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Floras Lake Shredder

Dear Friends,

If you do not know me then that is fine because now you are going to start getting to know me. We are now friends! Why because you are on my web page.

I would like to say sorry for this mess. I do not know how to do it and this is my first time I have done this. I do not have training in making a web page at all and so I am doing it on my own without any help and training. I would like to have training if possible and help on creating a better looking web page.

I am 18 years old and live in Denver, Colorado and I am now a senior in High school and that means I will graduate in the year of 1999! I am attending Mile High Academy

I have been a Student at Laurelwood Academy for my junior year and a student at Mile High Academy for my Freshman and Sophmore year. I was the Student Association Public Realations Director my sophomore year at MHA. The high schools I have gone to are Seventh-day Adventists(SDA) schools. The reason why I went to the SDA schools is because I am a Seventh-day Adventist. I am not just an SDA but I am a proud to be SDA.

I have had many jobs in my life but there are certain jobs that I have had that I am proud of and that is that I was a Liteture Evangelist(L.E.) in the state of Colorado and the state of Oregon. I was trained by Joe Martin in Colorado in the June of 1997. I later joined the L.E. Department in Oregon when school started into session and then I was trained by Dick Hoey. I worked as an L.E. in Oregon for the 1997/1998 school year. I did not join the L.E.'s in Oregon this summer or the L.E.'s that work with Joe Martin in Colorado because I am an L.E./Bible Worker in Colorado Springs, Colorado this summer with Pastor Byard Parks.(that is the summer of 1998).

Looking for a good place to be trained as a missionary just call Laurelwood Academy for information. (503)985-7511

Living in The Denver Metro Area and want to attend a great High School just call Mile High Academy up at 303-744-1271.

Want to be an L.E. just email Dick Hoey at , or email Rob Farinholt the Asst. L.E. Dir. at Laurelwood Academy at , Want to be a Bible Worker in Colorado Springs and get involved with the program just email Pastor Byard Parks at , or you can email me at, when you get done with my web page please email me to tell me what you thought about it. Thank you so much.

Eric Michaelson 614 S. Lincoln St. Denver, CO 80209 Class of 1999 Rules(because I graduate from High School in 1999)

Trivia Question

What is the shortest mountain range in the world? Email,

Dudes Links

My brother's web page about hot rods! (That is his truck above - it is a '47 Ford)
The really cool place that gave me this free space.
