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Evangelion 64

Neon Genesis Evangelion
Neon Genesis Evangelion for the Nintendo 64 is one of the most
graphicallybeautiful and complex games for the N64. Unfortunately, it suffered
the"Zelda" syndrome, incredible graphics, but it's way too easy tobeat, even
in the Hard level. Although that doesn't make my view of thisgame change any.
This is definitely one of the coolest games in'99!
Eva 64 follows the entire (almost) sequence of events that happened in the TV
series all the way to the Movie. What surprised me the most aboutthis game is
that it has graphics that I thought I'd never see in a Nintendo64 game: "Full
Motion Video" OK, not really but it does have somealbeit a few seconds worth!
Another is the detail of each single model in the game. So far, no other game
released has this much detail.

Menu Screen
After the opening cinema you are presented with the Menu Screen (aka the MAGI
System) You have three options: Simulation Mode, Story Mode, and Option Mode.
Simulation Mode
This is a training level. You choose between all The five children:
Rei, Asuka, Shinji, Toji, and Kaoru.
The First Option is Test Program. Test Program is a simulation of anAngel
attack and you have to shoot it with whatever weapon your Eva isequipped
There are six levels (0-5) and the more Angels you destroy with theminimum
amount of ammo within the amount of time allotted (00:59 sec.) you get a
higher ranking.
Simulation 00
Target: Angel 03 "Sachiel"
Weapon: Pallet Gun
Objective: Shoot down 10 Sachiels with under 400 shots to get an A ranking.
Aim for his core.

Simulation 01
Target: Angel 04 "Ramiel"
Weapon: Positron Rifle
Objective: Shoot down at least 10 Ramiels with 10 shots to get an A ranking.
12 Ramiels with 12 shots would get you an S ranking. Remember to shoot Ramiel
directly at the center or you'll miss the first shot.

Simulation 02
Target: Angel 09 "Matariel"
Weapon: Pallet Gun
Obective: Shoot down 10 Matariels with under 300 shots to get an A ranking.
Aim for Matariel's "eyes" and because the buildings are in the way, you don't
have much time to aim and shoot.

Simulation 03
Target: Angel 12 "Reriel"
Weapon: Handgun
Objective: Shoot down 10 Reriels with 200 or under shots to Get an A ranking.
Start shooting as soon as it starts fading in.

Simulation 04
Target: Angel 14 "Zeriel"
Weapon: Grenade Launcher
Objective: Shoot down at least 8 Zeriels as you can with under 50 shots to get
an A ranking. It only takes three or four direct hits to the core take him
down, but aiming the grenade launcher and scoring a direct hit is a different

Simulation 05
Target: Sachiel, Ramiel, Matariel, Reriel, Zeriel
Weapon: Pallet Gun
Objective: Shoot down 10 Angels with 400 or under shots to get an S ranking.
Remeber that the same rules apply to whatever Angel you're facing.

Accessed afterfinishing the Hard level Mission is all the Missions in the game
(01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07,08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 12.5, 13)
See below for the Missionsguide.
Story Mode
The Story Mode is all thirteen (fourteen if you count mission 12) in
thesequence of events that happened in the TV series all the way up to
theMovie. Go HERE for my Missions guideand tips.
Options Mode
Depending on if you beat the game in all the different levels (Easy toHard)
more options pop up.
Level Change game settings from Easy to Hard

Third Impact Erase all data (Pretty cool option to erase thedata right?!)

Sound Accessed afterfinishing the Easy level the Sound Option lets you
listento all the Background music, Voices and Sound Effects.

Model Accessed after finishingthe Normal level the Model Option lets you see
all themodels that are in the game. Look at how much detail they put into each
model. Its just Incredible!

Action Accessed afterfinishing the Hard level the Action Option lets you
seeany animation that you already uncovered.

Before Engaging The Enemy
Learning your Units full potential is the key to success. (I cant believe I
just said that!)
 Umbilical Cable

Since the Evas cannot operate for five minutes on low power mode or one minute
on full power mode, The Evas need the Umbilical Cable connected on their backs
to supply them with power indefinitely. In the game, the moment you are
grabbed or knocked down (conditional in some missions) you lose your umbilical
cable and will only have the ability to fight for five minutes. 

