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What is an e-fed?

By definition, an e-fed is a simulated, or booked wrestling federation, by the means of the Internet, and created for entertainment purposes. It is created and updated by the president, who is sometimes backed by a vice-president. The federation's wrestlers are controlled by handlers, which are the people who create and direct the actions of their respective athletes. Each e-fed has its own way of determining winners.

What is EHW?

All e-feds are based on the definition given above, but the similarities usually stop there. So, let's see in depth how EHW works, and what you can and can't do here in our league.

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Creating wrestlers

The first step in entering EHW is the creation of a wrestler. You can do that in the Application Page. There, we will ask you many questions about your athlete(height, weight, whereabouts, moves, etc.), along with a description and a sample roleplay. We'll talk about descriptions later in this page, and you can learn about roleplays by clicking here. You can create either:

What do I write in my description?

When we recieve new applications, we often see that there is a lack of detail. There are three key points to when giving a description of your wrestler:

You can awnser all of these questions, or you can awnser only some of them. The only real trick: be as creative as possible. Don't come at us with Undertaker or Steve Austin carbon-copies, because they suck! If you're in, you will start recieveing league RP's daily. Simply send your rps to so easy!

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How can I win matches?

Success in EHW is based on roleplay. A good roleplay should be original, interesting, and should make sense (go with your character's gimmick). There are two different ways to roleplay here in EHW:

RP Scores are based on - Creativity, Length, Quality, Location, Comedy

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A stable, as most of you know, is an alliance of many wrestlers (examples: nWo, Degeneration-X, etc.) The same goes for stables as for individual wrestlers: that means no nWo's, or any other World Orders! Try to create some unique alliances with special goals and reasons to exist. There is only one restriction: maximum of 8 wrestlers per stable, because we don't want to have half of the fed form one giant stable, and we want some diversity!

Having a match

To book a match, you just have to talk about it in the Locker Room, in your roleplays, on the info board, and an EHW booker will read them and book the matches as they get accepted. He makes his posts in the Locker Room, for more convenience. We will also post the matches in the Event Center.

Sneak attacks

These days, there is no wrestling event in which there is no sneak attack. You can sneak attack (attack someone from behind) someone you don't like by sending your request with the Sneak Attacks Page. You can choose to attack your target during (so you can try to make him lose) or after(just to hurt him bad) his match. You must always give a good reason for your attack, or it won't happen. A sneak attack after a match has more chances of being accepted than one during the match, as you must really have a good reason to make your opponent lose! So, if your attack goes with the grades, the sneak attack can be choose for the reason of the lost. But, if you are attacking the winner during his match, we adjust it. Remember, the object is to have fun, and it's no fun to see a guy kick everyone's asses, maybe Stone Cold, but not for the handlers, so don't do sneak attacks every chance you get! Sometimes, a well-placed insult can do as much as a good beating!

Titles and title shots

All titles must be defended 1 a WEEK! This goes so champs must work to keep their title!

If you have any comments or suggestions, or if you want to change your description, finisher, gimmick, or whatever else, please feel free to e-mail us at Chu Dog.

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Created by EHW STAFF