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Commentary Team Change

Forgotten Force vs. The Kliq (Stable Title)

Howard Finkle - This match is a Standard Match tag match for the Stable Title titles. On there way to the ring at this time, Forgotten Force!!!

[{Music begins to play as three members of Forgotten Force come out to the ring.} ]

Howard Finkle - and their opponents, the team of The Kliq.

[{Music begins to play, and pyro goes flying everywhere as The Kliq makes their way to the ring.} Chips grabs HBK's arm and strkes his elbow. HBK checks out the ring. (the bell rings) They lockup. Chips sends Shawn to the corner of the ring. ]

Michael Cole - Shawn takes a weak move.

[Chips runs and tackles HBK. Chips punches him in the head. Chips covers HBK hooking the leg. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 HBK kicks out. ]

Michael Cole - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Shawn Michaels.

[Shawn Michaels gets up. Shawn Michaels kicks Chips in the back of the leg. HBK grabs Chips and applies an arm wrench. Chips stands up. Shawn punches Chips in the head. HBK makes the tag to Kevin Nash. Kevin Nash tackles and begins punching Chips. Chips is up again. Chips gut-wrenchs Nash. Nash stands up. ]

Terry Taylor - I wish every match could be like this!

[Nash tags X-Pac. Chips stomps X-Pac's head. X-Pac brings in Nash for The Kliq. Chips slaps the face of Kevin Nash. Chips is back on his feet. Chips brings in Kid for Forgotten Force. Nash measures Kid up and drops a closed fist. Now Big Sexy standing. Kevin Nash applies an arm wrench to Kid. Kid tags 4ever Unknown. Kevin Nash knees 4ever Unknown and rolls back to his feet. 4ever Unknown makes the tag to Chips. They lockup. 4ever sends Big Sexy to the corner of the ring. ]

Jim Ross - This is just awefull! Big Sexy is being double teamed!

[4ever Unknown climbs to his feet. Nash lifts 4ever into the air and delivers a spine buster. 4ever gets up. Kevin Nash and 4ever Unknown go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Nash swings a Steel chair and hits 4ever Unknown. 4ever Unknown is bleeding as a result. Kevin Nash lifts 4ever Unknown into a vertical suplex. ]

Terry Taylor - If Nash keeps using moves like that Vertical Suplex he could win the match!

[Kevin Nash is up again. (..2) (...3) Big Sexy stomps 4ever Unknown's head. (....4) Kevin Nash shoulder tackles Unknown. Nash is back on his feet. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Big Sexy and Unknown move back to ringside. Nash takes Unknown into the ring. Big Sexy measures 4ever Unknown up and drops a closed fist. Big Sexy gets up. Chips makes the tag to 4ever Unknown. Kevin Nash knees 4ever and rolls back to his feet. Kevin Nash kicks Unknown on the mat. Now 4ever Unknown standing. 4ever Unknown hits the mat. Kevin Nash climbs to his feet. Kevin Nash brings in HBK for The Kliq. HBK measures 4ever Unknown up and drops a closed fist. X-Pac piledrives 4ever. ]

Michael Cole - 4ever is being double teamed!

[4ever Unknown clotheslines X-Pac. 4ever Unknown tags Kid. HBK knees Kid and rolls back to his feet. Kid tags 4ever Unknown. 4ever Unknown slaps the face of HBK. 4ever gets back to his feet. 4ever makes the tag to Kid. Kid punches Shawn Michaels repeatedly. Chips reverse DDT's Shawn's head into the mat. Chips delivers a low blow to Shawn Michaels. ]

Terry Taylor - This is just awefull! Shawn Michaels is being double teamed!

[Shawn Michaels executes a reverse DDT on Chips. ]

Jim Ross - I wish every match could be like this! Are you enjoying this match?

Michael Cole - Yeah, you know it.

[Kid tags in Chips. Shawn Michaels stomps Chips's head. ]

Terry Taylor - Chips takes a Stomp.

[HBK covers Chips hooking the leg. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 Chips kicks out. ]

Jim Ross - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[Chips is up again. Chips drives a forearm into Shawn. Chips kicks Shawn Michaels in the back of the leg. Shawn Michaels gets back to his feet. Shawn Michaels tags X-Pac. Kevin Nash slaps the face of Chips. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - That's strategy right there! Double Team Chips.

[Chips punches Big Sexy in the head. Kevin Nash short-arm clotheslines Chips to the mat. X-Pac tags in Big Sexy. Shawn Michaels stomps Chips. X-Pac leg drops Chips. ]

Jim Ross - Chips is being double teamed!

[X-Pac fist drops Chips on the mat. X-Pac gets up. Chips vertical suplexes X-Pac to the mat. ]

Michael Cole - If Chips keeps using moves like that Vertical Suplex he could win the match!

[Chips gets up. ]

Terry Taylor - The WWF is the only place for entertainment like this!

[Chips tags in Kid. Kevin Nash grabs Kid and applies an arm wrench. Kid moves back to his feet. Chips tagged in by Kid. 4ever connects with a flying knee. Nash goes down. ]

Michael Cole - Come on ref! Do something!! Big Sexy is being double teamed!

[4ever punches Big Sexy in the head. 4ever lifts Big Sexy into a vertical suplex. Now 4ever Unknown standing. Big Sexy piledrives Chips. Chips gets up. Kevin Nash executes a neck-breaker on Chips. Nash executes a neck breaker. Kevin Nash covers Chips hooking the leg. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Howard Finkle - The winners of this match, and new Stable Title champions, The Kliq!!!

Cunny Linguis vs. Taz (Fuck the World Title) gimmick (Standard Match)

Howard Finkle - This match is a Standard Match for the Fuck the World Title title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Cunny Linguis!!! (crowd boos **)

[{Music begins to play as the gay guy they call Cunny Linguis walks out to the ring making out with his boyfriend.} ]

Howard Finkle - and his opponent, weighing in at 286 pounds, accompanied by Tammy Lynn Bytch, Taz!!!

[{Music begins to play as the man who's only weapons are his hands, Taaz, walks out to the ring.} Cunny Linguis grabs Taz's arm and strkes his elbow. Taz strikes Cunny Linguis in the elbow. (ring, ring, ring) Cunny Linguis low blows Taz. Cunny Linguis knees Taz and rolls back to his feet. Taz climbs to his feet. Taz piledrives Cunny Linguis into the mat. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Ha! Is this a great match or what?

Jim Ross - Yeah, you know it.