 AT Field

The Angels have a barrier known only as the AT (Absolute Terror) Field which
makes them almost impervious to some conventional weapons. Nerv incorporated
that capability into the Eva Units making the Evas the only thing that can
stand up to an Angel attack. 
The vertical bar to the left of your live screen is the ATF gauge. Orange
means you can raise your ATF and You cant when its green. It takes time to
charge your ATF so the longer your ATF is up, it takes twice as long to charge
it. Pressing and holding down C-down button will raise your AT Field. Useful
when you can't dodge or attack in time. If you're close enough, you can tear
through an Angels AT Field if you raise it when you're close enough and if its
own ATF is up (true in Missions 01 and 02.) Tap A and C-down rapidly when this
happens. Your ATF gauge will show how much longer till the Angel's ATF can
hold, but if you fail, you are open for a counterattack from the enemy.
In Mission 08, use your AT Field to block you from Unit 03's jumping attack by
raising it after you throw or kick him away.
In Mission 12, Unit 02 can throw its AT Field at the Seele troops by pressing
A after raising its AT Field.

3D Action Battle: Missions 01, 02, 08, 12, 12.5, 13
 Watch this gauge! Its not there for decorations you know!
 Synch Ratio
The Synch Ratio determines how well you can fight inside an Evangelion unit.
The higher synch ratio you have, the more attacks are at your diposal. Below
is a list of what attacks are available at different synch ratios for
different missions.
Missions 08, 12, 12.5, 13
Though the Synch Ratios are shown, they only go down a few points whenever you
are hit, or if you're idle for a few seconds and go up a few points for every
successful hit.
Missions 01, 02, 08, 12, 12.5, 13
When grappling an Angel, rapidly press A + C-down to raise your synch ratio.
Do this even though it is just an animation that you can't control.

Mission 01

Basic Attacks

       0-39 Punch A button.
       40-79 Double Punch A, A.
       80 or higher Double Punch and Kick Combo A, A, A.
       100 or higher Great Punch Up on Analog stick + A.
       100 or higher Great Kick Down on Analog stick + A.


       0 - 10 Below 40% means you can't pilot an Eva PERIOD! You can't grab
and you can only attack once.
       0-39 High toss Up on Analog stick+A+B, Body Blow Up on Analog stick,
A+B. Tearing through AT Fields are possible, though very hard.
      60 - 99 ??? Up on Analog stick+A+B, Knee kick Up on Analog stick, A+B.
Tearing through AT Fields are easier.
      100 or higher Bone Snap Up on Analog stick+A+B, Unforgiving Arm Snap Up
on Analog, A+B.
When you go into berserker mode, your synch ratio goes up 100% and if you
haven't broken through his AT Field yet, it will go up another 50%.

Running Attacks

       0-59 Tackle Up on Analog + A, Jump Kick Up on Analog + A.
       60-99 Tackle 2 Up on Analog, A, Jump Kick 2 Up on Analog+A.
       100 or higher Tackle Strike Up on Analog, A, Leap Up Strike Up on

Mission 02

Basic Attacks

       0-39 Punch A button.
       40-79 Double Punch A, A.
       80 or higher Double Punch and Kick Combo A, A, A.
       100 or higher Great Punch Up on Analog stick + A.
       100 or higher Great Kick Down on Analog stick + A.


       0-59 Finger Strike Up on Analog + A+B, Body Blow Up on Analog, A+B.
       60 or higher Arm Hold A+B.
       0-99 (With Progressive Knife) Body Cut A+B.
       100 or higher Body Demolish Up on Analog + A+B, Penetrating Cut Up on
Analog, A+B.

Running Attacks

       0-59 Tackle Up on Analog + A, Jump Kick Up on Analog+A.
       0-59 (With Progressive Knife) Running Tackle Up on Analog + A.
       60-99 Tackle Up on Analog + A, Jump Kick 2 Up on Analog + A.
       60-99 (With Progressive Knife) Running Tackle Up on Analog + A, Jump
Kick Up on Analog + A.
       100 or higher Mounted Strike Up on Analog, A.
       100-119 (With Progressive Knife) Running Tackle Up on Analog + A.
       120 or higher Running Mount Up on Analog + A.

Mission 08
>From this pont on, your synch ratio doesn't go below 100% 

Basic Attacks

       0-39 Punch A button.
       40-79 Double Punch A, A.
       80 or higher Double Punch and Kick Combo A, A, A.
       100 or higher Great Punch Up on Analog stick + A.
       100 or higher Great Kick Down on Analog stick + A.


