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Kodomo No Omocha Mailing List

I have a mailing list for the awesome, weird, funny, etc. , etc., anime Kodomo No Omocha (AKA Child's Toy). It was set up so fans could have their own exclusive place to chat about the show. It really took off, so if you're looking for some conversation, come here:

Click to subscribe to KodomoNoOmocha

Note: You now need a Yahoo! ID to join. The group's archives are located here.

Just a few  rules:

1: This list is supposed to be appropriate for children. Just keep that in mind.

2: Please only join if you like the show. We don't need any flamers.

2: No flame wars, even among fans, please! I would like this to remain a friendly list.

That's all!

Members section

This Kodomo no Omocha/Child's Toy Original Webringsite is owned by Servo-Z.

Want to join the ring? Click here for info.

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