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Why I feel this way about the tubbies...

If you've been browsing this site, or if you have just come here, you probably are wondering why I feel so strongly against the tubbies. The reason isn't that simple-there are many things that fuel the feelings I have for them.
First of all, they are not good for America's children. They have no intelligence and are simplySTUPID. Why our parents fail to see this I do not know.
At least Sesame Street had some intelligence behind it. It always helped our children learn new concepts on life and manners. The tubbies? I'm sure learning to clean the kitchen or whatever is really really helpful for our kids.
Secondly, the idea is idiodical. I'll bet the creator is sitting somewhere with a martini watching his crap reruns air over and over again. How long would it take to think up the storyline? 3 min tops: Laa Laa says "Uh oh"...(no talking, the tubbies clean up the kitchen mumbling in their ludicrous language)..and that's about it?? What is this garbage? And the animation is awful-my friend makes better animation and he doesn't have all that fancy equipment crap!
Third of the many reasons the tubbies suck (but the last I will go over), is the way those cheap creators earn their dirty cash. I've seen the crap merchandise and their poor excuses for books! How many bucks did they waste with cheap Asian workers?
I am so sick of this crap. Let's start a boycott on teletubbies merchandise and their crap on T.V....and stop this bull!