Child Protector Abuse

They abuse children and parents in the name of "protection"

I wonder what the Child Protective Service would say if I used corporal punishment on my children, then when that didn't work, put them on addictive drugs to "calm them down." Drugs that can't be stopped immediately because the child is addicted and would go through withdrawal. They would not hesitate to call either action child abuse, then they'd go after me with a vengeance.

But that's precisely what the "child protectors" have done to my son's two boys.

First, they kidnapped them from in front of a 7-Eleven after their mother took them from their school while they were in my son's custody. Their mother, who had originally abandoned them, accused him of all manner of abuses, both to her and to the children (None of which was ever proven. In fact, CPS never even filed charges against him although they forced him to jump through all kinds of "hoops" to satisfy their whims), and got them to issue a court order to take custody, based on unsupported charges she admitted were false two years later.

They kept the boys for three years, constantly questioning them and forcing my son to spend a lot of money on "counseling" and lawyers. Now that we're winning (this is the oldest open "case" in the city) and he's about to regain custody in spite of all the "dirty tricks" they could pull, we're finding out what they've been doing to them.

When one of the boys started "acting out" (no doubt as a result of being separated from his loved ones for almost half of his life) they used corporal punishment (which if we used, they'd call "child abuse"). When that didn't work, they started doping him with an addictive drug. They call it a "light sedative" to "calm him down." I call it a "downer." They say they can't just stop giving it to him or he'd be sick (translation: "withdrawal -- you know, what you get when you're trying to "kick the habit).

What can that be except child abuse by the "child protectors?"

CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: That can be either right or wrong based on how much, and how hard it is applied. But the fact remains that they invariably call the slightest application of it by a parent "child abuse." So how can they justify using it themselves?

"DOPING" A CHILD: Making a dope addict of a 7-year-old boy: There can be no justification for feeding addictive drugs to a healthy 7-year-old child and, by so doing, teaching him that drugs are the answer to all his problems. If this boy becomes a "junkie" in his later life, they will be to blame.

NOT CHILD ABUSE? They strongly resist calling what they've done "child abuse" and they get away with it because they have the power to "define" what is or isn't child abuse for the purpose of "enforcing the law."

It's time we took this awesome power away from these people who routinely punish parents for nothing (under their "elastic" laws) while they continue to make dope addicts out of small children. These people need to be reined in, and soon. Before they make dope addicts out of all the children they, in their "wisdom," don't know how to handle otherwise.

They've set themselves up as the "final arbiter" on child abuse while themselves abusing the children they claim to be protecting. Their arrogance knows no bounds. As long as people who could do something about it ignore the problem, having "bought" their false propaganda about "millions of child abuse reports" (80% of which, by their own numbers, can't be proven) most of which have come from their massive effort to solicit such reports on the promise that even if the report is false no one can be punished.

A LEGAL "ATOMIC BOMB": This factor makes a child abuse accusation an "action of choice" against anyone you don't like, or who is in any kind of a legal action against you. False child abuse reports have become a "legal atomic bomb" to be used against an opponent in adversarial actions, from landlord-tenant disputes to contested divorces. Lawyers routinely advise clients to file false reports, knowing that the "Good Samaritan Laws" prevent retaliation.

It's time this situation came to an end. The national news media needs to take a long, hard look at the "child protectors, nationwide. The Wenatchee (Washington) type witch-hunt is going on all over the country, even the world. But when one or two such cases make the news they're always treated as "local stories" and no one notices how many such stories there are all over the country.

No one seems to understand that this is NOT just a "local" problem. It is a national, even international problem (if information I get from other countries is true), and it isn't going to go away until the media recognizes it for what it is and exposes it after an exhaustive investigation.

This is just one story out of millions of cases of child abuse by the very people who are claiming to protect children while they "run amok" and trample the rights of the children AND the parents using "subjective" (elastic) laws.

Many say that people like me want to make it easier for pedophiles. How stupid. They forget that I must live in the world I've created, and if I make it easier for pedophiles, my own children and grandchildren are at risk (one of my son's children has already been sexually assaulted while in the care of foster parents). "Child protectors, while wasting the time persecuting innocent people, leave no time to go after the real child abusers. All I want is equal treatment of accused child abusers with accused murderers and no child abuse by CPS called "protection."


On July 20, 1998, after CPS had "custody" of my son's children for three years, making his the longest-running case in Denver, the court returned permanent custody to him, rejecting the "last gasp" effort of the Guardian Ad Litem to terminate (against the wishes of the prosecutor). The children are beside me as I write this. Now all that's left is to dispose of their "ransom attempt" of $10,000 for "the cost of foster care" that would not have been needed if not for their kidnap of these children without cause. If anyone in this case owes foster care money it's their mother, whose childish act precipitated three years of torment for my son and his sons.


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