       100 or higher Arm Snap Up on Analog + A+B, Face Grab Up on Analog +

Running Attacks

       0-109 Tackle Up on Analog, A, Jump Kick Up on Analog + A.
       110-119 Jump Kick 2 Up on Analog + A, Mounted Strike Up on Analog + A.

       120-129 Leap Up Strike Up on Analog + A, Mounted Face Mangle Up on
Analog + A.
       130 or higher Leap Up from Face Grab Up on Analog + A, Mounted Twisting
Face Mangle Up on Analog + A.

Mission Strategy

Shinji Ikari, a boy of fourteen years of age is forced to pilota machine known
only as Evangelion Unit 01.
Action 01: Destroy the Third Angel!
If you want to beat him real quick, just keepgrabbing him. If you're close
enough, press C-down to put up your AT Fieldand tap button A and C-down to
break through the Angel's ATF. If you wantto follow the events in the anime,
play this on Easy mode first and watchthe pattern. If he grabs you and the
animation is like in the Anime, thenEva 01 will go berserk. Breaking through
the ATF is much more effectivewhen Eva 01 is Berserk.
Remember the pattern to go berserk is: Eva 01loses Umbillical Cable, Angel
breaks arm of Eva 01, Angel grabs Eva 01'shead, destroys right eye, and throws
him back.
Tip 1: When Berserk and far away from the Angel(like after grabbing him), if
you hold the R button and right on the analogUnit 01 will start running. If
the camera angle changes to Unit 01's face,wait till his eyes glow and press
A+B. Unit 01 will tacle the Angel.

Shinji's second bogey, he has to fight an Angel inthe center of Tokyo-3.
Action 01: Destroy the Fourth Angel!
Same technique with the first angel, wait forhim to attack then move in to
grab. In hard mode, you have to break throughthe ATF first. If you want to
follow the storyline, wait till the powergoes down to one minute before
finishing it off.

Tip 2: If Unit 01 is still attached to the UmbilicalCable, you can still use
the same tackle technique as in Mission 01. Thisstill works if you have the
knife and if the Angel's ATF is still up orif throw him far enough when you
grab him. Be careful though, sometimeswhen you tackle him, he can still
retaliate damage you pretty good so itsbetter to jump kick him instead.

