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News about the artist

Mel's Prince Has Come

Mel B is to interview her hero Prince for a TV special. Scary Spice will take a break from the girls' Spiceworld tour to shoot the programme at the reclusive star's Minneapolis HQ.

The girls are due to perform in the city the night before and Prince is expected to be among the crowd, The Sun reports. Saturday July 25, 11:31 AM

Spice invites O(+>

The Spice Girls have asked Stevie Wonder and The Artist Formerly Known as Prince to join them on stage at their two Wembley stadium gigs in September, although the two legends haven't accepted as yet.The Spices met soul legend Stevie Wonder at the Warchild charity gig and last week Scary and Sporty were guests at the Artist's new album launch party.The Spicy four are still on their sell out American tour, but took time out last week in Nashville, Tennessee, home of country music, to get in there early and record their Christmas single! - MTV News-UK 7/20/98


Scary Spice Mel B. is set to achieve the ambition of a lifetime by singing with her childhood idol Prince. The Spice Girls singer is a huge fan of the diminutive Purple Rain hitmaker, and admits that she was thrilled when she finally came face to face with her idol backstage in a TV studio last year. The pair chatted in his dressing room about music and the perils of touring, but because they both had other commitments they had to cut their conversation short. But Mel, 23, who has just finished recording a duet with American hip-hop star Missy Elliot, now looks set to join forces with the pint sized pop star himself. An insider at RCA Records, who signed a $1.2 million dollar deal last month to distribute Prince's latest album, tells us, "He will be working with Mel B on some top-secret projects in the near future. Mel has a brilliant voice and working with Prince will help her enormously with her fledgling solo career." But how could she possibly dessert the Spice Girls??? Ha. Ha."
- Cybersleaze 7/16/98

O(+> 2 give interview in New York

O(+> will be in New York on Tuesday, June 30 -- the release date for his new album NewPower Soul - - where he has scheduled interviews with journalists and we expect a press release/conference as well.

I hear that Good Morning America will be hosting O(+> on Tuesday, June 30, as he promotes the release of his new album, NewPower Soul

NewPower Soul Concerts

"Chaka Khan:and The Artist Formerly Known As Prince plan to hit the States in a big way late fall. 'We'll start in Europe and work back this way,' says the multi-Grammy-winning singer, who heads out on a world tour with The Artist next month."
San Francisco Examiner- 6/22/98

NewPower Soul in Europe

Rumors abound but we really do believe that Prince & Co. may play some dates in Europe in a few weeks France and Holland have been mentioned by BMG distributors in their respective countries, and here's the first we've heard from the UK:

" Word is that his nibs, The Artist (aka, Symbol, TAFKAP, Prince, Mrs. Miggins etc.) will be visiting these shores sometime this year for tour chores. Which is good news. In the meantime, he's releasing a new single, "The One" this week followed by a full album "Newpowersoul" within a couple of weeks. Which is more good news. NPG Records stablemates, Chaka Khan and Larry Graham also have new albums unleashed soon, Chaka with "Come To My House" and Graham's "GCS 2000". Lotsa good news from NPG then
Blues and Soul - June 23 - July 6, 1998

The Newpower soul

Saturday, june 27 1998
It has now been confirmed that the Newpowersoul has a hidden track. The tracks 11-48 is empty and track 49 is the hidden track "Wasted Kisses". See the compleed track-list at my O(+>discography-site

The newpowerpack

All three new NPG Records albums in one set:

The NPG's Newpower Soul

Larry Graham's GCS2000

Chaka Khan's Come 2 My House

now available for pre-order (NOT currently in stock) through mail order or the internet from 1-800-NEW-FUNK, for $21.00 plus $7.95) shipping (USA). Some 1-800-NF operators have said they will be shipped in three separate jewel boxes, but more have said they will be shipped in one jewel box with three separate ones inside, so this remains to be clarified.

Warning > If all three CDs are not released at the same time, you may have to wait until they have all been released before this item is shipped. This means you will have to buy Prince's Newpower Soul on June 30 and then buy it again when the "Pak" is shipped. We recommend waiting until June 30 to see if the "Pak" is really available at that time before ordering it. If you remember from Crystal Ball, pre-ordering is not necessary, you can order the item when it actually exists. There have also been reports that the "Pak" may be available in stores in the fall. However, if you feel that you want to order the "Pak" from Prince so that he may obtain 100% of the profits from his work, then you should go ahead and do it, but be prepared to be inconvenienced if necessary.