[Cunny Linguis gets up. Cunny Linguis kicks Taz in the head. Taz reverse DDT's Cunny Linguis's head into the mat. Cunny Linguis climbs to his feet. Taz lifts Cunny Linguis into a vertical suplex. Taz is back on his feet. Taz fist drops Cunny Linguis on the mat. Taz gets up. Taz stomps Cunny Linguis's head. Taz powerbombs Cunny Linguis into the mat. Taz goes for a pin. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Terry Taylor - We've got ourselves a winner!

Howard Finkle - The winner of this match, and new Fuck the World Title champion, Taz!!!

Commercial Break

[COMMERCIAL: Can't sleep because of a cold? Try Members Mark Ibuprofen Nite-Time. It's doctor recommended!! Dial 10 - 10 - 321 for all your long distance calls! It saves a bundle!! Drink Budweiser! The choice of The Zeus Developement team. Remember, Don't Drink and Drive! Zeus 3.0 is the 1 E-Fed management system in the world. Only from Geeksoft! ]

Dionysus vs. Blue Blazer (Non-Title Match) gimmick (a Dumpster Match)

Howard Finkle - This match is an a Dumpster Match. On his way to at this time, weighing in at 242 pounds,, Blue Blazer!!!

[{Super hero music begins to play as Blue Blazer walks out to the ring.} ]

Howard Finkle - and his opponent, weighing in at 257 pounds,, Dionysus!!! (crowd boos *)

[{Jungle music begins to play as Dionysus makes his way to the ring.} Blazer checks his boots. Dionysus strikes Blue Blazer in the elbow. (the bell rings) Blazer kicks Dionysus in the back of the leg. ]

Jim Ross - Owen executes a Kick.

[Dionysus is up again. Dio connects with a flying knee. Blazer goes down. ]

Michael Cole - Dionysus executes a Knee.

[Dio measures Blue Blazer up and drops a closed fist. ]

Terry Taylor - Dio executes a Fist Drop.

[Dionysus gets up. Dionysus covers Blue Blazer hooking the leg. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Blue Blazer kicks out. ]

Michael Cole - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[Blue Blazer gets up. Dionysus delivers a short-arm clothesline to Blue Blazer. ]

Jim Ross - Owen takes a Short-arm Clothesline.

[Dionysus goes for a pin. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Blue Blazer kicks out. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Owen.

[Owen is back on his feet. Dionysus slaps Blazer in the face. Dionysus moves back to his feet. Owen trys for a Standing Piledriver but is not strong enough to lift Dio.]

Terry Taylor - Did you see that last move?

Jim Ross - Oh yeah!

[Dio delivers a spine buster to Blazer. Dionysus sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

Michael Cole - Dionysus executes a Spine Buster.

Terry Taylor - Blue Blazer could use some help about now.

[Dio runs in and leg drops Blazer. ]

Michael Cole - Dionysus with a Leg Drop.

[Dionysus covers Blue Blazer hooking the leg. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 Blue Blazer kicks out. ]

Jim Ross - That was almost the end of the match right there!

[Blue Blazer is up again. Blue Blazer sends Dionysus into Earl Hebner he goes down. Blazer tackles and begins punching Dio. Owen trys for a Spine Buster but is unable to lift Dio.Chaz runs to . Chaz sets Dio up DDTs him into the . Chaz piledrives Dionysus into the . Ordered is restored. Earl Hebner gets up. Dionysus piledrives Blazer. Blazer gets back to his feet. Dio kicks Owen in the back of the leg. Dionysus powerbombs Owen into the . Dionysus covers Owen hooking the leg. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Michael Cole - We've got ourselves a winner!

Howard Finkle - The winner of this match, Dionysus!!!

Triple H vs. Triple Xpert (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Howard Finkle - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 241 pounds, from Las Vegas, Nevada a member of Golden Squad accompanied by Asya, Triple Xpert!!!

[{Music begins to play as Triple Xpert walks out to the ring, wearing his unusual ring attire.} ]

Howard Finkle - and his opponent, weighing in at 243 pounds, from Greenwich, Connecticut a member of The Kliq accompanied by Chyna, Triple H!!!

[{Music begins to play as Triple H walks down to the ring.} Triple X checks his boots. Triple H checks out the ring. (the bell rings) Triple X connects with a flying knee. Triple H goes down. Triple X kicks Triple H on the mat. Now Triple H standing. HHH takes a slap to the face from Triple X. Triple X stands up. HHH piledrives XXX. XXX climbs to his feet. Triple Xpert runs and tackles Triple H. Triple X punches him in the head. Triple Xpert rolls onto Triple H connecting with a knee. XXX grabs Triple H and applies an arm wrench. Triple X uses a closed fist on Triple H. Triple Xpert short-arm clotheslines HHH to the mat. ]

Jim Ross - HHH takes a Short-arm Clothesline.

[XXX measures HHH up and drops a closed fist. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Fist Drop by XXX.

[XXX is up again. XXX knees HHH and rolls back to his feet. HHH sends Triple X into Earl Hebner he goes down. HHH executes a belly-to-belly suplex on Triple X. Triple H executes a piledriver on Triple Xpert. Buff Bagwell runs to the ring. Bagwell punches Triple H repeatedly. Bagwell executes a back breaker on Triple H. Triple H is up again. Ordered is restored. Earl Hebner gets up. Triple Xpert shoves Earl Hebner. ring, ring, ring! Earl Hebner calls for the bell. Triple Xpert was disqualified. ]

Terry Taylor - Triple H has won the match!

Howard Finkle - The winner of this match, Triple H!!!

Commercial Break

[COMMERCIAL: Want to see a Pro-Wrestling event live? Don't even think about American Express. Visa, it's where you want to be! Zeus 3.0 is the 1 E-Fed management system in the world. Only from Geeksoft! Drink Budweiser! The choice of The Zeus Developement team. Remember, Don't Drink and Drive! Dial 10 - 10 - 321 for all your long distance calls! It saves a bundle!! ]

Chaz vs. The Jury (European Title) gimmick (Standard Match)

Howard Finkle - This match is a Standard Match for the European Title title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 269 pounds,, Chaz!!!

[{Music starts to play as Chaz walks out to the ring.} ]

Howard Finkle - and his opponent, weighing in at 261 pounds, a member of Golden Squad he holds the European Title title belt, The Jury!!!

[{The Golden Squad music begins to play as The Jury walks out to the ring.} Chaz grabs The Jury's arm and strkes his elbow. The Jury grabs Chaz's arm and strkes his elbow. (ding, ding, ding) Chaz kicks The Jury in the back of the leg. Now The Jury standing. Chaz takes a slap to the face from The Jury. The Jury takes Chaz off his feet with a short-arm clothesline ]

Terry Taylor - Short-arm Clothesline!

