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Welcome Back to Trish N' Jen's Newest Homepage

Trish and Jen are back and we will NOT be sabotaged again!!!!!Yes, we LOVE pictures!!! can you tell??
Trish N' Jen invade Vegas.....still no sign of
Jen and Trish in Kearny Nebraska.....yeeeee haaaaaawwwwwwwww
Trish, Jennifer, Stephanie and Shannon hanging out with Jeff Goldblum during a movie shoot in Vegas
"You're always hogging the sombraro" (Michael's fake birthday)
Who are you and what have you done with Jen and Trish??
It's Trish and our friend Lori having a beer with our all time favorite, super bowl winning quarterback...JOHN ELWAY!!!
Halloween 1998, Jen as Posh, Wendy as Sporty, Jennifer as Scary, Trish as Baby and Shannon as Ginger....GIRL POWER!!!!
Don't forget to sign our Guestbook!!!!

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We have updated our Ugly Kid Joe page (11/3/98) so don't forget to stop by!!! We have taken our Rorschach Test page down in protest of Kris & Ben no longer being in the band (sorry, James)

Don't forget to check out our other pages.....

Page 2......Click here for our Goldfinger page
Click here for page 4......a tribute to our beloved Ugly Kid Joe guys
