... can be used in battle, same Info. as Sensu Beans) - 2,000
  • Namek Vegetable Pack (Special Offer of 5) - 5,000
  • Namek Vegetable Farm (Two weeks before it grows anything, produces 3 a week continuously) - 10,000
  • Namek Vegetable Fertilizer (Doubles the amount of Namek Vegetables Produced by the Farm: Max. amount for fertilizer is 3) - 8,000

    Vegeta AND Frieza Stuff

  • Saiyan Spacepod(1 person) - 2,500
  • Team/ Specialized Spacepod (1 Person- faster/ cooler looking) - 3,000
  • Royal Saiyan Spacepod (10 person: travels just as fast as others) - 10,000
  • Scouter - 100
  • Saiyan Armor w/ Shoulders (raises your power 150 every day you train with it) - 150
  • Saiyan Armor w/o Shoulders (raises your power 125 every day you train with it) - 125
  • Frieza's HoverCraft - 6,000 (Same info as Flying Nimbus, but is Beter: PL + 300 after battles only: Secret Purpose also: Can't be Sneak Attacked, unless someone has a small ship, a hovercraft, Flying Nimbus, or simply a scouter)
  • Mega HoverCraft (For 3 people to use, can't be used to travel between planets, same Info as Normal Hovercraft) - 8,000
  • Team/ Jumbo HoverCraft (For team or 10 people to use, can't be used to travel between planets, same Info as Normal Hovercraft) - 10,000
  • Tree of Might(Young: Takes one week before it is fully grown, produces one a week) - 10,000
  • Tree of Might(full grown)- (Produces one fruit of might every week) - 15,000
  • Tree of Might seed- (Takes 3 weeks to grow, produces two to three fruits of might once it is full grown, then it produces one a week) - 10,000
  • Tree of Might fertilizer (Speeds up the growth process by half: One usage) - 5,000
  • Fruit of Might - (Adds 1/4 power level) - 6,000

    Kaioshin's Planet Stuff

  • Pottara Earrings - 10,000 each
  • Sword of Ki-(Adds 100 + PL and Allows you to fight better and kill easier)- 5,000
  • Power Control Belt - Since too great an power level could destroy your body during battle, where this to keep it in check, also gives power increases after battles - 5,000
  • Psi-Attack Amplifier - Increases strength of Psychic attacks - 7,000
  • Anti-Psychic Helmet - Prevents Psi-attacks on you during battle - 7,000

    Moon Stuff

  • Meteor(1 person: Allows travel to other planets, as fast as other Normal Ships) - 2,000
  • Comet (Up to 10 people: Travels to planets faster than other ships, Takes 1/2 normal time to get to your destination) - 10,000
  • 1/7 Speed Upgrade for ships(other than Comet and Space Shuttle) - 2,000
  • Size Upgrade for Ships, Comets, and Shuttles (Adds Extra Room For One person each time) - 2,000
  • Citadel (Allows person, team or as many people needed to Travel between Planets, to Train on, and/or to stay in Space for as long as they want: Can Only be attacked by Other Citadels and Space Shuttles: P.S. If owner(s) of the Citadel are beaten, the people who defeated them can choose whether to keep the citadel or destroy it) - 20,000
  • Holo/Simulation Room - for Citadel or Large + Jumbo Ship, and Space Shuttles, allows people to go on quests= power and credits - 15,000
  • Space Shuttles(Allows up to 10 people to travel in: travels faster than other Normal Ships: Same Speed as Comets and Can land on or Attack Citadels(Note* If attacks fails: The owners of the Citadel choose whether or not to keep the Shuttle) - 12,000
  • Light Saber - Duh?! Used in battles or quests, can slice through normal swords, except other sabers and the Sword of Ki - 5,000

    Yardrat, Arlia, Kital, and Konats Stuff

  • Gravitron - (For use in ALL Ships, Shuttles, Mega Hovercrafts, and Citadels: NOT COMETS OR METEORS- Allows Gravity training up to 100x)- 5,000
  • Gravitron Upgrade - (Allows gravitrons to simulate higher levels of gravity = ADDS 20X GRAVITY EACH TIME) - 2,000
  • --->Quest Creatures - NO ITS NOT LIKE VIRTUAL PETS AND DIGIMON/ But you DON'T have to train them individually to get stronger: They Give you a certain power level boost every time you get in a battle, fight with you, and have their OWN POWER LEVEL THAT INCREASES AS YOUR PL INCREASES
    • Young Q. Creature - Adds 3,000 to PL in Any type of fight only (whether or not you are sneak attacking someone or BEING sneak attacked...) And fights along side you... it doesn't die : but when you get beaten, the safety of your creature is up to your opponent(whether he gets to keep it, or kill it in cold blood) - It becomes an adult After you win 10 Battles --the young creature has 1/5 you power when you purchase it - 15,000
    • Adult Q. Creature - Same info as Young Creature except that it Adds 5,000 to PL During Battle and Has 1/4 your power(Instead of 1/5) when you first purchase it - 20,000
  • Android/Cyborg/Robot Upgrade - Gives YOUR PL a hyper Charge (Adds 2,000 to your power) - 2,000
  • Gero Upgrade - Even Better adds 5,000 to PL - 5,000
  • Rejuvenation Tank (1 person)- Instead of going to the Next Dimension, you keep one of these and you will be healed/ Saiyans get a power level boost of 3,000 every time they use it/It follows whoever buys it: whether on Ships or Quest, you get to choose what you get to do = stay alive or go to the ND - 8,000
  • Team Rejuvenation Tank - Same As above - 12,000
  • Android Warrior - Same Purpose as Quest Creatures, but ONLY for fighting (Gives you a PL boost of 3,000 for every battle you enter) Has 1/4 of your power, when you first purchase it, to fight alongside of you - 12,000
  • Saibamen - Same Purpose as Android Warriors, Only used in battles... have 1/5 of your strength, when you purchase it, and they only give you a 1,000 PL boost - 8,000

    (Note: Fusion NOT permanent! Put on Potarra Earrings or do Fusion Dance for fight and battle as one and take off afterwards!)

    Chau Zu