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<Scarlet's Parlour
Welcome to Scarlet's Parlour

Personal Info: I'm sick of this question...a/s/ you can see, I am a She, but have been a boy in many previous lifetimes and still carry a certain amount of "boy energy" - i talk like a dockworker alright? I admit it. An enlightened dockworker. I will be 46 on july 27th/ a leo with leo rising and moon in aquarius. Most of my planets fall in the 12th house so i have a very rich subconscious and probably a lot of karma. My location is calgary, alberta, canada. kills: 0 (bad karma). I have reiki level one and two. Reiki is a spiritual healing energy from the DEEvine. I channel it.....both subtle and powerful. I may be a witch. I take a belly dance class. I dig pop culture. I was in a band once - first wave punk scenario - called Animal Kingdom. I was Leeanimal....gerl singer/ornament. I am interested in cable access television where i can showcase my talent as a talk show hostess with a twist.....wanna get interviewed? e-mail me. That's all for now. I'm interested in all that is interesting, which is just about everything. Too broad for ya? Well, i'm an all around broad. Ambergeewillikers, myself and some other cool wimmin types designated canada room: 9 as Sluts R Us Calgary chapter. Amber had to resign as club president, however, as she was too busy giving blow jobs to tend to the paperwork. Advice Colum: Ask Hootch.......awaiting your letters - send by email - and I will publish them here, along with my sage advice. I am a wise and good witch. Send me your chat stories, more bizarre the better, send my your gossip, send me your wishes for infamy, send me your angst, send me your good wishes and critiques. Don't send me your bad vibes. And as Groucho Marx once said........these are my principles. If you don't like them, I have others.

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