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Fate of Eva

Status of Evas
Name Status
Eva 00 Self Destructed
Eva 01 Drifting in space
Eva 02 Destroyed in battle
Eva 03 Destroyed in battle
Eva 04 Dissapeared during test
Eva 05-13 Became relics after the 3rd impact

Status of Characters
Name Status
Rei 1 murdered
Rei 2 Sacrificed herself
Rei 3 United with Lillith
Toji Suzuhara Injured in action
Kaworu Nagisa Killed in action
Gendo Ikari Evolved to higher level of existence [will now be referred to as evolved]
Kouzou Fuyutsuki Evolved
Misato Katsuragi KIlled in action
Ritsuko Akagi Murdered
Ryoji Kaji Killed
Maya Ibuki Evolved
Makato Hyuga Evolved
Shigeru Aoba Evolved
Naoko Akagi Suicide
Yui Ikari Disapeared [possibly the soul of EVA 01 and 00
Kensuke Aida Unknown
Hikari Horaki Unknown
Keel Lorenz Evolved
American Seele Rep. Evolved
French Seele Rep. Evolved
UK Seele Rep. Evolved
Russian Seele Rep. Evolved
Pen-Pen Unknown
Shinji's Homeroom Teacher Unknown

Fate of Angels
Name/Number Destroyed By:
Adam, 01 2nd Impact
Lillith, 02 3rd Impact
Sachiel, 03 Eva 01
Shamsiel, 04 Eva 01
Ramiel, 05 Eva 00 & 01
Gaghiel, 06 Eva 02
Israfel,07 Eva 01 & 02
Sandalphon, 08 Eva 00 & 01 & 02
Matareal, 09 Eva 02
Sahaqueil, 10 Eva 00 & 01 & 02
Ireul, 11 Magi Computer
Leliel, 12 Eva 01
Bardiel, 13 Eva 01
Zereul, 14 Eva 01
Arael, 15 Eva 00
Armisael, 16 Eva 00
Tabris, 17 Eva 01

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