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When you go on a power quest, you get the quest sword to cut off creatures heads.

You MAY Fight Each of the Following, BUT WHO YOU FIGHT and what Power Increase and Credit increase you get, is determined by me: Orcs, Trolls, Evil Elves and Gnomes, Barbarians, Red Demons, Centaurs, Zombies, Griffins, Cerebruses, Goblins, Werewolves, Unicorns, Loch Ness, Giant Squid and Octopuses, Moby Dick, BigFoot, Vampires, Warlocks, T-Rexs, Pterodactyls, and other Dinos, Phoenixes and other weird birds, Ice, Rainbow, Molten, and Sand Dragons, and SOOOO MUCH MORE!

Bebi Vegeta goes on a Valuables Quest
Just new in the world of great warriors, Bebi Vegeta set out on his very first Quest, in search for the great Flying Nimbus. Of course he could purchase one, but no... his stupid Master doesn't allow people to start out with a certain amount of money (yeah, thats me!!!). As he begins to walk around, he has NO IDEA where he is gonna go to find a stupid cloud! Then he looks up, and of course there are clouds, but he decides to check the mountains. The last time the mountains were ever visited were by Zarbon, where he encountered the first Ice Dragon, but since no one had heard of it since then, it seems it has gone extinct. But he continued through the desert, over the hills, under the shade of the forest, swam across a couple rivers, until he reached the foot of the mountain. Not wanting to walk anymore, he began longing even more for the Nimbus. He hovered a bit, and slowly flew up the side of the mountain, hoping to find a cave or something... but still nothing. He decided to take a rest on a ledge that he saw, and started thinking to himself, "what are the chances of finding a Flying Nimbus OUT HERE?!!" Just as he said that, snowflakes began falling, and he wondered why, cause it was still pretty hot for any snow to fall, despite being on a mountain peak. Looking back, he realized that there was a passage way to the other side of the moutain... but there were also figures standing in the way, with evil eyes. Now thinking what the heck other people would be doing out here, he asked for "directions" to the nearest Nimbus.. haha. But before he could finish his sentence, the figures lifted up their hands, and shot forth Ice Beams at Bebi Vegeta, who just realized they were the ones causing the snowfall. Dodging the Ice Beams, Bebi Vegeta quickly Multi-formed into 4 individual Bebi Vegetas and charged at the mysterious figures. As he neared the figures, their bodies became easier to see and make out... soon he realized, that they were "evil" Snow Men! He (the 4 forms) faced the snow men face to face, and attempted to go to hand to hand combat, but were all blasted to the ground by their Eye Lasers, i guess that is what he got for staring too hard... They Quickly recovered, charged up to KaioKen 2x each and began punching and kicking the snowmen. Obviously, they weren't getting harmed, cause as he punched a chunk of snow off their head or shoulders, it was immediately replaced by the snow that fell. Looking up, he saw a different figure, hovering silently, eyes fixed on the situation, as if... he were CAUSING THE SNOW!!! He quickly reverted to one figure, causing his power to skyrocket, since being in one form, and started running around the Snow Men as fast as he could, still with Kaio Ken, and began charging his Moon Blast. As he sped up faster and faster, the Snow Men continuously tried to freeze him with their Ice beams, but continued to miss, and were all smashed together by the Bebi Vegeta Whirlwind. Now faster than ever, the Snow Men slowly started to solidify, and once they were hard enough, Bebi Vegeta quickly stopped, with the Solid blob of snowmen still spinning, and gave them a nice BOOT off the moutain. Then, he turned around, and threw his Moon Blast, not directly into the sky, but at the mysterious figure, which exploded on contact, along with the Moon Blast. He flew up, and searched for any remains... but all he found was a Flying Nimbus!!! he rejoiced, hopped on his new Nimbus, and sped home. Just as he left, the pieces of the body slowly began to fall, with special green shoes, red, green and white cap and clothing, (and even a pointed ear if you need anymore proof) revealing that the mysterious figure was seemingly... one of Santa's not normal, but 'evil' "Elf."
Bebi Vegeta finds his Flying Nimbus
PL + 4,000