The internet order form for the Newpowerpak- is now located on a secure page

Meeting with MTV

Londell McMillan and Mayte had a meeting with Judy McGrath, President of MTV, and other MTV executives last Wednesday, June 17. They brought with them the Mayte-directed video for "The One". Mayte said that she was very proud of the video and that it was hard for her to edit it from its original longer length, so she brought in a 5 minute version and the "director's cut" 7:00 version. They played the video and Mayte spoke of how much of an honor it was to work with Rita Moreno. While they were filming, Mayte said she was like a little girl, peppering Ms. Moreno with questions about West Side Story.

The folk in the meeting then started talking about different things that "The Artist" could do as the NewPower Soul project rolled out. Most of the talk centered around getting an Unplugged- together. Mayte and Londell were extremely interested, especially at the notion that there could be an Unplugged- CD that may result. Londell then played about one minute of each track from the NewPower Soul - CD which is mostly up-tempo and funky. Judy and Londell spoke openly about the rough relationship that "The Artist" and MTV have had in the recent past; that neither really supported the other. Both camps expressed a desire to work with each other going forward.

Mayte also brought her sister Janice Garcia to the meeting.

From Ø-family. june 23

Paisley Park Performances

June 20 -A very bizarre performance and the debut of "The One" video

Prince has announced that this is to be the last late night jam at Paisley Park

"The One" Video - The version of "The One" that was shown at Paisley Park was described as a "rough cut," so the televised video may be somewhat different. See a review of the video and the arrangement at: O(+>reviews

The press' flames r no match 4 r water!

There was more inside The Crystal Ball than any1 had it appears a firestorm of controversy, fueled by the (used 2 b free) press has erupted over whether the "freedom fighters" who ordered Crystal Ball from 1800NEWFUNK were satisfied?! r some letters from those who know better... articles that refuse 2 tell both sides of ANY story r obviously the voice of 'Big Brother'...NPG KEEP KEEPING ON!
From Love 4 One Another. june 18

More about the story

Release dates on New Power Soul

USA - Release date of Tuesday, June 30*
"The Artist Formerly Known as Prince will preview his new album, New Power Soul, on Monday on the syndicated talk show Vibe.
The album will be in stores on June 30."
Los Angeles Times 6/06/98

UK (?) / Europe - Release date of Monday, June 29*
distributed by various BMG affiliated labels (same distribution as Crystal Ball ) :
distributed by Night & Day in France; by Rough Trade in Germany, Holland

*subject to change

New message from

From Love 4 One Another. june 10

The One, the video - c it soon!!!
Saturday, june 6, 1998
The video 4 THE ONE is being shot in and around Los Angeles on 's date of birth - June 7th... the video is being directed by MAYTE and stars her as well as 11 female dancers and none other than West Side Story co-star RITA MORENO, who plays Mayte's character's mother in the piece...all other details regarding the script r being kept secret 4 now... xpect 2 c the debut of this video sometime soon as all involved seem 2 b in hyperdrive!...can't wait!!!

Boyz II Men Almost Evolved With the Artist
Friday, May 29, 1998
It almost seems inconceivable: The silky-smooth, squeaky-clean doo-wop pop quartet Boyz II Men collaborating with that musically explosive, oft-raunchy funkmeister, The Artist. Yet it almost happened—and just might still. Singer Shawn Stockman says his Boyz were originally supposed to record with the little purple polyglot during the sessions for their latest album, Evolution. "He had expressed interest in working with us," Stockman tells, we couldn't get our schedules together. But we still hope to work together in the future doing something."

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The Artist Makes New Music Available for Preorder

Tuesday, June 2, 1998
Speculation has run rampant surrounding the release date for Newpower Soul, the new album by the Artist's backing band, the New Power Generation, which is said to feature his lead vocals on several tracks. The date for that release remains up in the air, but the Paisley Park camp is moving forward on a sales strategy for those who are too anxious to wait any longer. According to the Love 4 One Another Web site (, the Newpowerpak, a three-CD set made up of Newpower Soul; Larry Graham's GCS2000; and a new album from Chaka Khan, Come 2 My House, can be preordered by calling 1-800-NEW-FUNK.

New forthcomming album
The Artist Formerly Known As Prince had invited retailers from around the nation to Paisley Park Studios in suburban Minneapolis last week to hear the forthcoming album New Power Soul, and then place their orders. Read more about the new album at Wallofsound

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