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If JayLancie Wrote a Play...

Casting in JayLancie’s Play: The Carmel Vixen

Joey-the flirtatious car mechanic-brute but sexy

Chris-the store clerk of a small but popular Stop-N-Shop

Lance-the quite, but foxy bookworm

Justin-the flirty paperboy who gets tipped well

JC-a Rights Activist for anything and everything. He’s always on strike or campaigning for something.

The Setting: the Now

The Place: Somewhere between Cyberville and Canada

The Story:

-Lance’s first passion is his studies and his collection of classic novels and poetry. The girls love him but he is oblivious. Cornered in a locker room by one of his adoring fans Lance the bookworm is taught a new lesson he rather enjoyed...

-Joey has the girls flocking to him (...maybe 2 or 3 a week) and he wastes no time in using the backseats of the cars in the shop for what he thinks they were really meant to be for.

-JC got some play from of the news anchor woman who interviewed him one day for all the causes he fought for. Could this have a link to why he didn't join the P.A.B.N.A. (Public Against Biast News Anchors) campaign??<--FAKE activist group

To Be Continued...

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