The native of the Pig indisputably ranks among the most charming women in the world. While startling beauty and sophistication are rarely hers, she is often pretty and owes her attractiveness to the sweet, dreamy, innocent, and touching note about her person. She also pleases thanks to her carefully studied helplessness — she seeks to appear more fragile than she actually is, for this serves her passivity by provoking an sympathetic and protective reflex in people around her. Whatever her age, this subject always displays an air of eternal young girl, both in her overall physical appearance and comportment.

She enjoys an exquisite creamy and rosy complexion; no cosmetics would be able to enhance it sensibly. Her figure, under normal conditions, is neither too thick nor too slim.

What most strikes those who meet the Pig female should be her ever-ready, youthful smile and especially her big, astonished eyes. Her features remain childlike a very long time, and the problem of wrinkles hardly ever bothers her.

The Pig woman is liable to a few specific health troubles. She may suffer from various disorders in her legs — heaviness, varicose veins, and the like. Her breasts are often a seat of mastitis, abscesses, or cysts; cancer in this part of her body being a real threat, it is in her interest to keep it under close medical surveillance. While her frequent allergic reactions and fits of asthma are in no way dangerous, they are bothersome enough not to be endured with passive resignation.

Perhaps her most serious physical handicap resides in her extremely emotional nature as well as her fragile nervous system. She tends to react too strongly to stimuli that would leave unruffled a more normally constituted person. Astrologers unanimously point out her excessive sensitiveness to the different phases of the moon: Its wanings and waxings have a decisive influence on her humor, comportment, and every physiological process. In this way her frequent fits of insomnia, nervousness, or even somnambulism are perfectly explainable and predictable.

If things go well she may feel as fit as a fiddle. But let some problem come and beset her, and it can immediately have noticeable repercussions on her physical well-being. Her sudden bouts of fatigue or muscular contractions are probably nothing else than the physical expressions of her worries and anguishes — so are her recurrent digestive, respiratory, and "allergic" disorders. In sum, her good health closely depends on her feelings of security and happiness.

Her adolescence reveals the most difficult period of her life as it is overly troubled by endocrinal problems of every sort. While medical supervision is necessary, psychological help may prove indispensable.

Things generally smooth themselves out for her with motherhood. It is a state of bliss which suits her quite well since she loves children and always wants to have a lot of them.

With regard to diet, the advice given to the Pig man can apply to his feminine counterpart as well. But she must make more efforts at moderation as she has an unwholesome appetite. Her exaggerated love of rich food and sweets is apt to cause her ruin if she does not exercise a tight control over it.


The Pig woman's psychological fabric is highlighted by her great emotional instability. She may be overoptimistic and in an excellent humor at one moment, then sinks into deep pessimism and depression at the next moment. Constant fluctuations are part of her personality. As a reaction to such sudden changes she tends to overindulge in sensual pleasures, it is true, but it would be unjust to accuse her of hedonism.

She is even more suggestible and impressionable than her male counterpart. One could hardly find a more pliable person than this subject. Her passivity is such that she willingly lets herself be unduly influenced by others, particularly by the men in her life, even when her own vital interests are involved. This, coupled with her exceedingly naive and credulous nature, often induces her to take a kind of perverse pleasure in a martyr complex. However, when old age comes, she is likely to regret having been too self-effacing, too accommodating.

Reluctant to seek to distinguish herself, the Pig female can perfectly satisfy herself with mediocrity. She has little desire to make the effort necessary for accomplishment, and is keen on displaying an air of helplessness as a justification for her lack of motivation and ambition. But in place of willpower she is largely endowed with patience, tenacity, and resignation.

Even more than the Goat native, this woman has a kind of sixth sense, and her intuition is insuperable. She senses everything with great delicacy and accuracy. There is no way to tell her lies, for her soft eyes possess a sort of laser that runs through her interlocutors.

Her sensitiveness verges on pathology. Too deeply afraid to suffer, she is fearful of almost everything, especially of anything new and surprises, be they good or bad. Any kind of criticism can hurt her profoundly and make her feel utterly miserable. For this reason she is not quite easy to deal with, and those who want to please her are often at a loss to go about it.

Self-pity is not the least of her negative character traits. She cries her eyes out easily, sometimes for no apparent reason at all. She often feels sorry for herself when she does not have her own way or when she believes herself unfairly treated by life or other people.

There probably exists no Pig woman without a childish comportment, and this regardless of the number of her years. The problem with the native of the sign is that she never consciously wants to go beyond the girlish stage, which gives her a comfortable feeling of security. As a consequence she always strongly feels the temptation to evade reality and responsibility. Nothing would trouble her more than being confronted with the necessity to take decisions. Whether she admits of it or not, she constantly desires to be mothered and enjoy all the familiar comforts of home, trusting someone else to solve all her personal problems in her place.

