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Sirr Issac Lyme
I really really like this tape. I haven't heard their earlier stuff, so I can't say whether it is better or not. These guys remind me a lot of Avail...only they tend to be quicker...all the time (what I mean is: SIL is quick almost all the time...whereas Avail is slow sometimes...get it?). Good, hardcore punk rock without tons of annoying screaming (key word in that sentence being: annoying...they do yell, it just doesn't suck). The lead singer Scott...tends to actually sing, instead of simply yell all the time. It is not sissy is more kick ass singing. Not only do they bust out seven original tracks they also do two covers; Regress No Way (7 seconds) and Far From My Hands (Reason To Believe). Everyone should buy this tape for their moms for Christmas. Demolition is release #5 from Not Bad is $5ppd (go get it )...and includes these classic punk rock melodies:
1. Worth
2. Change the World
3. Here From the Dirt
4. This Country
5. Not Forgotten
6. 4 Months
7. Another Phase
8. Regress No Way*
9. Far From My Hands*

go to the official Sirr Issac Lyme web site

go to the Not Bad Records web site