Welcome to my Homepage!

Last update Sunday 16th Jan 2000

Hey!It looks like your Visiter--and it looks like you broke it too!

Ha! Thought it would but a smile on your face!


PLease could you have a look at the site i have made below!


If you click here you will get to a page where there is lots of funny pictures!Trust me they are funny! if you don't agree you are a very strang person!



This will be scaryier than seeing a real ghost! TRUST ME!!!WARNING!it might make you sick!



If you click here you will get to a page with lots of babes dressed up in little flowery dresses!


Free XXX!!

Click here if you want some free porn! If you click here you woul bypass the password bit and you would be in the best porn site on the web!


$Getting Paid$

If you want some cash press here!And this is not a scam!

Thank you for visiting my site and i hope you all have a good

Everyone!!(i made the little millennium picture myself! cool uh!)

PRESS HERE!please press on the botton which says 'Push Me' As many times as you can!

Oh shit!My T.V broke again!

Please could you visit my other homepage,It is worth a look!If you don't agree just send me an e-mail about your complaint!



IF you think this website is really good and you really loved every bit oof it then i would just like to tell you that i accept all major credit cards!


Fruit machines tips and games for you to download

Full Games!(no need to go and buy them for £40.00 come and get them here!!!)

And cracks for all your registering needs!(For you people who don't know what a crack is it is a patch to make some of your programs which might need an registration # or password like winzip,you could dowload the patch and you would automatically of registered the program!pretty cool uh!)

and soon i might have an mail list so that i wil e-mail you every time the website is updated you would know about it.

Please could you click here and fill in your name for greeting!


E-mail: bluedragon_45@hotmail.com Please send all your comments and complains (yeah, like i will get any complaints!)to this address and any other things like money!

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