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The Anxiety/Panic Attack Resource Site has moved to a new server. If you are not automatically taken to the new site, please click on the following link
and you will be brought there. Don't forget to bookmark the new site.

Welcome to the Wings of Love Chat Room. I created this room where you along with others visiting the Anxiety/Panic Attack Resource Site can come and and talk about your panic disorder. Over the past few months I have had many of you e-mail me and need someone to talk to immediately. Because all of us who experience panic attacks know that some days are worse than others, I thought it was necessary to have a place where we could meet.

It is very easy to connect. All that is required is a nickname, your e-mail address, and your first name.

After you have filled in the information, click to *log on*.

This chat room is not intended to take the place of the anxiety_panic chat channel. The Wednesday night discussion groups will still be held there.

If you would like to page me to join you in the Wings of Love Chat Room *Click Here* to page me and if I am online I will join you there. You can also e-mail and ask me to meet you at a designated time.

I hope you enjoy this new addition to the Anxiety/Panic Attack Resource Site.

The following status indicator will let you know if I am online.

Now everyone can connect to the anxiety_panic chat channel Click here for details. Hope to see you there.

*Click Here* to go to the Wings of Love Chat Page.

Online Support
Other Directories Pages in this Section

Understanding Panic Attacks
Resource Center
Related Issues
On Wings of Love
Links to My Favorite Web Sites
The^Journey Chat Channel
Register for The^Journey Chat Channel
Pictures of the Regulars on The^Journey Chat Channel
Contact me by using the ICQ Pager
Anxiety/Panic Pen-Pal Page
Java-Irc chat (The^Journey chat channel)

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