Her Oedipus complex constitutes an inescapable part of her psychological makeup. It may sometimes proves devastating by posing as an insurmountable obstacle to her growth and inducing her to lesbianism. In any case her attachment to her parents, especially to her father, can be so strong that she never wants to leave home and marry at all. Indeed, the number of Pig spinsters is quite impressive!

The Pig woman is possessed of a phenomenal memory for the simple reason that she attaches the utmost importance to gone-by things. Perhaps she subconsciously associates the past with the security and happiness of childhood. She loves to refer to her past, and an explanation for almost any of her likes and dislikes may be found in it. She treasures old pictures, old toys, old letters, and rarely discards old ties and friendships. It is quite understandable, then, that her conservatism equals anyone else's.

Her interests are very domestic, which does not favorably predisposes her to the idea of the liberation of women. A talented and devoted homemaker, she delights in entertaining people and shows herself an admirable hostess. She also has a deep love of all vulnerable beings — she becomes crazy at the sight of any baby she passes and fills her home with all sorts of strayed animals.

She dreams enormously and at all times. Many of her daydreams have a good chance of coming true, and some of her nightdreams are distinctively premonitory. There exists in her an irresistible compulsion to deform, travesty, and embellish reality. In this context she loves to dress up and has a predilection for carnivals and fancy masked balls; she also tends to tell "lies," which actually are not lies but only a manifestation of her need to give life a more romantic, more picturesque aspect.

Her relations with money have a somewhat curious character. To her, emotional security is strictly tributary of financial security; she is quite favored in this respect since she has much more than her share in the cornucopia. Believing that money is made to be spent, she is usually quite a spendthrift — the more emotional problems she has, the more money she spends. And then, suddenly, without notice, she becomes outright miserly and petty, making incomprehensible cheeseparing economies.

It may appear from all the foregoing that the Pig woman is not a very worthy person. In fact, the exact contrary would be nearer the truth. This nature is no doubt one of the finest specimens of the human race — finest not for her intellectual or other abilities, but for her innumerable moral qualities. Just like the masculine half of the sign, she is kind, friendly, generous, forgiving, tender, affectionate, compassionate, honest, truthful, patient, modest, conscientious, and loyal. These qualities are so natural in her that people tend to take them for granted when dealing with or talking about her. With such an individual as the Pig woman, we have an eloquent proof that we could be angels though human.

Marie-Antoinette of France: a famous Pig


Despite her seething sentimentality, the Pig female is almost never a love aggressor. To her, man should eternally be the hunter, and woman the hunted; the current feminist trend does not seem capable of affecting her stand on this score. It is not in her habit to go out looking for love — she simply waits until it comes to her. Her strategy resembles that of a mollusk waiting for food to enter its shell, or, more accurately, that of the spider, for her patient passivity is most of the time quite catching.

Her problem is usually not trapping a man — the Pig maiden rarely finds herself in want of assiduous suitors — but managing not to get entangled in the cobweb of her own making. Normally incapable of resisting a man's advances, she seldom escapes the terrible dilemma of choosing a pretender at the exclusion of the others; her quandary is further complicated since she projects her own extreme sensitiveness, convincing herself that her refusal would be felt by the discarded as a lethal blow. She is generally expected to undergo a lot of self-inflicted heartwrenching before settling down for good with a man.

It would be hard to find someone as deeply romantic and intensely sentimental as the Pig female. Love is a prime requirement for the native as she readily deludes herself into believing that it is all that counts in life. As a maiden she viscerally yearns for the prince charming; and whatever the vicissitudes of her life she can never totally renounce her youthful romantic dreams. Once in love with some man, she cannot help trembling at the sound of his voice, vibrating at the scent of his hair, or surging with emotion at the thought of him; she only lives by him and for him; her dearest wish is to merge into him ever more and more completely.

With her stupendous sensitivity and all-out way of loving, this nature can seldom get over disappointments gracefully. It is even doubtful whether she is ever able to be quite back on her feet after a love misadventure. Men should be most careful in dealing with her, never taking her sentiments lightly, lest they break her heart irreparably.

Every Pig woman suffers more or less acutely from the Oedipus complex. It is not a mere coincidence if she doggedly, though perhaps unconsciously, looks for the image of her father in any man she may have designs on. Her preference clearly goes to mature men — those much older than herself. While leaving the paternal hearth always proves a terrible ordeal for her, she invariably expects the man of her life to behave as a father to her. She will rely on him for all decisions, even though they may concern her vital choices or her whole destiny, and demand protection and tenderness from him. In order to achieve her objectives she will not hesitate to adopt a childish comportment — by appearing utterly helpless, resorting to sentimental blackmail, indulging in mild temper tantrums, or displaying masochistic tendencies. Her mate will need much clearsightedness to understand the mechanism of her behavior; he must also be patient enough to bear and even condone her attitude. But his efforts in this direction will assuredly be rewarded far beyond his expectations.

