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murphee on his way to work Well, thats me; the old "HiHo"-Song on the lips, my favourite sledgehammer in my hand, I am happily on my way to work. It's gonna be a good day chopping wood again. (And yes, you damn nitpicks out there, I mostly use an axe for chopping wood; but my favourite axe wasn't ready, so the sledgehammer had to do...).
(In the background you can see my failed attempts at building a football court (the two wobbly wooden things, one right behind me and one far in the back). Now they're being (ab)used as hedges... well, I prefer chopping wood anyway...).
The Swan crazed with caffeine withdrawal - stance As we're talking about chopping wood: here you can see me at my weekly martial arts training. Of course, as you know, this consists of remaining in various stances for some time, to get the meditative juices flowing.
This stance belongs to my favourite martial arts branch, the noble wood chopping. This particular stance is called "Delightful Swan crazed with caffeine withdrawal". Hah... try doing that for two hours and you'll have the same look on your face...
Travolta Saturday Night Jig - stance As I'm slowly getting warmed up for the real martial arts training, I move along to the 2nd stance in the program. This one is called "Honorable Travolta doing the Saturday Night Jig with a large chunk of a tree". This one really puts you in the spirit of this most noble of all crafts, the handling of the axe.
And this is the last and final stance before the action begins, the "Look like some nitwit on a Wired cover" stance. This also meant the end of this photo shoot, as the wood chop training must of course be performed alone in the masters dojo. Nitwit on a Wired cover - stance
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