[The Jury stomps Chaz. The Jury covers Chaz. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 Chaz escapes. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[Chaz climbs to his feet. The Jury delivers a low blow to Chaz. The Jury fist drops Chaz on the mat. ]

Terry Taylor - Fist Drop!

[The Jury gets up. The Jury rolls onto Chaz connecting with a knee. Chaz climbs to his feet. Chaz lifts The Jury up and drops him on the mat. The Jury stands up. ]

Jim Ross - Chaz's momma would be proud!

[The Jury piledrives Chaz into the mat. Chaz moves back to his feet. The Jury puts Chaz in a reverse chin lock. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... Chaz trys to escape. The Jury breaks the hold. The Jury kicks Chaz in the back of the leg. ]

Michael Cole - Kick!

[Chaz gets back to his feet. The Jury takes Chaz down with a knee. Chaz is up again. Chaz gut-wrenchs The Jury. Chaz drags The Jury to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Chaz grabs The Jury and applies an arm wrench. (...3) Chaz fist drops The Jury on the floor. Now Chaz standing. The Jury is back on his feet. (....4) Chaz punches The Jury in the head. The Jury vertical suplexes Chaz to the floor. They fight into the aisle. (.....5) ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Those idiots better pay attention to Earl Hebner!

[Now Chaz standing. (......6) Chaz and The Jury move back to ringside. They head back into the ring. Chaz drives a forearm into the head of The Jury. Chaz shoulder tackles The Jury. Chaz is back on his feet. The Jury gets up. The Jury grabs his hand and flips him to the mat. The Jury grabs Chaz and applies an arm wrench. Chaz gets up. The Jury and Chaz go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) The Jury lifts Chaz up and drops him on his knee. The Jury chokes Chaz. (..2) The Jury runs in and leg drops Chaz. Now Chaz standing. The Jury executes a gut-wrench powerbomb on Chaz. (...3) The Jury executes a piledriver on Chaz. The Jury stomps Chaz. (....4) The Jury rolls onto Chaz connecting with a knee. The Jury head butts Chaz. Chaz gets back to his feet. (.....5) ]

Jim Ross - They better get back to the ring!

[The Jury delivers a kick to the head of Chaz. The Jury applies an arm wrench to Chaz. Chaz is back on his feet. (......6) The Jury drives a forearm into the head of Chaz. The Jury runs and tackles Chaz. The Jury punches him in the head. (.......7) The Jury executes a piledriver on Chaz. The Jury fist drops Chaz on the floor. The Jury is up again. (........8) The Jury chokes Chaz with his boot. Chaz moves back to his feet. The Jury reverse DDT's Chaz's head into the floor. The Jury goes to the ring. (.........9)Chaz moves toward (...........10). ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - We've got ourselves a winner!

Howard Finkle - The winner of this match, The Jury!!!

Chyna vs. Tori vs. Sunny (Women's Title) gimmick (Standard Match)

Howard Finkle - This match is a Standard Match for the Women's Title title. Coming to the ring first, weighing in at 225 pounds, a member of The Kliq, Chyna!!! (crowd boos )

[Chyna comes to the ring. ]

Howard Finkle - The second in this three way match, weighing in at 225 pounds, a member of Golden Squad, Tori!!! (crowd cheers )

[Tori walks to the ring. ]

Howard Finkle - And third, weighing in at 125 pounds, a member of Golden Squad he holds the Women's Title title belt, Sunny!!! (crowd cheers )

[Sunny walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Chyna grabs Tori's arm and strkes his elbow. Tori checks out the ring. Tammy Lynn Sytch grabs Chyna's arm and strkes his elbow. (ring, ring, ring) Chyna short-arm clotheslines Tammy to the mat. Chyna measures Tammy Lynn Sytch up and drops a closed fist. ]

Michael Cole - Sunny takes a Fist Drop.

[Chyna gets back to his feet. Chyna knees Sunny and rolls back to his feet. Chyna stomps Tammy's head. ]

Terry Taylor - Stomp!

[Tammy Lynn Sytch trys for a Spine Buster but is not strong enough to lift Chyna.Tammy kicks Chyna in the back of the leg. Chyna climbs to his feet. Chyna trys for a Standing Piledriver but Tammy Lynn Sytch avoids it. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - The World Wrestling Federation is the only place to find matches like this!

[Tori trys for a Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex but is not strong enough to lift Chyna.Tori applies a boston crab to Chyna. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... ... ... Tori breaks the hold. Tori and Chyna go to the floor ]

Terry Taylor - Tori can't get a pin at ringside.

[Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Tori kicks Chyna in the stomach. ]

Michael Cole - Tori executes a Kick.

[Chyna climbs to his feet. Tammy trys for a Gut-Wrench Power Bomb but Tori avoids it. (...3) Chyna trys for a Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex but is not strong enough to lift Tori.Chyna and Tori move back into the ring. Chyna kicks Tori in the head. Tori climbs to his feet. Tori trys for a Side Slam but is not strong enough to lift Chyna.Tori flips Chyna to the mat. Tori chants start. Chyna gets back to his feet. Tori goes for a figure four. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... Tammy attacks Tori breaking the hold. ]

Terry Taylor - Tori almost won the match!

[Chyna takes a slap to the face from Tori. Tori is up again. Tori reverse DDT's Chyna's head into the mat. Tori chants start. Tori drags Chyna to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Tori dives head first into Chyna. Tori stands up. Tori chokes Chyna with his boot. (..2) Tori runs in and leg drops Chyna. Tori trys for a Piledriver but is unable to lift Chyna.Chyna gets back to his feet. (...3) Tori punches Chyna in the head. Tori trys for a Back Breaker but is unable to lift Chyna.(....4) Tori kicks Chyna in the head. Tori measures Chyna up and drops a closed fist. Tori is back on his feet. (.....5) Tori grabs Chyna and applies an arm wrench. Tori leg drops the throat of Chyna. (......6) Tori knees Chyna and rolls back to his feet. Tori stomps Chyna. (.......7) ]

Jim Ross - Tori'll be counted out.

[Tori grabs Chyna and applies an arm wrench. Tori chants start. Tori measures Chyna up and drops a closed fist. (........8) Tori trys for a Piledriver but is unable to lift Chyna.Tori chokes Chyna with his boot. Tori goes to the ring. (.........9)(...........10). ]

Terry Taylor - Tori has won the match!

Howard Finkle - The winner of this match, Tori!!!

