Links To Reference Sites
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Reference Information
The links on this page will take you to entire websites devoted to the subject of circumcision - some with hundreds of Megabytes of information.

Websites featuring information provided by such institutions as: the Mayo Clinic, the University of Southern California Medical Center, the University of Manitoba, the University of Lausanne - Switzerland, the University of Washington, the University of Maryland, and the Academy of Medicine - Singapore.

Information provided from sources such as: the British Journal of Medicine, the Israeli Journal of Medical Sciences, the British Journal of Urology, the International Symposium on Sexual Mutilations, and the New England Journal of Medicine, to name but a few.

Information written by researchers, doctors, and groups such as: the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Canadian Paediatric Society, the Australian College of Paediatrics, the British Medical Association, and the United Nations.

The last time I checked, these were highly-respected organizations, individuals, and reference sources.

Foreskin and Circumcision Information
'Mothering' Magazine: The Case Against Circumcision
            Paul M. Fleiss, MD, MPH, Assistant Clinical Professor of Pediatrics,
                        University of Southern California Medical Center

            Mothering: The Magazine of Natural Family Living, Winter 1997, p. 36-45

What Exactly Is Circumcision and What Is It Not ?
            CIRP: Francisco Garcia

Anatomy of the Penis and Mechanics of Intercourse
            CIRP: Geoffrey T. Falk

Male Sexuality - Foreskin Anatomy
            Paul Russo

The Fate of the Foreskin
            Douglas Gairdner, D.M., M.R.C.P.
                        Consultant Paediatrician, United Cambridge Hospitals

            British Medical Journal (1949), Volume 2, p. 1433­1437

Tissue Loss After Circumcision
            Department of Pathology, Health Sciences Centre,
                        University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

            British Journal of Urology (1996), 77, 291-295

In Memory of the Sexually Mutilated Child

            John A. Erickson

Infant Male Circumcision Fact Sheet

Circumcision - Effects Upon Human Sexuality
            Human Sexuality: an Encyclopedia, 1994, p. 119­122

Mothers Against Circumcision Home Page

CIRP: Circumcision Reference Library

Doctors Opposing Circumcision (D.O.C.) Home Page
            D.O.C.: George C. Denniston, M.D.

Circumcision Information Resource Centre
            Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Circumcision Information and Resource Pages
            CIRP: Geoffrey T. Falk

Ending Male Genital Mutilation
            George C. Denniston, M.D., M.P.H.

Babies Remember Pain
            David B. Chamberlain Ph. D.

Foreskin Curriculum
            D.O.C., University of Washington,
                        Computing & Communications World Wide Web Server

The Erogeous Zones: Their Nerve Supply and Significance
            R. K. Winkelmann, M. D., Section of Dermatology
            Proceedings of the Staff Meetings of the Mayo Clinic
                        Vol 34 No 2: Pages 39-47, Rochester, Minnesota, January 21, 1959

NOCIRC Home Page
            National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers

            National Organization to Halt the Abuse and Routine Mutilation of Males

            National Organization of Restoring Men

            National Organization of Restoring Men - U.K.

Complications of Circumcision
            British Journal Of Surgery 1993, Vol 80, (October): 1231-1236.

The Case Against Circumcision
            British Journal Of Sexual Medicine, Sept/Oct 1994

NewHoo Circumcision Search

Frequently Asked Questions about Infant Circumcision
            CIRP: Geoffrey T. Falk

Circumcision: the virtual journal
            University of Washington, D.O.C.
                        Peer­reviewed medical journal appearing exclusively in virtual format
                        Editor: Robert S. Van Howe, M.D. F.A.A.P.

Whose Body, Whose Rights?
            Examining the Ethics and the Human Rights Issue of Infant Male Circumcision

A Message To Intact Males

International Symposium on Sexual Mutilations

MGM: Male Genital Mutilation
Still Not Convinced ?
Take A Look At How It's Actually Done !

Circumcision Methods: Gomco Clamp, Plastibell, Mogen Clamp

Circumcision Procedures: Plastibell

What Happens During Circumcision - Plastibell

Penile Skin Restoration Information
For those who are interested in learning more about the process of penile shaftskin regrowth / pseudo-foreskin replacement - please refer to the following excellent websites for further information.

Derrick Townsend's Foreskin Restoration Site
            Derrick Townsend

Circumcision/Foreskin Restoration Resource Page

Marc's Foreskin Restoration Diary
            Marc Marchioli

Non-Surgical Foreskin Restoration

            David Cappiello

Foreskin Restoration

Foreskin Restoration - Mailing List
            Peer support from those who are experiencing
            the same problems, the same emotions, the same fears.

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