Zarbon and Amin go on a Credit Quest
Trunks goes on a combined Credit and Power Quest
Piccolo Daimao goes on Valuables Quest
Android 16 goes on a power quest
All wanting to get ready for the tournament, as fast as possible, everyone get their gear and rush off quickly to power up and get rich. Zarbon, with his new Quest Creature, exact species still unkown to man, jumped in his Hovercraft and flew off, with his Creature trailing him. Knowing from fast stories of Zarbon’s adventures, Amin quickly follows Zarbon, flying after his Creature’s Dust path… hopefully, to a bunch of money!!! Trunks, soaring sky high on his Nimbus, checks his Scouter immediately, for powerful, and formidable signs of life to fight and steal money from, detects Zarbon’s power signature, followed by an unknown power, his Creature, and yet again followed by a another faint power. Wondering where that band of questers were off to, he quickly changed his course, jumping on Zarbon’s band-wagon. Android 16, just finishing his training, decided to get stronger also, despite not being in the tournament, follows Trunks. Last, but not least, Piccolo Daimao, intending to get powerful also, pets his also new pet Phoenix, jumps on its back to begin searching for the great seed of the tree of might. He sets out also after the band wagon, swiftly flying after, keeping to the clouds, as to not attract attention. Zarbon, despite having his Hovercraft, enabling him to go super fast and under stealth mode, keeps slow and low to the ground to stay with his flying creature. Excited about going on his first adventure with it, he is careless to look what lies ahead, and behind him. Smiling at his new companion, Zarbon carelessly smashes into in to the front gate of a great Arthurian Castle. Shaken from the impact, Zarbon checks to see if his Creature is okay… and seemingly, it is. As he holds his neck, hurt from the whiplash, min quickly arrives afterwards, wondering what happened. Zarbon looks at him, wondering how he got here, and takes his Hovercraft out of the crash site. Once he examines it, Trunks arrives, asking if Zarbon needs any help. Now wondering what he was doing here, Zarbon’s jaw fell as he saw Android 16, AND Piccolo Daimao, and his Phoenix, arrive at the scene. Now totally bewildered that so many warriors are present with him, he was about to go crazy once they were all shocked by war-cries from within the castle. All looking towards the main entrance, they all wondered what lies inside, and they waited as the doors were opened. All of the warriors, thinking how stupid it was to follow Zarbon, since it led them to an insane asylum, were about to leave, until they were all blasted by 4 Giant Ogres, with their Ki Lances and whips cracking in the air. Now happy to have a challenge, all the warriors, and the two Quest Creatures, took fighting stances and began charging up their energy. Once they had fully charged their attacks, they all looked at one another, grinned and were about to destroy the 4 Ogres when 3 Griffins flew out of their Nest, in the Tower, and shot mouth blasts at them, knocking Amin, Android 16, and Piccolo Daimao to the ground. Thinking, “That’s it?!!” Wanting more a challenge, the warriors were seriously pissed at themsleves because they thought that they could take more... but couldn't when a pair of Giant Pterodactyls flew out of the Left and Right Turret of the main gate and slashed Trunks and Zarbon, and then splitting up to take out the two Quest Creatures. Pinning them to the ground, they began slashing it and slapping the creatures, until the Creatures showed their true power and begin roaring... Zarbon's seemingly emitting powerful sound-waves and Piccolo Daimao's causing a giant skin of fire, and both blasted the Pterodactyls sky high. All warriors looking at them, and they smiled... and took to full-scale war! Amin, unsheathing his sword, started to slice up 2 Ogres; Android 16, who flew up to the already hurt Pterdactyls and wrestled them until they crash landed into the castle; Piccolo Daimao, taking on a Griffin, bashing it, until he was grabbed and pulled into the air by the other Griffin, which got chased by Piccolo Daimao's Phoenix, which was also chased by the last Griffin; Zarbon instantly killing a Ogre with his Transformed state’s power and speed, ran to his Creature, which flew sky-high and returned, taking down one of the Ogres ferociously; all followed by Trunks, who charged up a Destructo Disc and sent it into the Castle Doors, slicing them open without hesitation. All thought it was over, until the gates which Trunks so happily sliced open, were completely turned to shrapnel! Flying towards the warriors, they all took cover to prevent becoming kabobs as they saw a great Red Two-Headed, 6 Horned, 8 legged, 10 Tailed, Mutant Bull blast out, snorting like a mad man. All knowing they were in trouble, charged up their attacks and began pelting the Bull like it was a rag-doll, sending a great dust cloud to surround it. They stopped, thinking over-kill wasn’t humane, but were dumbfounded as the Bull darted out, unscathed. Charging towards Trunks, the Bull had already head-butted him into the air and Double-Kicked him into the Castle before anyone could react. Then the Bull ran to Zarbon, who in his Transformed state, ran back at it, but to his surprise, wasa bad idea as Bull reared up, with 4 hoofs in the air, and began boxing Zarbon like a toy, throwing him to the ground, then running him over. Zarbon in pain could only watch as the Bull charged onward towards his Creature. The Creature, wondering what would happen was saved as Amin appeared out of no where, using Teleport, and began screaming. The Bull, stopped dead-in-his-tracks by the pain caused by the scream, roared and almost trampled over Amin, who Teleported again. This time, appearing above it, he unsheathed his Sword and attempted to “fall” straight into the Bull’s back, but was stopped as he was whipped by the Bull's 10 thick, tails. Wrapping around him before he fell to the ground, he was smashed to the ground by the strength of the tails and was seemingly “hurt” bad. The Creature, seeing how Amin pretty much got his ass kicked to save him, got pissed and blind-sided the Bull into the Castle gates. Then as a golden aura surrounded the Creature’s body, he shot up into the air, in the form of energy, and returned a second later, with more than one form (Using Multi-Form to combine with this attack) and blasted into the side of the Great Bull like meteors. Each blast driving the Bull into the ground, was seen, by Trunks (who was now conscious) looking through his Scouter, to be the Creature itself, using it’s body as the weapon. After all the blasts had occurred, the Bull was now unconscious as the Creature reformed into one and stood over the Bull’s body, Glowing still with it’s energy. As everyone stood up and brushed off them selves, they looked around and noticed that all the other enemies were “out” cold, and that they were missing three companions, Piccolo Daimao, his Phoenix, and Android 16. As they began looking for them, two explosions took place inside of the castle… at two different points whereby the entire part of the building was demolished and various creatures like the Minotaur, Trolls, Centaurs, and other beings, were being thrown out like trash. Wanting to know who was doing this damage, their answers were revealed as Piccolo Daimao, his Phoenix, and Android 16 flew out of the two sections and landed in front of the others. All looking at one another, they all laughed knowing that they had all taken part in a great rumble and were rewarded greatly for it. Android 16 showed them what he found, which were a couple Over-sized treasure chests containing various precious gem, jewels, and stones… while Piccolo Daimao gave everyone one of the things that he found: Seeds of the Tree of Might! All happy to survive and get paid greatly for it, they all took off to prepare for tomorrow, the day they all gathered to await the TOURNAMENT!!!
They ALL get a PL boost of 7,500
They ALL get 6,000 Credits
They ALL get a Tree of Might Seed!

