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Glen A. Wilson 30-Year Reunion Pictures

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Here it is...the group photo!

Photo submitted by Robert S. Howard.
Group photo
Group photo Robert Howard made this terrific annotated version of the group for people like me that can't seem to remember who's who.
Thank you Robert!

(Also not pictured: Carl Workman)

Photo submitted by Robert S. Howard.
Formal night on the Monarch of the Seas.
From left to right: Rachel Estevez-Donahue, Wanda Duarte, JoDell (Jody) Ruelas-Christensen, Donna Lew-Gayler, Bertha Rivera-Ramirez (birthday girl) and Yvonne Herpin.

Photo submitted by Wanda Duarte.
Wanda cruise20
Reunion committee Your class of '75 reunion committee.
Left to right: Elisa Cosgrove, Joe Zacky and Dorothy Sanger our reunion coordinator. Dorothy was responsible for making this great reunion cruise happen!

Photo submitted by Wanda Duarte.
Partying by the pool!
From left to right: Mark Chitjian '76, Kim Evans Nager '75, Robin Rothell '75 and Ed Torres '76.
Mark and Ed were generous enough to let us use their presidential suite to get together before dinner and party. Thanks guys!

Photo submitted by Wanda Duarte.
By the pool
By the pool Dorothy Sanger-Cook writes:
"I have no idea who is with me at the pool! Perhaps it is an eligible bachelor? I imagine it was someone standing there when we were all taking photo's."

Photo submitted by Wanda Duarte.
Donna Lew-Gayler of '75 knows how to have a good time in Ensenada!

Photo submitted by Wanda Duarte.
Drinking in Ensenada   Drinking in Ensenada
Mens leg competition The "Sexy Legs" winner was no other than our own '75 classmate, John Aranas proudly wearing the 1st place medal! I told him that all the running he did paid off! Also participating in the contest, but not in that picture, was '75 classmate, John Arvidson. It seemed that everyone had a great time with that one! I have no idea who the other contestants were, but I think the guy in the heels should've garnered some type of prize!

Photo submitted by Wanda Duarte.
Comments by Elisa Cosgrove
Getting together on the ship.
Back row: Wanda Duarte, Kim Evans Nager, Elsa Acosta, Dorothy Sanger-Cook and Robin Rothell.
Front row: Yvonne Herpin and Bertha Rivera-Ramirez

Photo submitted by Antoinette Ordizola Rizzo.
Reunion gals
Jim and Dorothy Jim and Dorothy.

Photo submitted by Antoinette Ordizola Rizzo.
Jeff Carte, Dorothy Sanger and Melissa Carte.

Photo submitted by Jeff Carte.
Jeff and Melissa Carte
Dancing Dancin' by the pool.
Elsa Acosta, John Mattoon, Jennifer Mattoon (?), Donna Lew-Gayler, John Arvidson.

Photo submitted by Elsa Acosta.

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