Skankin' 4 Jesus

Well...I suppose I should tell you a bit about myself. My name is James Ivan Wolbach-Smith and I was born 01-Nov-79 (I'll let you figure my age yourself). I currently live in Colorado Springs CO and attend Colorado State University in Fort Collins. I'm majoring in Biology with a minor in music...this IS subject to change however. Someday I hope to be a veterinarian and move to Ireland. I love to read books (mostly non-fiction), listen to music and play my guitar. I like to swim and play basketball. What I like to do most of all is glorify my Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST! He has done amazing things in my life and He can do amazing things in yours!

However, introducing myself is only a secondary main purpose is to introduce people to Jesus Christ and to one of the best kinds of music in the whole world....SKA!!! So, here are some links to a few Christian ska bands and some other links that are pertinent to my life....the band pages have schedules, so check and see if they're coming to your area! They all put on a good show!

Most importantly, I want to spread the good news about Jesus. First off, it is important for me to say that NO human except Jesus is perfect. And perfection is God's standard to be in His presence (aka Heaven). People try many ways to "bridge the gap" between God and man that is created by out imperfection. Some try religion or philosophy or good works, but none of them do the trick. The ONLY way to reach God is through Jesus. God demands that we should die for our imperfection, not only in this life but eternally (aka hell). Because Jesus led a sinless life and died on the cross for us, He has paid our penalty. This doesn't mean that everyone will go to heaven. We must believe in Christ for His death to be our atoning sacrifice. Believing is not merely accepting that Jesus walked on the earth and that He died. Believing means changing your mind about who He is and who you are. The Bible tells mankind that Jesus is God in the flesh. The Bible also tells us that we are all imperfect and we can't reach God on our own. Believing is also trusting that Jesus' death is all it takes to reach God. This is called faith. Just believing that Jesus died for mankind is not enough. You must also accept that we aren't saved on the basis of our church attendence or our good works or anything else that we have done. Salvation belongs to Jesus alone. The final thing you have to do is express all this to God. This usually (if not always) takes the form of a verbal prayer. Just tell God that what it is that you've realized about Jesus and yourself and that you want Him to come into your life and be your Lord and Savior too. I know it can be difficult to talk to God because He seems SO far away, but just talk to Him like He's right there with you...because He is! And now that you've invited Him into your heart, He will always be with you. Now that you have a personal relationship with God, it is important to maintain that relationship. How well would your relationships with your earthly friends last if you never spoke to them or listened to them? This is where daily prayer, bible reading and church attendance come in. As a side note, you will NOT go to hell and God will not hate you if you don't read your bible every day or you don't go to church every week. Nonetheless, these things are important to your walk with God. Prayer is your communication with Him and the Bible is His communication to us. Often, He chooses to speak to us through other spirit-filled believers. This is why church is important. So is a strong relationship with other believers. These relationships are important to your growth as a Christian. This is where I stop talking and you go find a quiet place to sit and think about what you've just read...don't be afraid to talk to Him. Don't be afraid to talk to me if you need someone to talk to! He is guaranteed to be non-judgmental and I will do my best to be. Don't worry that your sins are too much for Him to forgive! He wants to forgive you, but you have to ask Him. One verse that He has really spoken to me about is 1 Timothy 1:15-16 because it tells me why He chose to save me..."Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners-of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display His unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on Him and recieve eternal life." If you think that your sins are too great for Him to forgive, check out the "Life of the Apostle Paul" link or email me and ask me to share my testimony. Ok...I really am going to shut up now...

"Gonna do three things: preach the gospel, reach your heart and SKA, SKA, SKA, SKA!!!" --SuperTones

Here's a link dedicated to a good friend from college....Kyle, this one's for you...

The ULTIMATE VegiTales page!!! =)

This is for my David Downing, my favorite roommate in the WHOLE world! =) David, I added this link against my better judgment....

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I don't care if you call me a JESUS FREAK!

If you have any question or comments, feel free to email makes me feel special! I also have number is 19214077

My Favorite Links

The life of the Apostle Paul.
My church homepage.
How to skank in 4 easy steps (Thanks Dave) =)
The OFFICIAL SuperTones homepage
Three Tone Blue fan page!!! (They're a Christian ska band from my home for them on the scene...)
My guitar resources page.
Insyderz are the COOLEST!!!
