AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a response to a Challenge on ASCEM, but I thought those of you who are not there, may enjoy it too :-)

Title: Vampire-Slayer

Author: Vanasati

Series: TOS

Parts: 1

Rating: NC-13

Codes: K/S, h/c Summary: Challenge from Robin. See below.

Disclaimer: Startrek is the property of Paramount and Viacom. This is only amateur fan fiction, I make no money with it and mean no infringement on their rights. (Robin) wrote:

... I get my loving in the evening time.
When I'm with my baby.
It's no fun with the sun around
But I get going when the sun goes down
And I meet my baby.

That's when we kiss and kiss and kiss and
then we kiss some more.
Don't ask how many times we kiss, at a time like this,

Having said that, here comes the challenge. OK, so Spock has the pointy ears, but what about the POINTY TEETH! Yes, people, I'm talking vampires. "Buffy" meets TOS, and what happens when the entrepid Captain has to drive something else "woody" into his fave Vulcan's heart (other than his usual "stake").

Challenge: Make Spock a vampire, with all the usual attributes eg, charisma, brute strength, anti cross loving, garlic hating, the old "I can come inside if you invite me in" trick. And then have Kirk as the "slayer".

Ok, so if you want to have Spock around for the comfort after the hurt, how about good old Doc fixes him right up again (minus the vampire curse... or is he?


Oh, I really couldn't resist that one...

And thanks to Wildcat, my very fast beta reader you can have it right away.



Scene opens:

You see Jim Kirk enter his room.

After a short time in the bathroom he comes out and goes straight to his bed. He sits down, rubbing his fatigued eyes, then lays down, pulling the blankets over himself.

His eyes close, and for some time you only hear the slow breath of a sleeping man.

Then he starts to move...

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Kirk sat in the big armchair, his hands folded in his lap. Pacing the room in front of him was his friend, the Doctor of the little town, with a scowl on his face and gesturing toward his sitting friend.

"You *have* to put in at end, Jim. He killed the third woman last night, how long are you going to wait till you stop him?"

Kirk kept his eyes on his folded hands. "I ... will end it soon."

"Soon? What do you mean *soon*. It must be *now*, Jim. I don't understand you. It is not the first Vampire you slayed. You are the best around here, the one who finds every hole they might creep into with the certainty of a dog finding the hole of a rabbit. But this time you're running around questioning people with no outcome yet. *And* you have hidden yourself in your bedroom since last night and allowed him to kill three women in this town. Are you out of your mind?"

The doctor eyed his friend suspiciously, noticed the faint trembling Kirk tried to hide with clasping his hands together even more tightly. He frowned.

"What's wrong with you, Jim? Are you ill? Or.... did he get you?"

With those last words he bent down and tried to reach for Jim's throat. Kirk flinched.

"NO! ... I am sorry... no, he didn't get me. I am all right. I guess I am just ... tired." With a sigh he stood. "I will go get him tonight."

"Now, that's my good old Jim-boy." The Doctor grinned. "Good night, then. See you in the morning."

He turned and went out. //How could I have told him....// he thought. His mind wandered back to what happened last night.


He stood in the same place where he was standing now. He had inhaled the night air, tried to get hold of the Vampires thoughts. He could somehow *hear* them, he could *feel* those creatures of the night, that was why he found them so quickly and easily.

Not long and he had a trace of the Vampires' thoughts.

//There you are! Know that I am here, creature of the night.//

He felt his thoughts reach their goal. And then... there was... *curiosity*. Coming back to him. He tensed and then he saw him... out there in the dark, standing in the middle of the garden, right in front of the window, not hiding. Looking back at him.

They stared at each other, one drinking in the sight of the other.

Kirk suddenly was aware that he himself also stood in full moon-light, visible to those dark piercing eyes. He was also aware that he could not move, his heart pounding, his blood singing along his veins.

/I am aware of you, creature of the sun.// The Vampires' thoughts touched his own. But this time there was no threat behind the touch. It was more like ... a caress. //Do you invite me to come to you?//

"NO!" He shouted the word, snapping out of the trance. He slammed the window shut, trembling all over now. Hastily he placed a garlic chain around the window, then he sat in the armchair, his hands clasped around the silver cross.

It took him all night to come to know that he did not stay and hide because he was frightened. He did stay and hide, because he *wanted* the Dark-One to come to him, *wanted* to invite him...

He had heard of such feeling towards those creatures before, but he had never believed it could happen to him.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Captain Kirk tosses and turns in his bed. The sheets are already crumpled and his sweat pours from his forehead.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

The second night Kirk arranged his weapons, the cross, to spell-bound the Vampire, the holy water to weaken him, the wooden stick and the hammer to kill him at last. But he found his movements slow, his body numb and heavy, like he had to carry a dead-weight.

Then he heard the voice in his thoughts.

//James. I am here.//

He turned around, like a puppet on strings, went to the window and opened it. There he was again. Standing in the garden, the wind playing with the black robe, the angular face calm.

Kirk grasped the window-sill once again to steady himself. Suddenly his body felt light, his heart sang and he could not hide it from the Dark-One outside this time.

//You are here.//

Oh, how he wanted to touch those raven dark wings of hair, this skin, carved ivory, shining in the moonlight. Would it be cold as ice, like the other Vampires he had touched to kill?

The thoughts of the Vampire touched his thoughts again, and again it was a caress.

