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BABailey's Fish Pages

Acantopsis choirothynchus - horseface loach

photo by BABailey

Scientific Name - choirothynchus

Common Name – horseface loach

Locality - Asia, S India
pH – 6.4-7.4
Temperature (in F) - 72-84F
Max size (in inches) - 5-8"
Minimum tank size - at least 20g
Sociability - Depends on fish ... most are quite social and friendly ... generally likes being with others of it's kind
Breeding - ?
Temperament - Same as sociability

Comments – oddity type fish

Personal Experience - I have two in the 29g with my ruby clown rams... these loach are very peaceful and while reputed to burrow they have not done so in my med size natural gravel ... they do like being under logs tho

click for ARTICLE link click for info article

Additional photos:

photo by BABailey

BABailey's Fish Pages