Commercial Break

[COMMERCIAL: Zeus 3.0 is the 1 E-Fed management system in the world. Only from Geeksoft! Dial 10 - 10 - 321 for all your long distance calls! It saves a bundle!! Want to see a Pro-Wrestling event live? Don't even think about American Express. Visa, it's where you want to be! Wheaties, Breakfast of champions. Get your Mick Foley Wheaties box today. Look for it in your Grocery Cereal Aisle. ]

Scott Williams vs. Goldust (United States Title) gimmick (Standard Match)

Howard Finkle - This match is a Standard Match for the United States Title title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 275 pounds, from Hollywood, California a member of Golden Squad accompanied by Marlena he holds the United States Title title belt, Goldust!!!

[{Gold dust falls from the ceiling and music begins to play as Goldust walks out to the ring.} ]

Howard Finkle - and his opponent, weighing in at 265 pounds, a member of Corporate Ministry, Scott Williams!!! (crowd boos ****)

[{Scott Williams walks out to the ring as the Corporate Ministry music is playing.} Goldust checks his boots. Scott grabs Goldust's arm and strkes his elbow. (ring, ring, ring) Goldust kicks Scott in the head. Goldust knees Scott Williams and rolls back to his feet. Scott Williams climbs to his feet. Goldust punches Scott in the head. Goldust connects with a low blow. Scott Williams goes down. Goldust stomps Scott Williams's head. Goldust grabs Scott and applies an arm wrench. Scott stands up. Scott goes for a Body Slam but Goldust dodges the attack. Scott Williams drags Goldust to the floor. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Those idiots will be counted out!

[Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Scott low blows Goldust. (...3) Goldust tackles Scott and pummels his head. Scott climbs to his feet. (....4) Scott Williams delivers a kick to the head of Goldust. (.....5) Scott takes Goldust into the ring. Scott Williams applies an arm wrench to Goldust. Goldust is up again. Scott takes Goldust down with a knee. ]

Michael Cole - Scott executes a Knee.

[Goldust executes a back breaker on Scott Williams. Goldust stomps Scott. Scott climbs to his feet. Scott tackles and begins punching Goldust. Scott Williams punches Goldust in the head. Goldust uses a belly-to-belly suplex. Scott Williams is down. Goldust applies a boston crab to Scott. The referee is checking the situation. ... Scott trys to escape. ... ... ... Goldust breaks the hold. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Goldust was so close!!

[Scott Williams gets up. Scott Williams kicks Goldust in the stomach. Goldust gets back to his feet. Goldust drives a forearm into the head of Scott Williams. Scott tackles Goldust. Goldust executes a gut-wrench powerbomb on Scott. Scott climbs to his feet. Scott delivers a short-arm clothesline to Goldust. Scott Williams stomps Goldust's head. Scott rolls onto Goldust connecting with a knee. Scott Williams covers Goldust hooking the leg. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 Goldust kicks out. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[Goldust gets back to his feet. Goldust flips Scott to the mat. Goldust piledrives Scott Williams into the mat. Goldust chokes Scott. Goldust grabs Scott and applies an arm wrench. Goldust executes a neck breaker. Goldust covers Scott Williams. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Michael Cole - Goldust has won the match!

Howard Finkle - The winner of this match, and still United States Title champion, Goldust!!!

Sid Vicious vs. Test (Intercontinental Title) gimmick (Standard Match)

Howard Finkle - This match is a Standard Match for the Intercontinental Title title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 315 pounds, a member of The Kliq accompanied by Torrie Wilson, Sid Vicious!!! (crowd boos *****)

[Music begins to play throughout the arena as the tall man Sid Vicious comes out to the ring. ]

Howard Finkle - and his opponent, weighing in at 268 pounds, a member of Golden Squad accompanied by Tori he holds the Intercontinental Title title belt, Test!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[{Test's music begins to play as he walks out to the ring.} Psycho Sid grabs Test's arm and strkes his elbow. Test checks out the ring. (ding, ding, ding) Sid uses a closed fist on Test. Test kicks Psycho Sid in the stomach. Test rolls onto Sid Vicious connecting with a knee. Sid Vicious gets back to his feet. Test connects with a flying knee. Sid Vicious goes down. Sid Vicious climbs to his feet. Psycho Sid uses a belly-to-belly suplex. Test is down. Sid Vicious puts Test in a reverse chin lock. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... Test trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) Test escapes. ]

Jim Ross - That was almost the end of the match right there!

[Psycho Sid stomps Test's head. Sid low blows Test. Test climbs to his feet. Sid Vicious lifts Test up and drops him on the mat. Sid sucks chants start in the crowd. Sid drags Test to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Sid Vicious throws a chair at Test. ]

Terry Taylor - The floor is covered with blood from that injury.

[(..2) Psycho Sid tackles Test. Sid is back on his feet. (...3) Psycho Sid fist drops Test on the floor. (....4) Sid Vicious knees Test and rolls back to his feet. Test trys for a Vertical Suplex but Sid avoids it. (.....5) ]

Jim Ross - Test can't win the match out there.

Michael Cole - This is how wrestling should be!

[(......6) They fight into the aisle. Test and Psycho Sid move back to ringside. They fight into the aisle. Test and Sid move back to ringside. Test takes Sid into the ring. Test drives a forearm into Sid. ]

Terry Taylor - Forearm Smash!

[Sid runs and tackles Test. Sid Vicious punches him in the head. Sid Vicious applies an arm wrench to Test. Sid knees Test and rolls back to his feet. Test moves back to his feet. Test executes a neck-breaker on Psycho Sid. Test measures Sid Vicious up and drops a closed fist. Sid Vicious stands up. Test takes a slap to the face from Sid. Sid gets up. Sid takes a slap to the face from Test. Test low blows Sid. Test covers Sid hooking the leg. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 Sid escapes. ]

Terry Taylor - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Sid.

[Sid is up again. Sid Vicious lifts Test into the air and delivers a spine buster. Sid goes for a figure four. Earl Hebner asks Test if he quits. ... (AHHHH!) ... Sid tightens the hold. Test escapes. Sid sends Test to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Psycho Sid chokes Test with a microphone cable. Now Test standing. (..2) Test runs and tackles Sid Vicious. Test punches him in the head. Psycho Sid sends Test into Earl Hebner he goes down. Sid side slams Test. Psycho Sid sucks chants start in the crowd. Now Test standing. Psycho Sid forearm smashes Test. Shawn Michaels runs to ringside. Shawn Michaels chokes Test with a microphone cable. Shawn lifts Test and delivers a back breaker. Shawn Michaels applies an arm wrench to Test. Ordered is restored. Earl Hebner gets up. Test takes Sid into the ring. Sid grabs a chair and hits Test in the head. ring, ring, ring! Earl Hebner calls for the bell. Sid was disqualified. ]

Jim Ross - Test has won the match!