This is a woman whose love has an exceptional quality. She makes a most loving spouse because she is gentle, accommodating, self-effacing, warm, and deeply affectionate. She would not stop to think twice before deciding to abandon her professional career for the sake of her man. And there is no ground for doubting her fidelity.

The typical Pig female is always ready to bring sexual bliss to her mate, although she rarely demands it for herself. However difficult he may be, he would never have to complain about her performance in bed. Her greatest pleasure is to give pleasure of the highest quality, not to receive it. Any man who has enjoyed her embraces would find his subsequent intimacies with other women rather insipid. Perhaps for this reason she is seldom abandoned or betrayed.

At one time or another in their common life the Pig woman is likely to demand her mate to take one or more of her own in-laws under their roof. This the man should refuse categorically despite all her pathetic entreaties if he wants to save their union from disaster. Her relations with the intruder or intruders would be too neurotically close to allow for normal coexistence between the spouses. This bit of advice is not so easy to follow as it seems, for the Pig woman knows how to be persuasive.

The average Pig female appears as a model materfamilias. Consumed with maternal instincts, she finds her utmost happiness in devoting herself to the welfare of her children — sometimes to the detriment of her husband, who may vaguely feel jealous of his own offspring. She is an excellent mother who always acts as a friend to her little ones, never as a strict disciplinarian. She handles them wisely, does not spoil them, remains attentive to all their needs, and help them develop their best traits. A lamb though she is, she may become a terrible wolf when it comes to defending her children.

On the amorous plane, you have enough to make the beloved one happy, for you are sensitive, full of gentleness and romantic imagination. But you are also liable to changes of humor, to whims, and above all too dependent on external circumstances, therefore rather disconcerting for those who share your life.

To tell the truth, your comportment will have been conditioned by the kind of relation which you have, or have had, with your family and particularly with your mother. If this relation is or was satisfying, it is easier for you to live a harmonious love life. But if the situation has been otherwise, you may remain someone quite slippery, always on the lookout for the kind of happiness which only exists in your wild imagination.

In order to be happy in love, you must make a clear distinction between, on one hand, your need for tenderness and gentleness, your refusal of conflicts, your fear of violence, and, on the other hand, your excessive tendency to self-pity and dependence.

But if a climate of stability and complicity is not established in your love life, you may become very demanding, very monopolizing toward your mate. You may excel in showing yourself more and more disagreeable because of your gloomy state and long sulks, with the result that your mate may be so discouraged as to seek rupture. If it's possible, you may choose to take some distance by finding pretexts for traveling, without putting an end to your union. A rupture is always for you an ordeal, even a wound, and can prove extremely hard to endure when the separation is imposed on you by your mate.

Single life hardly pleases you. Indeed, with your vital need for emotional security and with all your reserves of love and tenderness that you only ask to give out, you feel extremely unfortunate when you are lonely. You then tend to shrink within yourself and to lock yourself up in your melancholia.

There is undeniably in you a link between sexuality and procreation. And your fantasms, even the wildest ones, tend to end like fairy tales — after the most furious love frolics, one always ends up by getting married and having many children! The one who haunts your dreams is always, whatever his age, a potential father. He's a reserved being, who accepts emotional outbursts only because they are promises of life and birth. However, those who attract you can be big children as well as future parents. You are then sensitive to naive and innocent beings, who hardly know anything about life's violences, and whom you want to protect, even though you may have to lock them up in a castle of fairy tales.

The man of your fantasms has nothing of a brute. Violence under all its forms makes you run away, and nothing is more remote from you than masculine aggressiveness or sheer virility. Your dream man is a tender one, an innocent and confident being who is incapable of threatening you, a being with whom you can explore the whole range of tenderness and sensuality before coming to actual love-making. He's somewhat your child, and you are not ashamed to initiate him into all the subtleties of pleasure. He'll try to flee, but you'll catch him up and tame him. And when he ceases to struggle, when he accepts to love you, it's he who will submit you. For, in fact, this man-child is made to become a father, a solid and reassuring being who knows how to fondle and protect.

If the woman of your heart is a

With her skin-deep sensitivity, the Pig woman rather lets herself be carried away in love by circumstances. She's very receptive to those she loves, who thereby have a great influence on her destiny, for the better or for the worse. One can easily make her suffer, because she is of a hypersensitive temperament; but whatever her sufferings, she endures them silently and with resignation.