/I have not seen the sunlight in many years. You are the sun coming to me during the night. I want to touch you, warm myself with that touch, than there will be no cold anymore.//

The Dark-One smiled, and the long, sharp teeth glistened.

It was like a slap in the Human's face. He jumped back and slammed the window shut.

"Go away!" he shouted. //Please, go away and never come back, or I'll have to kill you...//

He slumped down on the floor, covering his ears with his hands as if to prevent the other's thoughts from reaching him. That of course was of no use.

//Golden-One. I will do as you wish, but I will come back tomorrow.//

The presence faded, left him alone in the dark. He moaned, rocking back and forth, trying to fill the sudden emptiness of his mind, to still the *longing*.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Once again Captain Kirk turns around in his crumpled bed. His body is soaked with sweat now and he is trembling slightly.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Like that the doctor found him in the morning. He rushed to his friend.

"Jim! What's wrong?"

He helped Kirk up to his feet and guided him to the armchair. He made a quick health-check, but could find no holes at the throat and no other visible wounds. But the face of his friend was grey, his skin cold to his touch and his hands trembled visibly.

"Jim, talk to me. What happened?"

Kirk finally looked up to him, and the haunted look in his eyes made the doctor shiver.

"Bones... I don't know. Honestly. I ... saw him last night. He talked to me...." Jim's voice trailed off.

"You saw the Vampire? Dear God, he got you under his spell. Jim, I will stay with you tonight. Together we can fight him. He hopefully cannot spell-bind two persons at once. Now, lay down and have some sleep."

The doctor accompanied Kirk upstairs and made sure that his friend lay down and closed his eyes. He stayed until he heard his slow breathing, then left the room to get him something to eat.


The night came and Jim Kirk sat once again in the armchair. His eyes never left the window, his body tense as he waited for the call. Across the room at the sofa sat Dr. McCoy, his eyes on his friend and worry in his eyes.

Suddenly Kirk got up and walked to the window. The doctor tried to follow him, but found that he couldn't move at all. He felt a pressure in his mind, and sweat poured out as he tried to fight the mental grip of the Vampire.

Meanwhile, Jim stood at the now wide open window. There was the call in his mind again:

//Golden-One. I am here.//

//Come to me, Dark-One. I am waiting.//

The curtains moved and then the Vampire stood beside the Human. They remained, face to face, each drinking in the sight of the other.

The Human raised a trembling hand and ran his fingers lightly through the ebony hair. //Soft... so soft...//

The Vampire raised his hands also, placed one behind the Human's neck, the other on his right shoulder. No use to try to resist those strong hands. Oh no...

Jim willingly leaned forward, against the broad chest, closing his eyes. The dark head bent down and Jim felt the hot breath of the other brush the sensitive skin on his neck.

There was a moment of sharp pain, when the strong pointed teeth broke his skin open, but then, there was only heat, passion, and life flowing into the hungry mouth of the other.

Kirk buried both hands in the silky hair of the Dark-One, rubbing his hardness at the other's body.


The yell was loud in Jim's ears and hands grabbed his shoulders, tried to pull him away. When the Doctor's efforts had no use, he hurried around, the flask with the holy water in his hands. He aimed at the back of the dark figure bent over his friend and threw the water.

The Vampire's body shuddered, and Jim felt the mouth retreat from his neck, felt the Dark One loosen his grip and in response heard his own voice protest, rough with desire: "No..." He stumbled backwards, tried to regain his balance and heard the sounds of a fight nearby.

Kirk blinked several times and saw with horror as the Vampire stumbled to the ground, his face dripping from the second flask of the holy water. He saw the mark of the cross across his raised palm, heard him moan in agony.


The doctor's voice finally reached him. He looked up and got the wooden stick and the hammer thrown into his hands. Automatically catching them, he looked down at the sharp point, then up into the eyes of the Vampire.

The dark eyes, full of pain, did not look away. Then the doctor's voice hit Jim's ears again.

"Kill him! Now!"

Kirk couldn't move, wanted to scream, but only a whisper left his mouth: "No.."

Then he felt the touch of the other's thoughts again:

//Make the pain end, Golden-One. Free my soul.//

Jim felt his body shaking violently. He stepped closer to the kneeling figure, and when he bent down, the Vampire laid down on his back and presented his heart to the Human.

//Free my soul, Golden-One. End the pain.//

Kirk could not resist this plea. He placed the stick at the Vampire's heart and with a quick stroke drove the hammer into it.

Without a sound the Vampire closed his eyes and became still.

The Vampire-Slayer stared at his hands for one moment, then covered his eyes with his hands. He couldn't suppress the heavy sobs wracking his chest, couldn't stop trembling.

When he felt the Doctor approach, felt Bones' hands on his shoulders, he jerked away. "No!"

- - - - - - - - - - - -

"No! No!" Captain Kirk fights the hands on his shoulders, fights the steel grip that holds him.

Kirk opens his eyes and is looking right into dark eyes. He let his eyes wander over the lean face and the raven-dark hair, and his hand raises all by itself, gliding through the silk strands, making sure that they are real.

His other hand joins the first and he pulls the dark head down and into a fierce kiss.

He doesn't mind the surprised sound of the Vulcan, doesn't mind what he may think of his Captain.

But the Vulcan does not pull away. After the first surprise he sighs once and kisses his Captain back.

And when the warm presence floods his mind, Jim Kirk knows, that the nightmare has truly ended.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

"Don't ask how many times we kiss, at a time like this, WHO KEEPS SCORE!"

The End