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Comedy Pictures
Game Downloads
- CYlaX yahtzee

☼ News ☺

1/9/03 : 18 soon

Im 18 in like, 2 days :p Alcohol legaly... On other news, i hear people are startin to look at this site, so, i thought i might patch it up a bit, add some more pics or something.

Im going to Add a few things to the site, like all my school projects... and a list of games that anyone can request to purchase off of me.

Checkout the Yahtzee Game i made for the ipt project, its like, beasty n stuff. -> Download

oh yeh, if anyone can think of something good they would like me to add to this site, just like, email me or something.

Take a look at Shattered galaxy, its like a sweet game that ive been playin for a while, under identity CYlaX, its a Massively multiplayer strategy / rpg. it rocks.

another thing, mazaika is a program that lets you make a collage of pictures, to form one larger image, its pretty sweet, but i couldnt find the full version anywhere.

ok, well, im done adding the Games List feel free to request any games on the list, depending on who you are, changes the price.

5/5/03 :

Lol angelfire already caught me for cross linking sites, some of the games dont work, lemming should be up soon, i dunno bout the others, angelfire are watching.... yea.

4/5/03 :

Aye, this site sux but meh. if ya wanna see a pic of my new dog Mindy ive put it here. just wait for it to load, its 250kb picture... oops, ahwell.

i seem to do yearly updates on this site, i guess this years update is today. i might add some small games to the site to be uploaded or something

Im adding more games to the download section, pick them up here -Downloads- Some of the new downloads i just added include, Chicken invaders, Chicken invaders 2, Lemmings2, 15 small windows games and progress quest. Enjoy

2/9/02 :

Wow sup! its been like, what 3 months since i think about the site. anyways, im uploadin sum sweet time wastin games to the site, my fav would havta be the upgraded bridge builder game, build a bridge, run the train, its so sweet, get it here, Pontifex Game.

20/6/02 :

Okay, i heard me some really gross stories the other day, just ask if you want to feel queazy. im actually Finaly burning AVP2 for bret. i dun have anything to say except Moo!

16/6/02 :

My girlfreinds birthday today :), she's 17 now. give her a call if ya know her, we went to sizzler and i ate heaps again. :p i gave lisa her presant yesturday when she came over and she liked :), but she would like anyway cause its from me... i hope hehe.
Ha I gots me a job from the dude two houses up the road.

15/6/02 :

Me not sick no more :p, i just ate sum burger rings and they tasted good :0, one of my freinds, i was talking to, and they told me to go to this site with funny quizez on it, and it pays out canadians like me, the spark

14/6/02 :

Me still a little bit sick, almost beter. I just checked out the Neverwinter Nights Page and it looks like its about to be released, it looks like the best game ever made, Great grafics, good tools for building your own game inside of the game, you can download the beta version of the editor, it looks awsom, im going to buy the game, check it out at the Neverwinter nights official site

I just added another 30 images to the comedy section.

If you havn't seen Tales for the 1337 then you have no idea what your missing out on, so check it out.

13/6/02 :

Im sick!, and i feel like $h!7, a few days ago i put up the comedy pictures section, i still have a hole lot more pictures to put in, but for now theres 75, and most are funny, and if there not, its not my problem. If you wanna see something weird that i made when i got bored. face to alien

Email me at

site has been up since 7/9/99... thats like, 4 years...