Cooler goes on a Credits Quest(on Vegeta)
Searching for credits Cooler set out on his way toward a lake.He was flying across the lake when a HUGE arm reached out from the surface,grabbed him and pulled him under the water.Cooler started fireing Cooler Beams in all direction until he was let go,and noticed that a Giant Octopus had grabbed him,and was coming for him again.Cooler flew into the air,and started bulding a Death Ball.As soon as the giant Octopus reached the surface,Cooler deployed the death ball.The HUGE ball hit the Octopus head on,blowing it into a hundred pieces."That was noth."Cooler started to say,but was to scared to speak when he realized the 5 Giant Octopuses swimming toward him.Cooler started to transform into his 2nd transformation,realizing that was his only chance.One of the octopuses reached for Cooler,but Cooler fired a Cooler beam through its head.Cooler fired a kamehameha at two of the Octopuses,blowing them into pieces.With two left,Cooler fired another death ball at both of them.Shattering them into pieces,Cooler started chuckling about his victory,until the Mother Octopus rose from the surface.The Mother was about 3x the sise of her childeren.The mother fired a black ink wich covered Cooler.Cooler struggled free of the ink,and fired a Controlled Destructo Disc at the mother Octopus.He guided the disc,into cutting the mother octopus in half."Those little smaller ones must have been he childeren.As soon as Cooler said that,he noticed 2 huge gold eggs,sitting on a bank.
Cooler gets 2,000 PL Boost
Credits + 3,500

