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About the Gatdula's Fighting Cobras Family

The Gatdula's Fighting Cobras Philippine Fighting Arts Academy is dedicated to promoting the spread of the traditional fighting arts of the Philippines, and of the late Yun Gatdula. "Papa", as we called him, wanted his own grandchildren to be the epitome of the modern day warrior. Even after a lifetime of learning, testing and investigating, Papa continued to evolve his fighting arts through the mentoring and fighting experiences of the eldest children of his youngest daughter. Having not named a successor, each grandchild continues to grow his art in his own way. The head of the GFC, Mustafa "Maurice" Gatdula, has chosen to promote the family's art as well as all Philippine fighting arts through the long processes of full-time instruction, the open Karate and the Kung Fu circuits, and exchanges with other instructors active in the "FMA" community. Our goal is to see the Philippine styles become the most respected genre of the Asian fighting styles, and for it to be known for vicious and crafty fighters.

The GFC family is composed of Maurice Gatdula and his students, William Gatdula and his students, and the affiliated instructors who have agreed to help promote the fighting arts through full-time training and refusal to give "paper" rank. We do not care to gain popularity with the popular Martial Arts community, if that means we will turn a blind eye to the distorted image propagated by the industry. We do not ally ourselves with organizations whose students perform poorly, unless they are actively trying to improve their skill; not necessarily by becoming students of the GFC, but taking an active role in representing the art through competition and matches. The policy of matches is instrumental in the traditional Philippine fighting arts. No art can claim effectiveness without them. Yet the quick certification method popularized by the seminar industry has produced a cowardly and impatient generation that prefers to use the rhetoric of a warrior without possessing his courage and skill. They speak out against competition with claims that they are not "realistic" enough. They invent techniques, stories and "ancient" styles which has the purpose of elevating one man or style to a demigod status or to lend credibility to their own creations. They make bold statements such as to say any "authentic" Philippine art should have what his own art has, as if the Pilipino is not intelligent to know when his country's culture and history are being rewritten to serve a commercial or egotistic purpose. Our belief is that all of the ignorant and self-serving practices plaguing our arts exist are because of the absence of schools who do not challenge their foes. Because of this, the Gatdula's Fighting Cobras may challenge any school, at any time. Some schools have already experienced this.

We are not interested in making magazine covers; nor do we care to get rich from our reputation. We do not intend to antagonize the community-at-large. However, we do want the FMA community to embrace the now outdated idea of proving one's abilities. Many undertook study in the Philippine styles because of the absence of styles, emphasis on strategy and technique, and the simple, but brutal choice of attacks. Today, we have a hodgepodge of myths, drills that build false confidence, and instructors who change techniques and style names because of business rather than technical improvements. Those of you who did not fight for your rank beware; you know where Sacramento, CA, is. Now you know our intentions should you ever visit us.