Memo to Authors...

With all those years searching for stories, I wanted to share with you some pointers. In order to get more people to read your stories and getting the most feedback from them by signing either your guestbook or e-mail. Also if any of you see your story on the lists and either the adress has changed, please do not hesitate to e-mail me and I'll be happy to change it.

You'll also notice some titles have the authors name next to it and some of them do not. The reason why is that I either could'nt find it or maybe the author does not want to give his or her name. I respect that, however if you do want me to add your name, again advise me and I'll gladly add it.

If you have any of your stories that are not in the list and you'd like them to be please e-mail me and I will gladly add them.

Continued success to all of you and keep up the great work, I am certain that The Backstreet Boys would be happy to wish you all the best in your achievements. As they often repeated: "Follow your dreams" (and write about them).

If you have any other suggestions that could be added to this, please do not hesitate to write to me. Thank you so much for all your wonderful stories and keep up the great work.


Completed Stories