Howard Finkle - The winner of this match, Test!!!

Commercial Break

[COMMERCIAL: Drink Budweiser! The choice of The Zeus Developement team. Remember, Don't Drink and Drive! Zeus 3.0 is the 1 E-Fed management system in the world. Only from Geeksoft! Dial 10 - 10 - 321 for all your long distance calls! It saves a bundle!! Want to see a Pro-Wrestling event live? Don't even think about American Express. Visa, it's where you want to be! ]

Slammin' JoJo vs. Masta Red (Television Title) gimmick (Standard Match)

Howard Finkle - This match is a Standard Match for the Television Title title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 265 pounds, a member of Corporate Ministry he holds the Television Title title belt, Masta Red!!! (crowd boos ******)

[{The Corporate Ministry music comes on as Masta Red walks out to the ring to a crowd full of boos.} ]

Howard Finkle - and his opponent, weighing in at 246 pounds, from Chicago, Illinois a member of The Great Ones accompanied by Ferret, Slammin' JoJo!!! (crowd boos *****)

[{"Intergalactic" by Beastie Boys begins to play as Slammin' JoJo walks out to the ring.} Masta Red grabs Slammin' JoJo's arm and strkes his elbow. Slammin' JoJo checks his boots. (ding, ding, ding) Masta drives a forearm into the head of Slammin' JoJo. Slammin' JoJo slaps Masta Red in the face. Slammin' JoJo gets back to his feet. Masta punches Slammin' JoJo in the head. Masta Red kicks Slammin' JoJo in the back of the leg. Slammin' JoJo moves back to his feet. Slammin' JoJo piledrives Masta into the mat. ]

Michael Cole - Good Standing Piledriver by Slammin' JoJo.

[Slammin' JoJo applies a boston crab to Masta Red. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... Masta Red trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) ... Slammin' JoJo breaks the hold. Masta Red delivers a kick to the head of Slammin' JoJo. Slammin' JoJo gets up. Slammin' JoJo tackles and begins punching Masta. Now Masta standing. Masta Red slaps the face of Slammin' JoJo. Masta Red is up again. Masta delivers a short-arm clothesline to Slammin' JoJo. ]

Jim Ross - Short-arm clothesline!

[Slammin' JoJo climbs to his feet. Slammin' JoJo lifts Masta into the air. Holds him and drops him to the mat. ]

Terry Taylor - Good Vertical Suplex by Slammin' JoJo.

[Slammin' JoJo and Masta Red go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Slammin' JoJo is taking it to Masta Red.

[(..2) Slammin' JoJo applies an arm wrench to Masta Red. ]

Michael Cole - Masta Red takes a Arm Wrench.

[Masta gets back to his feet. (...3) Masta Red tackles Slammin' JoJo and pummels his head. (....4) Masta rolls onto Slammin' JoJo connecting with a knee. Slammin' JoJo climbs to his feet. Masta body slams Slammin' JoJo. Slammin' JoJo gets back to his feet. (.....5) (......6) They fight into the aisle. Masta and Slammin' JoJo move back to ringside. They head back into the ring. Masta connects with a low blow. Slammin' JoJo goes down. Masta stomps Slammin' JoJo's head. Masta Red fist drops Slammin' JoJo on the mat. Now Slammin' JoJo standing. Masta uses a closed fist on Slammin' JoJo. Masta Red reverse DDT's Slammin' JoJo's head into the mat. Masta sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Slammin' JoJo really felt that Reverse DDT!

[Masta Red applies a boston crab to Slammin' JoJo. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... Masta Red tightens the hold. ... ... Masta Red tightens the hold. Slammin' JoJo escapes. ]

Jim Ross - Masta Red was so close!!

[Masta Red grabs Slammin' JoJo and applies an arm wrench. Masta stomps Slammin' JoJo's head. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Stomp by Masta.

[Masta fist drops Slammin' JoJo on the mat. Now Masta Red standing. Masta Red knees Slammin' JoJo and rolls back to his feet. Slammin' JoJo is up again. Masta executes a neck-breaker on Slammin' JoJo. ]

Terry Taylor - Nice Spinning Neck-Breaker by Masta Red.

[Slammin' JoJo kicks Masta in the head. Slammin' JoJo measures Masta Red up and drops a closed fist. Slammin' JoJo gets back to his feet. Slammin' JoJo stomps Masta's head. ]

Jim Ross - Slammin' JoJo with a Stomp.

[Slammin' JoJo rolls onto Masta Red connecting with a knee. Masta Red sends Slammin' JoJo into Earl Hebner he goes down. Masta forearm smashes Slammin' JoJo. Masta Red executes a back breaker on Slammin' JoJo. Slammin' JoJo moves back to his feet. Taz runs to the ring. Swinging Neck-Breaker from Taz takes Masta down. Taz head butts Masta. Taz climbs to his feet. Ordered is restored. Earl Hebner gets up. Masta Red punches Slammin' JoJo repeatedly. Masta Red kicks Slammin' JoJo in the stomach. Slammin' JoJo gets up. Masta Red powerbombs Slammin' JoJo into the mat. Masta goes for a pin. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Michael Cole - We've got ourselves a winner!

Howard Finkle - The winner of this match, and still Television Title champion, Masta Red!!!

Ferret vs. Greenlava (Hardcore Title) gimmick (Standard Match)

Howard Finkle - This match is a Standard Match for the Hardcore Title title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 250 pounds, from Chicago, Illinois a member of The Great Ones, Ferret!!! (crowd boos **)

[{"Body Movin" by the Beastie Boys begins to play as Ferret walks out to the ring.} ]

Howard Finkle - and his opponent, weighing in at 262 pounds, a member of Golden Squad he holds the Hardcore Title title belt, Greenlava!!!

[{A green, eerie light comes on in the arena, music begins to play, and Greenlava comes out to the ring.} Ferret checks his boots. Greenlava checks out the ring. (ring, ring, ring) Ferret delivers a low blow to Greenlava. Greenlava gets back to his feet. Greenlava delivers a low blow to Ferret. Greenlava grabs Ferret and applies an arm wrench. ]

Terry Taylor - Greenlava with a Arm Wrench.

[Ferret climbs to his feet. Ferret goes for a Standing Piledriver but Greenlava dodges the attack. Ferret and Greenlava go to the floor ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Those idiots will be counted out!

[Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - These guys are almost as good as me. Wouldn't you agree?

Jim Ross - Nope.

[(..2) Ferret connects with a flying knee. Greenlava goes down. Now Greenlava standing. (...3) Greenlava short-arm clotheslines Ferret to the floor. Ferret stands up. (....4) Greenlava takes Ferret down with a knee. ]

Michael Cole - Ferret takes a Knee.

[(.....5) They head back into the ring. Greenlava uses a closed fist on Ferret. Greenlava tackles Ferret. Greenlava is back on his feet. Ferret gets back to his feet. Greenlava side slams Ferret. Greenlava moves back to his feet. Greenlava fist drops Ferret on the mat. ]

Jim Ross - Greenlava with a Fist Drop.

[Now Greenlava standing. Greenlava stomps Ferret's head. Greenlava measures Ferret up and drops a closed fist. Greenlava is back on his feet. Greenlava covers Ferret. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Ferret kicks out. ]

Terry Taylor - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Ferret.

[Ferret is up again. Greenlava piledrives Ferret head first into the mat. Ferret moves back to his feet. Greenlava puts Ferret in a reverse chin lock. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... Ferret trys to escape. ... Ferret trys to escape. ... ... (AHHHH!) Greenlava breaks the hold. ]

Jim Ross - We almost had a winner.

Terry Taylor - Greenlava's momma would be proud!

[Ferret trys for a Vertical Suplex but is not strong enough to lift Greenlava.Greenlava executes a back breaker on Ferret. Ferret is up again. Ferret tackles Greenlava and pummels his head. Greenlava is back on his feet. Greenlava vertical suplexes Ferret to the mat. Now Greenlava standing. Greenlava piledrives Ferret into the mat. Ferret gets back to his feet. Ferret grabs a chair and hits Greenlava in the head. ring, ring, ring! Earl Hebner calls for the bell. Ferret was disqualified. ]

Michael Cole - We've got ourselves a winner!

Howard Finkle - The winner of this match, Greenlava!!!

Commercial Break

[COMMERCIAL: Dial 10 - 10 - 321 for all your long distance calls! It saves a bundle!! Wheaties, Breakfast of champions. Get your Mick Foley Wheaties box today. Look for it in your Grocery Cereal Aisle. Want to see a Pro-Wrestling event live? Don't even think about American Express. Visa, it's where you want to be! Drink Budweiser! The choice of The Zeus Developement team. Remember, Don't Drink and Drive! ]

10 Man Battle Royal (Over The Top Battle Royal) (Non-Title Match)

Howard Finkle - The following is a 10 man Over The Top Battle Royal battle royal.

[All 10 men are at the ring. (the bell rings) Nash knees Billy Gunn and rolls back to his feet. Billy Gunn is up again. Billy Gunn shoulder tackles Nash. BA kicks Kevin Nash on the mat. Bad Ass measures Nash up and drops a closed fist. Now BA standing. Nash stands up. After getadvantage m->wnum = 10 Nash executes a back breaker on Billy Gunn. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - BA is getting the crap kicked out of him!

[Big Sexy connects with a flying knee. BA goes down. BA is back on his feet. BA delivers a kick to the head of Nash. BA uses a closed fist on Big Sexy. ]

Terry Taylor - BA executes a Punch.

[BA takes Kevin Nash down with a knee. Kevin Nash moves back to his feet. Sting is back on his feet. Stinger grabs Roadie and applies an arm wrench. Sting measures Roadie up and drops a closed fist. Stinger stomps Road Dogg's head. Stinger applies an arm wrench to Jesse James. Jesse James gets back to his feet. Road Dogg lifts Sting into a vertical suplex. RDJJ is up again. Sting gets up. Roadie piledrives Stinger into the mat. ]

Michael Cole - Nice Standing Piledriver by Jesse James.

Jerry "The King" Lawler - This is how wrestling should be! After fight

[RDJJ chokes Stinger with his boot. RDJJ executes a piledriver on Stinger. Roadie dives head first into Big Show. Roadie climbs to his feet. Road Dogg executes a reverse DDT on Big Show. Roadie throws Paul Wight to the floor. Paul Wight was elimintated by Road Dogg. ]

Terry Taylor - That will do it for Big Show. He's been eliminated!

[Bradshaw sets Faarooq up DDTs him into the mat. Faarooq moves back to his feet. Faarooq takes a slap to the face from Bradshaw. Bradshaw connects with a low blow. Faarooq goes down. Bradshaw kicks Faarooq in the head. Faarooq gets up. Ken Shamrock stomps Scott. ]

Jim Ross - Stomp!

[Ken Shamrock rolls onto Hall connecting with a knee. Hall is back on his feet. Scott lifts Ken up and drops him on his knee. Hall sucks chants start in the crowd. Scott piledrives Ken Shamrock. Ken Shamrock gets back to his feet. After fight Scott grabs his hand and flips him to the mat. Scott sucks chants start in the crowd. Scott rolls onto Kenny connecting with a knee. Kenny is up again. Hall reverse DDT's Shamrock's head into the mat. Swinging Neck-Breaker from Scott takes Ken down. Scott throws Kenny to the floor. Kenny was elimintated by Hall. ]

Michael Cole - Ken has been eliminated!!

[Billy Gunn vertical suplexes Nash to the mat. ]

Terry Taylor - Good Vertical Suplex by Bad Ass.

[Nash stands up. Billy Gunn takes Kevin Nash off his feet with a short-arm clothesline Kevin Nash is up again. BA runs and tackles Kevin Nash. Billy Gunn punches him in the head. BA knees Big Sexy and rolls back to his feet. Bad Ass knees Kevin Nash and rolls back to his feet. Kevin Nash climbs to his feet. Billy Gunn slaps the face of Nash. BA is up again. Bradshaw lifts Faarooq into the air and delivers a spine buster. Faarooq moves back to his feet. Bradshaw shoulder tackles Faarooq. Bradshaw gets up. Bradshaw measures Faarooq up and drops a closed fist. Bradshaw applies an arm wrench to Faarooq. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Arm Wrench!

[Faarooq reverse DDT's Bradshaw's head into the mat. ]

Terry Taylor - I wish every match could be like this! After fight

[Faarooq measures Bradshaw up and drops a closed fist. Faarooq climbs to his feet. Faarooq piledrives Bradshaw into the mat. Faarooq applies an arm wrench to Bradshaw. Faarooq falls head first into Bradshaw. Faarooq moves back to his feet. Bradshaw gets back to his feet. Faarooq tosses Bradshaw to ringside. Bradshaw was elimintated by Faarooq. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Bradshaw is out of here!!

