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The English Cocker Spaniel Webring

Hot Lips

Thank you for visiting the English Cocker Spaniel Webring home page.

This ring was created to gather the internet sites which deal primarily with English Cocker Spaniels. If you own, breed, show or simply like English Cocker Spaniels, this Ring will bring you plenty of information, pleasure and recreation.

Like all Web Rings, the main purpose of the English Cocker Spaniel Ring is to enable visitors to quickly visit a number of English Cocker Spaniel related sites without having to use a search engine or know each individual sites' URL.

Sites (from Breeders, Breed Clubs, etc. ) having valid information on the English Cocker Spaniel are elegible to join the ring. Commercial sites dealing with the breed are also elegible, provided they offer relevant information.

But «puppy mills» or «dealers» are strongly discouraged from applying for membership.

Below you will find:
A sample of the HTML fragment that will identify your site as belonging to the English Cocker Spaniel Ring
A place where members can edit their site listings;
A list of the Ring member pages (so you can see an example);
Statistics ;
A link to our own page.

Joining the Ring:

If you wish to apply for membership to the ENGLISH COCKER SPANIEL WEB RING, go to the web page which you want considered for admission:

  1. COPY the entire url (your website's location on the internet) and prepare to paste it in the form to which you can accede through step 3.
  2. Sites submitted with INCORRECT Web Page addresses or E-mail addresses will not be considered for admission. You will have to re-apply for consideration for admission to this webring.
  3. To apply to the English Cocker Spaniel Webring,
    Click Here
  4. When you add your page to the queue, an email is sent to you that contains the HTML fragment you need on your page. You will need to copy it exactly and paste it onto your page!
  5. After you get it on your page (MUST BE THE PAGE YOU SUBMITTED FOR YOUR URL), it should look like this:
Cocker Spaniel ring Logo
This English Cocker Spaniel Ring
site is owned by
Tinita de Braganza
[ Previous 5 Sites | Previous | Next | Next 5 Sites | Random Site | List Sites

After your page has the HTML fragment added and is ready to be in the ring, E-mail the Ringmasters and ask them to add you to the ring.

Be sure to include your Site ID Number in the e-mail message.

You should now be able to navigate the entire ring until you make it back to your own page. An easy way to see if it is working is to hit the "next" button on your page and see if it takes you to someone's page.

If you have any questions, please feel free to E-mail me.

Editing your site

Once you are a member of the Ring,
you can edit the Ring's information about your page.

Site ID No:


Ring Member Pages
Click here to see a list of Ring web sites
Click here to see statistics for the Ring.

Go to our own site STOCDALE Kennels

English Cocker Spaniel Webringwas made possible by the

Launched: 1st April 2000; Updated: 4 April 2000

© 2000, by J. Vicente de Braganza (Portugal)