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The Members of Angel's Homepage

Welcome to Angel's homepage. Hi, I'm Arc-Angel the leader of this homepage. As you know i have many different nick name. But all of my nick name have something common, they all have a "ANGEL" in it. You can see there are members listed on top and nicknames on the bottom. Some members don't want there real name on the list (just telling you). You might wonder why there are "bboy" beside some members name, if they have a "bboy next to there name that mean they're a "breakerboy". Come one we need more females members. On Angel's homepage there's also basic/advanced moves for Yo-yoing, and tricks of breakdancing. The tricks/moves that's on Angel's homepage will show all that me and my members know. (If you know a trick/move that this page doesn't have please send it to me and you nickname so i can put you name next to it.) Please sign my guestbook and tell me what should I add in my homepage before you leave. enjoy-_-

All the members of Angel's HomePage nickname are (including me too):

Today news:

  • HOLY SHIT, i didn't work on my page at least a year (i guess i got alittle lazy). i didn't have the time 2 work on it.
    • i'm planning 2 add mp3 on my site, i really hope it's a good idea (what do u ppl think of it??)

    Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

    Thank you for visiting AngelStorm homepage. Please come back tomorrow, because I update my homepage almost everyday. You can be a member of "Angel's Homepage" also, that world best site. Just go to the "REGISTR PAGE".

    Last 08/30/01

    Started 06/05/99

    ??Where should you go now??

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