[Faarooq vertical suplexes Buff Daddy to the mat. Faarooq sucks chants start in the crowd. Faarooq stands up. Faarooq chokes Buff Daddy with his boot. Faarooq sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Bagwell really felt that Choke!

[Faarooq fist drops Buff Bagwell on the mat. Faarooq is back on his feet. Bagwell gets up. Buff Daddy low blows Faarooq. Faarooq is up again. Faarooq delivers a short-arm clothesline to Buff Daddy. ]

Jim Ross - Short-arm Clothesline!

[Now Bagwell standing. Buff takes a slap to the face from Faarooq. Faarooq is back on his feet. Faarooq hits the mat. Bagwell stands up. After fight Buff lifts up Faarooq and delivers a gut-wrench power bomb. Faarooq moves back to his feet. Buff Bagwell executes a belly-to-belly suplex on Faarooq. Buff Bagwell chants start. Faarooq is up again. Buff kicks Faarooq in the stomach. Faarooq moves back to his feet. Buff lifts Faarooq into the air. Holds him and drops him to the mat. Buff is back on his feet. Buff Bagwell throws Faarooq over the ropes. Faarooq was elimintated by Buff Bagwell. ]

Terry Taylor - Faarooq has been eliminated!!

[Buff leg drops the throat of Stinger. ]

Jim Ross - Sting could use some help about now.

[Scott Hall lifts Big Sexy up and drops him on the mat. Scott Hall measures Big Sexy up and drops a closed fist. Hall is back on his feet. Scott stomps Big Sexy's head. Scott Hall fist drops Big Sexy on the mat. Hall moves back to his feet. Scott punches Big Sexy in the head. Scott Hall kicks Nash in the head. Kevin Nash goes for a Gut-Wrench Power Bomb but Scott dodges the attack. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Is that the greatest move ever or what?

Michael Cole - Yes sir!

[Kevin Nash delivers a kick to the head of Hall. Hall climbs to his feet. Scott shoulder tackles Nash. Hall stands up. Nash gets back to his feet. Big Sexy delivers a low blow to Scott. Big Sexy grabs Hall and applies an arm wrench. Road Dogg executes a gut-wrench powerbomb on Big Sexy. Jesse James chants start. Billy Gunn uses a belly-to-belly suplex. Road Dogg is down. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Damn!

[Road Dogg gets back to his feet. Roadie tackles Bad Ass and pummels his head. Road Dogg fist drops Billy Gunn on the mat. Road Dogg stands up. Now Bad Ass standing. RDJJ kicks Bad Ass in the head. Billy Gunn lifts Jesse James into the air and delivers a spine buster. ]

Terry Taylor - RDJJ takes a Spine Buster.

[Bad Ass piledrives Roadie into the mat. After fight Buff piledrives RDJJ head first into the mat. Bagwell head butts RDJJ. Buff Daddy flips Jesse James to the mat. Roadie gets back to his feet. Buff Daddy lifts Jesse James up and drops him on the mat. Bagwell throws Jesse James over the ropes. Jesse James was elimintated by Buff. ]

Michael Cole - Roadie has been eliminated!! After fight

[Nash kicks Buff Daddy in the stomach. Kevin Nash head butts Buff Bagwell. Big Sexy moves back to his feet. Big Sexy chokes Buff Bagwell. Nash leg drops the throat of Buff. Buff moves back to his feet. Big Sexy throws Buff Daddy to the floor. Buff Daddy was elimintated by Big Sexy. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - That will do it for Buff Daddy. He's been eliminated! After fight

[Big Sexy executes a reverse DDT on Bad Ass. Kevin Nash executes a piledriver on Bad Ass. Big Sexy stomps Bad Ass. Big Sexy runs in and leg drops Bad Ass. Nash tosses Bad Ass to ringside. Bad Ass was elimintated by Big Sexy. ]

Michael Cole - Billy Gunn is out of here!!

[Sting piledrives Scott. ]

Terry Taylor - Good power move by Sting.

[Now Scott standing. After fight Kevin Nash hits the mat. Scott climbs to his feet. Kevin Nash is up again. Hall vertical suplexes Nash to the mat. Hall is back on his feet. Now Nash standing. Scott slaps the face of Kevin Nash. Now Scott standing. Hall kicks Big Sexy in the back of the leg. Big Sexy is up again. Scott Hall throws Big Sexy to the floor. Big Sexy was elimintated by Scott. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Big Sexy has been eliminated!!

[Scott trys for a Gut-Wrench Power Bomb but Sting avoids it. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Is this a great match or what?

Michael Cole - Yes sir!

[Scott Hall tackles and begins punching Stinger. Stinger tackles Scott and pummels his head. Scott is back on his feet. Hall takes Sting down with a knee. Sting is back on his feet. Stinger piledrives Scott into the mat. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - What a Standing Piledriver!!

Jim Ross - It Looks Like RVD is sitting in the Front row, I wonder what he could be doing here.

[Hall climbs to his feet. After fight Scott Hall uses a belly-to-belly suplex. Stinger is down. Hall stomps Sting's head. Sting moves back to his feet. Stinger delivers a low blow to Scott Hall. Stinger delivers a kick to the head of Hall. Sting chants start. Hall gets back to his feet. RVD Jumps over the Railing and rushes to ringside. Hall's attention is on RVD.  RVD pulls Hall over the top rope, to give Sting the victory. ]

Michael Cole - That will do it for Scott. He's been eliminated!

Jim Ross - Sting has won the match!

Howard Finkle - The winner of the battle royal, Sting!!!

Commercial Break

[COMMERCIAL: Drink Budweiser! The choice of The Zeus Developement team. Remember, Don't Drink and Drive! Want to see a Pro-Wrestling event live? Don't even think about American Express. Visa, it's where you want to be! Zeus 3.0 is the 1 E-Fed management system in the world. Only from Geeksoft! Wheaties, Breakfast of champions. Get your Mick Foley Wheaties box today. Look for it in your Grocery Cereal Aisle. ]

Violent Visionary vs. Super Star (Heavyweight Title) gimmick (a Falls Count Anywhere Match)

Howard Finkle - This match is an a Falls Count Anywhere Match for the Heavyweight Title title. On his way to at this time, weighing in at 267 pounds, from Parts Unknown, Violent Visionary!!! (crowd boos ***)

[{The lights begin to dim and only shine slightly as VV walks down to the ring, evil laughing.} ]

Howard Finkle - and his opponent, weighing in at 200 pounds, a member of Golden Squad he holds the Heavyweight Title belt, Super Star Kurt Boudreau!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[{Music begins to play as Super Star walks out to the ring and the crowd starts chanting his name.} VV checks out . Super Star strikes VV in the elbow. (ding, ding, ding) VV uses a closed fist on Super Star. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Punch by Double V.

