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Attack on New York


Never in my life did I ever think that such a horrible attack on innocent lives could ever be committed. Never have I seen such a total lack of respect for life with the exception of the concentration camps of Germany. When one wages war they do so with the opposing country’s military. That is why they exist. To forward their country’s beliefs and goals, be they right or wrong. Innocent lives have been lost in all conflicts ever waged, and will be lost in every conflict to come.

War is not a surgical instrument to be used in order to weed out just those who would do harm. It is rather a means to an end, each side fighting for what they believe to be true.

My only hope is that the world has seen enough of this kind of mass destruction. Loss of innocent life is horrible enough when it is incidental or unintentional, but when it is deliberate, it is no doubt a horrendous tragedy. If the persons who ordered these attacks would wage war in this fashion, so be it. Those persons label themselves as what they truly are.

I only ask that my beloved citizens of the United States do their best to support our government and our military while the heads of the hydra are severed one by one until there is peace once More.

To All Rescuers-
Thank You
There is no better way to say it.