My Spifferific Page =P

"When this girl at the art museum asked me whom I liked better, Monet or Manet, I said, "I like mayonnaise." She just stared at me, so I said it again, louder. Then she left. I guess she went to try to find some mayonnaise for me."

Updates *11-13-00*: Wow. Just wow. I think for about 3 months I never even looked at this webpage, and now here I am sitting at home after school because marching band is over. It was a great season, I just want to congratulate everyone on getting through it without murdering each other (even though that seemed likely sometimes!!) I just hope everyone can look back at the 2000 Marching Band season as something they can be extremely proud of for years to come, and I want to thank the seniors of this year for basically becoming my second family...where would I be without you guys?? Without you, band would've never been the same...actually I probably never would've joined to begin with. =) And to all my new little freshman guard buddies--don't forget my totally awesome pep talks, I can come up with them in seconds so if you ever need motivating, see me! =) Peace out for now guys---enjoy the new updates =P

~*Thought of the Day*~ It should feel like Christmas all year round! (even though it's not really Christmas time yet, it still feels that way to me. =P)

Upcoming Events:

~*Quote of the Week*~ "Don't bide your time, 'cause it is almost over."~Blink-182

"Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the word itself: "Mankind". Basically, it's made up of two separate words - "mank" and "ind". What do these words mean? It's a mystery, and that's why so is mankind."

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All right, these sections of my page have been around for a long time...some of them keep getting make sure you check them out.

Dedication Page

Cool Bands Page

My Claim to Fame

Song Lyrics



Go Here...Now!!! hehe

My Friends

Concert Reviews <~~~NEW!!!

some funny stuff yo

What I Wish I'd Known Sooner

I Try To Remember

Guard Shtuff

If you're bored, go here, these are nifty sites:
Astrology & Horoscopes
Click me for a surprise -- you know you want to!!
You have to go here!!
The Tom Green Show: The best show on the air!!
The Ultimate Band List -- all you need to know about any band
Slang Translator -- it is sooo fun, I highly recommend it! =)
Lyrics Shmirics -- this is mad funny, you definitely should check it out
Lyrics Search - Find Lyrics
Like reading about stupid people? Then click here! (thanks Eve!)
Hehehe...some funny stuff <--thanx Matt!
Another lyrics search....this one's got guitar tabs too
