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Beautiful Child of Love

Manga Pictures

Full body pic of Sailor V(giving the peace sign!:)
Sailor V in a tropical paradise
Sailor Venus smiling and lunging with her Love-me chain
Sailor V smiling and crossing her arms (with Artemis)
Sailor V kneeling with Artemis on her shoulder
Sailor V smiling and holding a locket
Super Sailor Venus looking over her shoulder
Minako winking and holding up a peace sign(in front of her mouth)
Minako sitting indian style and wearing a kawaii green/yellow bikini.
Minako dressed for sports while riding her bike(followed by the cats)
Minako wearing an elegant black dress
Minako standing in front of Tokyo holding Artemis in her arms
Minako wearing a black tutu surrounded by sunflowers
The *official* Princess Venus
Minako's profile
Sailor V(neck up)
Sailor V and Artemis winking and smiling
Sailor Venus looking to the side while holding her mask
A transparent pic of Sailor Venus
Full body pic of Sailor Venus
Sailor Venus smiling and looking over her shoulder
Super Sailor Venus looking determined(she looks sugoi!)
Sailor Venus and her Love-me chain(orange eyes......weird)
Minako winking and holding playing cards

Chibi Sailor V giving the peace sign
Sailor V winking/peace sign and holding some kind of light
Farmer Minako and Artemis
Minako laying down in a kimono with Artemis on her hip
Minako getting kissed by some guy(that's going to break the hearts of millions of guys;)
Sailor V with Artemis (and the characters of Sailor V in the backround)
Chibi pic of Minako (Naoko stationary)
Minako winking and fixing her (polka dot) bow
Upper body pic of Sailor Venus
Chibi Sailor Venus giving the peace sign and winking(smaller version)
Sailor Venus being announced by Artemis
Sailor Venus(neck up) this is a smaller pic
Sailor Venus winking and stretching her Love-me chain
Chibi Sailor Venus giving the peace sign and winking(larger version)
Super Sailor Venus looking up
Sailor Venus winking and looking provacative
Sailor Venus holding her hand up to her head(kind of like a fainting gesture)
Eternal Sailor Venus
Sketches of Sailor V and Minako(with Artemis)
Sailor Venus happily "putting on a show"
Chibi Sailor Venus with her love-me chain(naoko stationary)
Sailor Venus looking to the left

Animated Images

Venus Power Make-up!
Venus Star Power Make-up!
Venus Crystal Power Make-up!
Venus Crescent Beam!
Venus Love-me Chain!
Venus Love and Beauty Shock!
Chibi Venus Crystal Power Make-up!
Chibi Venus Love and Beauty Shock!
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