Zarbon, Future Trunks, Teens Trunks, Trunks, Chibi Trunks, and Vegetto go on Credit Quests
Zarbon was going on a credits quest, and invited his buddy Vegetto to join him. Vegetto accepted and the 2 went off together. All the various incarnations of Trunks were nearby, and saw them fly off together, and gave chase. Vegetto and Zarbon flew into a small cave, in hopes of finding beasts to kill to get credits. All the Trunks' followed them in. Vegetto and Zarbon had encountered evil "cupids" and engaged them in battle. FT, T, TT, and CT heard the sounds of battle, and moved to investigate. Vegetto and Zarbon saw them and said " Any help would be appreciated!", as they were now outnumbered 10 to 1 (or 20 to 2). FT, T, TT, and CT jumped in. They overpowered the "Cupids" with KameHameHa's, and soon the battle was over. They decided to split the credits they found evenly amongst themselves.
They ALL GAIN 5,000 PL
They ALL gain 5,000 Credits
Darro, Zarbon, Future Trunks, Yamcha, Chibi Trunks, and Vegetto go on a Power Quest
As the Group flew off, a few of them decided to stay together and go on a power quest. As the new group flew off, they ran into Darro, who begged to go along with them. After hearing his whining for 10 minutes, they decided to let him join them and they all flew off. They approached a Volcano, and decided to go in and search for creatures to kill. Suddenly a Fire Dragon and 5 Cerebrus' appeared!! As the group moved back to back to defend themselves, the Dragon launched a massive attack!!! It breathed fire and swiped at them with it's Claws and Tail. Knowing they could avoid the Cerberus'(Cerberi???) if they flew they all moved to attack the Dragon. Kame Hame Ha's, Galick Gun's, Finish Busters, and other attacks flew, destroying the Massive Fire Dragon. Now all they had to do was kill the Cerberus' and they would be done. Suddenly, a Cerebus launched itself into the air and Attached to Future Trunks Side, leaving a large wound. As he flew in intense pain, the others knew they had to end it quick, and they all used their strongest attacks to decimate the Cerebrus' They flew back to the nearest town and Future Trunks was healed immediately!!
They ALL gain 7,500 PL
They ALL gain 7,500 credits
Adult Goten goes on a VQ for a Scouter
As Adult Goten was walking he decdied to go find a scouter. Normally, he would go for something bigger, but this is a bare essential. He came across a Refugee from Namek shortly after it Itwasnt Namekian, so he decided to take it out. The wierd Lizard sensed his Ki and moved to attack. Adult Goten launched a Kame Hame Ha at the creature blowing off an arm and a leg. The Creature, now horribly crippled, attempted to crawl away, but Adult Goten materialized in fron of him and said "I'll be taking this!", and reached down and plucked the scouter from it's head.The creature didnt want to be killed by the Saiyan, so he took the opportunity to Self-Destruct.Adult Goten thought "heh I wasnt gonna kill it anyway", and walked away.
Adult Goten Gains 5,000 PL
Adult Goten gains 2,500 Credits
Vegetto and Zarbon go on a Combined Credit and Valuable Quest
Vegetto and Zarbon wanted more money before they went to Namek, and they also wanted more power too. Vegetto decided to go find Fruits of Might, and Zarbon would find money and the would share what they found. Vegetto quickly found his Goal. A huge Tree of Might appeared on Vegeta, and he went to take some Fruit. On the way , he ran into 5 little Androids, and decided to let his take care of them. His Android used KameHameHa Propulsion and rammed right through the first and fired A kamehame ha at the next one. Destroying 2 so quickly Vegetto knew he could waste them very easily. He used his Big Bang attack, eradicating them all." Hmmph, no wonder these guys needed a tree of might", and he picked up the few credits they had and took 2 Fruit of Might. Zarbon, on the other side of the Planet, was engaged in fighting 6 Saibamen with his Hydra. As the battle raged on, he noticed bountiful amounts of credits raining from one of them saibamen's pockets. He made this one his Prime Target. He Transformed and used a Kame Hame Ha on him, but not before stealing all his credits. The Kame Hame Ha killed the Saibaman. and all his comrades jumped on Zarbon. Zarbon's Hydra jumped in and used Super Sonic Kamikaze, destroying the rest of them. Zarbon and Vegetto met up and divided the credits out evenly among them and Vegetto gave Zarbon a Fruit of Might. Vegetto and Zarbon Gain 7,500 PL
They Gain 10,000 Credits EACH!!
They BOTH get a Fruit of Might
The Android and Hydra both get a 7,500 PL increase!!
Storm goes on a Power Quest
Storm was waiting for the Tournament to end so he could get stronger. He thought he could go kill a few worthless creatures and so he set off for a nearby Lake. He turned around in time to see a T-Rex charging after him!! I t opened it's jaws and swallowed him whole....or so it thought. Storm pushed open the beast's jaws, and flew out. He got ready to use Mind Control and let loose. The T-Rex froze in it's steps. "Now,"said Storm " I want you to act like a Dog!!" The T-Rex got down on all fours(?) and starting barking. Storm picked up a stick and heaved it into the Lake and yelled Fetch!!! The T-Rex ran into the lake after the stick. "Heh, now that that's taken care o.." Suddenly a huge Loch Ness monster busted out from beneath the waters and spit out the T-Rex snack it had just had. Now, it looked at Storm as more food. It lunged at Storm, but he moved out of the way, narrowly evading it's blooodred jaws. He launched at Max Kame Hame Ha at the Loch Ness, but id didnt seem to take any damage. Knowing he had to charge a spirit bomb, he flew around the beast several times to disorient it. Storm landed on it's head and began calling on the Earth's energy to defeat the creature. He charged the Spirit Bomb full to the brim of explosion with Eart's energies and heaved it at the monster. Loch Ness looked up only to see what he thought to be the moon, but quickly realized it was not. Storm hovered high above the area to avoid\ the impending blast. The Earth shook with the release of the energy of the Spirit Bomb and smoke quickly rose. Storm, hoping the creature was gone, could do nothing but wait for the smoke to clear. When it finally cleared, Storm saw he had charged it up a little too much..... The lake where Loch Ness resided was now large enough to be considered a small sea, and all Storm saw of the remains of the monster was a little pile of ash and the T-Rexes bones.
Storm Gains 7,500 PL and 5,000 Credits