Generally, she strongly feels the need of a partner who has a heart big enough to assure her the generous love that she dreams of — an almost maternal love. She needs her loved one to procure her with warmth and affection, and she is quite ready to give them in return. She only dreams of a love marriage, she hopes to find a solid rock that will give a stable base to her life.

Many natives of this sign find their happiness in a union marked by stability and complicity. They can then give free reins to their qualities of kindness, benevolence and imagination.

One could blame this woman for preferring quantity to quality; but it's necessary to recognize that she appeals very much to men. This, however, doesn't necessarily mean that she's fickle and unfaithful. One can also blame her for being susceptible, for creating extravagant incidents, for engaging herself in intolerable emotional blackmails, and for taking pleasure in childish attitudes. Endless sulkiness isn't rare for her, either.

Full of tenderness, affection and romanticism, she gives herself, when in love, without reserve, and with sincerity, innocence and passion. But in return, she needs an enormous amount of love that must be clearly shown. With her partner she'll be full of tact, delicacy and thoughtfulness. But she also can show herself possessive and jealous.

With her vital need for emotional security and with all her reserves of love and tenderness that she only asks to give out, the Pig woman openly hates single life and tends to get married very young. If circumstances compel her to live alone, she'll feel extremely unfortunate.


An emotional and tender person, the Pig woman you love possesses a skin-deep sensitivity. It's why she needs to find ways of protecting herself from attacks of the outside world, which hurt her so much, even though she tries hard not to show her weakness. That's why she's so much attached to her family life, to her home, which constitute for her the coziest of all shelters.

Even though she often shows herself discreet and self-effacing in the work field, she's very different at home. Very often she wants to put herself into the driver's seat and make important family decisions. Don't dare to challenge this authority that she appropriates to herself.

Know that this overly anxious woman needs to be reassured constantly. As what she dreads most is that you abandon her, she wants to hear you repeat tirelessly, day after day, that you still love her so much. Don't deprive her of such reassuring repetitions!

Be attentive to your woman as far as you can, especially during the periods when her hidden anxiety increases. Show her your unreserved affection. When she's confident, she'll lighten up completely and offer you all the treasures of love and tenderness that are in her.


The Pig female is qualified for virtually all the professions that suit the man of the sign. There are some sectors of activity in which she can even do better than he, for she is devotement personified. But, like her Snake and Goat sisters, she needs to be supervised, to be submitted to a discipline dictated by someone else simply because she lacks willpower and concentration.

A team work would be a good compromise as it leaves her with the impression of standing on her own feet, thereby preserving her self-respect.

"Maternal" jobs of all sorts are the fields in which this subject find her best rewards. These include everything ranging from education to nursing. Endowed with a magic touch which helps her work wonders where another person man only achieve mediocre results, she really gets through effortlessly to the people of whom she is in charge. She has no difficulty establishing her good reputation as a physician, physiotherapist, nurse, teacher of every discipline, child psychologist, pediatric nurse, and the like.

Art under all forms brings her much happiness as well. Few people are so well gifted as she with an acute sense of color and form. It is easy for her to become an excellent painter, sculptor, designer, or photographer specializing in child portraits.

Whatever is related to beautifying environment attracts her. She has an extraordinary knack for finding ways to improve the quality of life — as a constructor, decorator, furniture dealer, jeweler, for instance. All her productions bear the mark of good taste and originality, especially when she deals in commodities for the home.

The typical Pig female is well served by her imagination and poetic sense. She would have no difficulty in trying her hand at literature by writing wonderful stories for children, vibrant poems, or deeply perceptive novels. As an actress she is very much appreciated for her charm and naturalness.

Her strong attachment to the past makes her an avid and able collector. She likes relics of the past of every description — from old books to old languages, from old stones to old artifacts. Her appreciation as an antique dealer, historian, or scholar is often authoritative.

There exists a strange relation between Pig natives and water. It has been pointed out that all aquatic sports suit them perfectly well. With regard to business, both the Pig male and female can make a fortune in all enterprises having to do closely or remotely with shipping or liquids.

Probably no one can do better than the Pig woman in advertising and public relations. She has the common touch and senses public demand with astonishing acuteness. Paradoxically, she does not like crowds and always prefers to work at her own quiet, leisurely pace.

Exactly like her brother of the sign, she must constantly beware her overdone confidence in her good star. Her tendency to force her incredible chance, particularly in her financial dealings, cannot be expected to bring about happy results all the time; it may every now and then account for a disaster from which she would recover with the greatest difficulty. Hence prudence and a certain sense of realism are absolutely necessary to her security and happiness.

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