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*~ChRiStInE & gRaCe'S hOmEpAgE~*

HeY PeEpZ~!!wElCoMe To OuR kOolIo HoMePaGE~!


HiYa~! !This is mai sister and mine homepage.Well DUH~! Anywayz,lemme tell you a little about mai self...I'm 13 and I'm from KaLiFoRnIa~!! I live in a small town called San Gabriel.I play the piano,clarinet,cello,and guitar... (yeah that's a lot)Well I play the guitar on mai youthgroup's worship team(even tho I sux).Well that's all about moi~!

SuP PeePZ~! Hi mai name is Grace...DUH~!Well here's a lil about mai self.I'm 12...kinda hard to believe tho...heehee. I play the piano and flute~! FLUTE RULZ~!!I like the color brafy green...ish da BOMB~!!Almost everything I own is that color...heehee.Well that's all about meeh~!!

E~mAiL cHrIsTiNe

E~mAiL gRaCe

*~ChRiStInE'S sTuFf~*

*~ChRiStInE's CrIb~*

*~ChRiStInE's SaIlOr MaRs hOmEpAgE~*

*~ChRiStInE's SlAmBoOk~*

*~GrAcE's StUfF~*

*~GrAcE's ShIeT~*

*~OuR fAvE lInKs~*

*~Christians In Action Online~*

OnE aWeSoMe GuItAr SiTe~!!!


*~ChRiStInE's 411~*

*~GrAcE's InFo~*

*~CuTe StUfF~*

HeYa We JuSt UpAdTeD oUr hOmEpAgE~!! OcT.7th StIlL kInDa LoOkS dA sAmE BuT oWeL ^_^

HeY pEePz Be SuRe To TaG uP oÜr GuEsTbOoK b-4 Ü lEaVe~!!

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