An impenetrable new enemy has emerged, and Shinjiis powered by the entire
country of Japan to destroy the new Angel.
Action 01: Penetrate the enemy's defense!
Possibly the easiest mission in the whole game,even in Hard MOde. Use the
Analog Stick to aim the Positron cannon. Keepit steady on the center and
shoot. It is possible to shoot down the Angelbefore it has the chance to shoot
itself. If you miss the first time, Reiwill sheild you from the second
A new mecha was made to replace Nerv's expensivefighting machine. When it went
out of control, it was up to Shinji andMisato to stop it.
Action 01: Stop Jet Alone!
Tap A+C-down to make Unit 01 run and catch JAbefore it reaches the maximum
safety limit of the city.
Action 02: Keep Jet Alone steady while Misato disarms the nucleardevice.
Press whatever direction it shows on the screenon the analog while tapping
A+C-down. Stop when it reaches safety.
Shinji and Asuka faces a new enemy that can divideinto two separate beings.
Action 00: Synchronize!
Choosing the left option will take you to training.You can train as many times
as you want.
Action 01: You'd better not screw up Shinji!
This is the coolest mission in the entire game!It's almost like Bust-A-Move
(the dancing game.) You have to press theC buttons in whatever order to be in
When prompted, press C-button:
1: up, left, right
2: right, left, down
3: down, down, up
4: up, up, down
5: down, left, up
6: up, right, down
7: down, down, down
The secret last command: up, up, up
You don't have to input the last command, itsmuch funnier that way!
Nerv dicovers an "egg" of an Angel within an activevolcano and Asuka's chosen
to retrieve it.
Action 01: Capture the Sleeping Angel!
Move around until you find the Angel and pressthe Z button. Align it with your
Eva until the gauge on the bottom of thescreen is on "center." If it's not
centered, it will hit you. When youcan't find it in time, press B to dodge but
you have to time it just asthe red alert message goes up.
MISSION 07: SHE SAID, "Don't make others suffer for your personal hatred."
A new Angel is found over the Earth's atmospherewith the capacity to destroy
Tokyo-3 and the Geofront on impact.
Actions 01 to 03: Misato's Revenge
Press A when you reach the green line, althoughyou don't have to. Just press A
on the final one.
Another tip: Jab on the A button when it reachesthe first three lines so the
last line will give you more space, but ifyou make a mistake, it will make the
last line smaller.
Action 04: Catch the Falling Angel!
Tap A+C-down to keep the Angel from impact.
The newly completed Eva Unit 03 was contaminatedby an Angel and has to be
Action 01: Defeat Eva Unit 03!
Same technique as in the first two missions.When you grab Unit 03 and throw
him away, set up your ATF and hold C-downto keep it up so that he wont jump on
Tip: Tackling Unit 03 has its perils too. Ifyou don't raise your AT Field in
time, he'll jump kick you. This will also happen if you are just in range for
a jump kick.
A powerful new Angel has invaded the Geofront anddefeated both Eva Unit 02 and
Unit 00 and Shinji must decide if he willever pilot the Eva again.
Action 01: Shinji, Don't Run Away!
One of the more difficult missions since thisdoesn't give much error space,
move the Analog Stick in whatever directionand either the A or B buttons when
it tells you to. Be careful though,it only takes three mistakes to finish you
off. It is possible to finishthis stage with Unit 01 intact.
An Angel of Light appears above the Earth's atmosphereattacking Asuka's Mind.
Well out of reach of any conventional weapon, Gendocommands Rei to use the
Lance of Longinus to destroy the 15th Angel.
Action 01: Guide the Lance
Use the Analog Stick to aim the Lance straightinto the center of the Angel.
Action 02: Penetrate it's Absolute Terror Field (ATF)
Tap A+C-down till you penetrate the AT Field.
MISSION 11: THE BEGINNING AND END OR "Knockin' on Heaven's Door"
Kaoru Nagisa, the Fifth Child is actually the lastAngel. He commondeers Eva
Unit 02 and is only moments away from startingThird Impact.
Action 01: Stop Third Impact!
This fight is mostly countering each others attacks by tapping A+C-down.
Normal attacks don't take out as much life as grappling or overpowering Unit
02. The controls are:
A: Horizontal slash
B: Guard or dodge
A + Up: Overhead stab
A+B: Grapple 
Here's a tip: If you feel tired from tappingA+C-down, press start to pause,
then unpause it and continue tapping A+C-down.

Seele is attacking Nerv and Asuka, still catatonicis put in Eva 02 and ejected
into the lake. All of a sudden she awakensand her sync ratio is up again and
pilots Eva 02 once again!
Action 01: Destroy all Seele Ground and Air troops.

Nothing much to do here, just waste time until the 3:30 time marker. Hold or
tap down the analog stick to step or kick the tanks at your feet.
Tip: If there is a hovering VTOL in frontand back of Unit 02, grab one and
she'll knock it into the other. Also,If you press C-down to raise her AT
field, press A to throw it.
After seeing Eva 02 in action, Seele sends the EvaSeries Unit 05 to fight
Asuka by herself.
Action 1: Destroy all nine Eva Series Unit 05s.

You have three and a half minutes of power leftto beat the Eva Series.
Grabbing them is the fastest way to beat all nineEvas. You can still use the
weapon, but it will take you longer to beat allof them because you have to get
the right animation.
Tip: The Tackle technique still works here, butonly on the first one she
faces. Since Unit 02's eyes don't glow (it exposes its "real eyes"), wait for
an audio cue to press A. If done correctly,she'll leapfrog over the first one,
stabbing him in the head with her progknife.
MISSION 13: MAGOKORO O KIMINI (My Purest Heart For You)

With Unit 02's internal battery exhausted, theEva Series regenerate themselves
and take to the air, destroying Eva Unit02. Back at Terminal Dogma, Shinji
pilots Unit 01 and grows "wings of light."
Action 1: Destroy all nine Eva Unit 05s.
It only takes three hits to finish you off, soback off till you see them
attack then move in for the kill.

