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Ok, this is a place where I post the mail I receive that makes me go "Oh, PUH-LEEEEEEEASE!" so read on and enjoy! (my replies in BLUE)



Subj: Re: happy New Millenium....JayLancie here. Date: 1/5/00 4:22:27 PM Pacific Standard Time From: (for the sake of humiliation I won't post this person's SN) To: JayLancie im chris kirkpatrick and i got everyone e;ses email s/n's if u want them and SWER not to tell. -chris

*my response (because I read it fast I thought it said this WASN'T Chris Kirkpatrick) was "haha What?!"

But then I re-replied with:

<< im chris kirkpatrick and i got everyone e;ses email s/n's if u want them and SWER not to tell. -chris >>

ok I read this wrong. I thought you said this WASN'T chris kirkpatrick. and I do NOT believe you. *laughs* this is the biggest crock. Chris actually has intelligence enough to spell the word 'swear' and 'else's' right for one thing. another expect me to believe that this asinine and complete joke of a letter is THE Chris Kirkpatrick who has taken time out of his busy schedule to pick ME out of the crowd and give his friend's emails to me?

The guys hide themselves when they ARE online and Chris is NOT one to be an online nerd, much less give email addresses out. This is the most unbelievable letter I have ever received and I think I am going to post it on my site just because my site is dedicated to HUMOR and this letter has a lot of it. Do try to fool me, kid. You are a HORRIBLE impersonator.



Yes, that was Chris. This is chris' e-mail checker though, Angelina. I guess if he said you could have the e-mail s/n's, then i guess i can tell you. But, you've got to promise/SWER that you will never tell ANYONE. That especially means do NOT put them on you're website.

Stay *//\\// Sync


*Now my response was a little shorter but I like to get my point across:

You must have been the "Chris" from before because there can't be two people in the world who spell 'swear' as SWER. This letter too is being posted for a good laugh. -Jay

Can anyone explain to me why people desire to TRY to impersonate someone from *NSYNC. Please realize these are grown men....most likely who can SPELL and who don't go around giving their email addresses away! *shakes head* For the love of *NSYNC people...stop the stupidity!

OK, I have had my fill...HOME!