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It is all for naught. When the time arrives, and the stars become right, our Lord, from His house at R'lyeh will rise into this plane once more, to reclaim what is rightfully His. We, as His followers, must take up the task of paving the way for His return.




These things combined will ensure that all who are under His protective wing at the time of his rebirth will be the last to perish under His rule, and will combine with Him in the Second Cycle, to become but a thread in the immense tapestry of His power. Cthulhu fhtagn!!

Last Updated:November 18, 1999

Disclaimer: Despite the verbage, this is not a real Cult. It is simply a hangout for fans of H.P. Lovecraft, and hopefully will become a good source of online fan-fiction of the Old Gent and his Old Ones. So, don't sacrifice any cows just because it might be mentioned here. Unless you really want to. - The High Priest

A Member of the Mythos Compliant campaign.


Our Goals

Paths into Darkness

How to join the Cult
Take the Oath
Write to please our Lord
Hierarchy of the Cult
Libro de Ritualis Negro
Portal to the Temple of Shub-Niggurath
Links to the Outer Realms
The Blair Witch