Gogeta goes on a Earth dragonball Quest
Day One: Gogeta was tired of being weaker than some other people so he figured out that if he got all the dragonballs, he could become one of the most powerful people in the universe! He set out looking in the ocean, when a huge whale appeared out of nowhere and swallowed him whole!! When Gogeta realized what had happened, he quickly went to escape the whale's belly by flying out of the whale's mouth. When he reached the back of it's throat he moved toward the whale's blowhole to fly out, when he saw a faint glimmer near the whale's teeth. He decided to investigate, and he was glad he did!! Lodged between the whale's teeth was a Dragon Ball, and it had 3 stars!! Gogeta took the Dragon Ball and escaped!!
Chibi Trunks goes on a Earth Dragon Ball Quest
Chibi Trunks already knew he was very powerful, but he wanted to be even more so!! He started a Dragon Ball Quest in the mountains, figuring he'd be able to spot one on the top of a mountain if he looked closely. As he was looking, a Huge Ice Dragon flew up in his face, looking for a fight! " Wow! I thought these were extinct!!" Chibi Trunks said, excited about his find. The Dragon lunged at him and tried to eat him, but Chibi Trunks moved at thought"So this is how it's gonna be", and moved to attack. He launched a Kame Hame Ha at the beast, but it had little effect. So he threw up a Moon Blast and said " Let's get large!!!" He turned into a Were-Ape and grabbed the beast. As he squeezed the creature, he realized he might be causing the extinction of a species and let him go. Just before he did, the Ice Dragon coughed up a Dragon Ball!!! Chibi Trunks destroyed the moon blast, picked up the Dragon Ball, and went along on his way.



Learning Ougon Ooozaru, done 2/18

Super 17




Chibi Trunks

Learning Telekinesis: Feb.1


Learning Frieza Beam, done 2/5

Piccolo Daimao






Chibi Goku



Adult Goten
KNOWS Eye Lasers

Teen Trunks

Chau Zu