[Double V takes Kurt off his feet with a short-arm clothesline ]

Michael Cole - Short-arm Clothesline!

[Super Star picks VV up and side slams him to the . ]

Terry Taylor - Good Side Slam by Super Star.

[Super Star gets up. Super Star knees Violent Visionary and rolls back to his feet. Kurt delivers a short-arm clothesline to Violent Visionary. ]

Jim Ross - Violent Visionary takes a Short-arm Clothesline.

[Violent Visionary delivers a kick to the head of Super Star. Super Star climbs to his feet. Super Star takes a slap to the face from VV. VV gets back to his feet. Double V trys for a Omote Gyaku but Kurt avoids it. Violent Visionary drives a forearm into the head of Super Star. ]

Terry Taylor - Double V executes a Forearm Smash.

[Super Star delivers a kick to the head of VV. Now VV standing. Super Star takes Double V down with a knee. ]

Jim Ross - Knee!

[Super Star grabs Double V and applies an arm wrench. ]

Michael Cole - VV takes a Arm Wrench.

[Double V gets back to his feet. Violent Visionary trys for a Standing Piledriver but Kurt avoids it. ]

Jim Ross - Kurt could use some help about now.

[Violent Visionary tackles Super Star and pummels his head. Double V measures Kurt up and drops a closed fist. ]

Jim Ross - Fist Drop!

[Double V applies an arm wrench to Super Star. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Arm Wrench!

[Double V kicks Kurt in the stomach. ]

Jim Ross - Violent Visionary with a Kick.

[Double V stomps Super Star's head. ]

Terry Taylor - Stomp!

[VV rolls onto Super Star connecting with a knee. Super Star climbs to his feet. VV connects with a flying knee. Super Star goes down. ]

Jim Ross - Violent Visionary executes a Knee.

[VV stomps Super Star's head. ]

Terry Taylor - Kurt takes a Stomp.

[Super Star gets back to his feet. Double V delivers a kick to the head of Super Star. Super Star climbs to his feet. Kurt goes for a Standing Piledriver but Violent Visionary dodges the attack. Violent Visionary reverse DDT's Super Star's head into the . ]

Terry Taylor - If Violent Visionary keeps using moves like that Reverse DDT he could win the match!

[VV grabs Super Star and applies an arm wrench. ]

Michael Cole - Double V executes a Arm Wrench.

[Kurt moves back to his feet. Violent Visionary drives a forearm into Super Star. ]

Terry Taylor - Forearm Smash!

[VV takes Super Star down with a knee. ]

Michael Cole - Kurt takes a Knee.

[Super Star is back on his feet. Double V trys for a Vertical Suplex but Kurt avoids it. Double V kicks Super Star in the stomach. ]

Terry Taylor - Double V with a Kick.

[Kurt is back on his feet. Kurt kicks Violent Visionary in the back of the leg. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Kick by Super Star.

[Kurt stomps Double V. ]

Jim Ross - Super Star with a Stomp.

[Super Star fist drops VV on the . ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Fist Drop by Super Star.

[Double V is up again. Kurt slaps Double V in the face. Super Star low blows VV. VV gets back to his feet. Super Star tackles Violent Visionary. Kurt moves back to his feet. Violent Visionary gets back to his feet. Kurt uses a closed fist on Double V. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Double V takes a Punch.

[Kurt runs and tackles Violent Visionary. Kurt punches him in the head. Kurt drives a forearm into Double V. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Double V takes a Forearm Smash.

[Violent Visionary lifts Kurt into the air and delivers a spine buster. ]

Jim Ross - Double V executes a Spine Buster.

[Double V measures Kurt up and drops a closed fist. ]

Jim Ross - Fist Drop!

[Violent Visionary knees Super Star and rolls back to his feet. Super Star is up again. Super Star goes for a Spinning Neck-Breaker but Double V dodges the attack. Super Star connects with a low blow. Violent Visionary goes down. Violent Visionary is up again. Kurt kicks VV in the stomach. ]

Michael Cole - VV takes a Kick.

[Super Star fist drops Violent Visionary on the . ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Fist Drop!

[Super Star gets up. VV gets back to his feet. VV executes a neck-breaker on Super Star. Double V sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

Terry Taylor - That Spinning Neck-Breaker was very good.

[Kurt is back on his feet. Violent Visionary takes a slap to the face from Super Star. VV sends Super Star into Earl Hebner he goes down. Violent Visionary uses a belly-to-belly suplex. Super Star is down. VV fist drops Super Star on the . Violent Visionary sucks chants start in the crowd. Violent Visionary gets back to his feet. Masta Red comes to . Masta runs in and leg drops Super Star. Super Star is up again. Masta tackles Super Star and pummels his head. Ordered is restored. Earl Hebner gets up. ]

Jim Ross - We've got ourselves a winner!

Howard Finkle - The winner of this match, and still Heavyweight Title champion, Super Star!!!

[ Super Star Takes his title and grabs a mic from the ring announcer and faces the ramp way.]

Kurt - I beat your ass in VV and now I want my family back so bring them out.

[ the gWo comes out with Stephanie and John, Kurt has a look of releif seeing his family with his friends.  Goldust grabs a mic and stands at the top of the ramp with Kurt's Family.]

Goldust - Hey Kurt I hate to be the one to tell you this, but You are never getting your family back, becuase they are comeing with us.

Kurt - What?? what are you talking about, bring them down here now!

Goldust - I don't think so I want Masta Red and VV to come back out here.

[ VV and Masta Red come back out with a smile]

Goldust - Test Hold them here while we go and take care of him.

[ the grounp runs down to the ring and start pounding away on Kurt, The Camrea swing back to th rampway and You see the Hunters, with CuJo and Owen Hart run out.  Greenlava and Ken Shamrock takes out Test from behind and Ken runs back to the locker room with Stephanie and John.  The Rest of the team runs down and starts beating away on the gWo.  Greenlave takes our Masta red with a seriose of Puches and a drop kick.  Kurt climbs out of the ring and starts beating away on Masta Red with the title best untill more super stars from the back run out to break up the fight]

Jim Ross - Well folks that is all the time we have.  Join us next time.

World Wrestling Federation
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Copyright 1999