Action Sequences


000: Eva 01 launch
001: Shinji is trying to walk in Eva 01
002: AT Field tear
003: Dash Animation
004: Dash Berserk Animation
005: Grab 1 animation
006: Eva 01 picks up and throws Angel
007: Grab and throw
008: Grab break left arm, kick
009: Grab both arms, kick
010: Eva 01 grabs bone of Angel and pulls
011: Grab, twist face, kick
012: grab, knee kick
013: dash, throw back
014: dash, push back, hit when down
015: berserk dash, pull face
016: dash jump, pound face
017: berserk dash jump pull face
018: dash jump kick
019: dash jump kick 2
020: dash bounce back
021: Dash jump with Angel AT Field up
022: Angel breaks arm and neck of Eva 01
023: Angel breaks both arms of Eva 01
024: Angel stabs Eva 01 in left eye
025: Angel Throws Eva 01 upwards
026: Angel blasts Eva 01
027: Eva 01 berserk
028: Berserk dash rips AT Field
029: Eva 01 dies
030: Angel dies standing up
031: Angel dies lying down
032: Angel wraps Eva 01 then self-destructs


033: Eva 01 launch
034: Eva 01 tears AT Field
035: Running Animation
036: Eva 01 grabs and throws down
037: eva 01 grabs tentacles and throws
038: Eva 01 breaks "arm" of Angel
039: Dash Attack
040: Dash Attack 2
041: Dash Jump kick 
042: Dash Jump kick 2
043: upwards stab on Angel
044: downwards stab on angel
045: Eva 01 stabs through Angel
046: Dash stab
047: dash attack with knife
048: failed dash attack
049: dash jump with Angel AT Field up
050: Angel stabs Eva 01 with tentacles
051: Angel throws Eva 01 to ground
052: Eva 01 lands on mountain
053: Angel counters Eva 01 dash attack
054: Angel 04 destruction standing
055: Angel 04 destruction on ground
056: Eva 01 stabs Angel to death


057: Eva 01 dash animation
058: Eva 01 breaks neck of Bardiel
059: Eva 01 breaks both arms of Bardiel
060: Eva 01 dash charge
061: Eva 01 dash attack
062: Eva 01 dash attack 2
063: Eva 01 dash jump kick
064: Eva 01 dash jump kick 2
065: Eva 01 dash jump attack
066: Eva 01 dash jump attack 2
067: Bardiel breaks both arms of Eva 01
068: Bardiel grab and throw
069: Bardiel long arm strangle
070: Bardiel long arm throw
071: Bardiel jump kick
072: Bardiel jump attack
073: Bardiel dies
074: Bardiel dies 2


075: Eva 02 kicks tank
076: Eva 02 kicks tank 2
077: Eva 02 steps on tank
078: Eva 02 steps on tank 2
079: Eva 02 throws VTOL to ground
080: Eva 02 throws VTOL to ground
081: Eva 02 grabs VTOL into another VTOL 
082: Eva 02 grabs VTOL into another VTOL 2


083: Eva 02 grabs Prog Knife
084: Eva 02 running
085: Eva 02 jumps over Eva 05 head, stabbing with prog knife
086: Eva 02 stabs through Eva 05 with prog knife
087: prog knife breaks after second Eva 05
088: Eva 02 picks up blade
089: Eva 02 cuts neck of eva 05 
090: Eva 02 slices Eva 05 stomach
091: Eva 02 takes down Eva 05 with blade
092: Eva 02 cuts neck of eva 05 
093: EVA 02 stabs Eva 05 in stomach then throws
094: Eva 02 kills two Eva 05
095: eva 02 drives eva 05 head to ground
096: eva 02 grabs eva 05 from behind breaking back
097: eva 02 picks up and breaks eva 05 back
098: Eva 02 bear hugs Eva 05
099: Eva 02 drives hand into eva 05
100: eva 02 breaks eva 05 neck
101: eva 02 breaks eva 05 mouth
102: eva 02 and 05 blades bounce
103: eva 05 knocks blade off eva 02 hands
104: eva 05 bites eva 02 neck
105: eva 05 grabs eva 02 chest
106: eva 05 breaks back of eva 02
107: eva 05 stabs eva 02 with blade
108: Eva 02 shoots spikes into eva 05 head
109: Eva 02 victorious


110: Eva 01 slices neck of eva 05
111: Eva 01 slices neck of eva 05
112: Eva 01 slices chest of eva 05
113: Eva 01 slices chest of eva 05
114: Eva 01 slices side of eva 05
115: Eva 01 slices neck of eva 05
116: Eva 01 stabs eva 05 in chest
117: Eva 01 stabs eva 05 in neck
118: Eva one slices longinus spear
119: Eva 05 down
120: last Eva 05 destruction
121: Eva 01 failed
122: Eva 01 victorious

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