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Welcome to Sailor PrincessChibimoon's sailormoon palace


Welcome to my Sailor Princess Chibimoon Sailormoon Palace!I am Sailor Princess Jazzymoon.If you see any images you like,feel free to take them and use them on your site.
I hope that you like it and go to my sailor moon image galleries and I hope soon you will be able to view more character info and image galleries for all the scouts,but not a few.While my page is under construction,here is some FAQ's about some of your favorite Sailormoon Characters!!Enjoy!!

Sailormoon-Serena,she is the princess of the moon named Queen Serenity.Queen serenity took her own life trying to protect her kingdom and using the last of the energy in her moonwand.She sent her two cat messangers to protect her daughter,the children of the moon and the earth from the evils of the negaverse.She has a crystal locket and in the earlier episodes she uses a moon wand.In Japan,her name is Tskino Usagi.She is 14 years old,She has the same June 30th birthdate as her daughter Chibiusa.Like Chibiusa I was also born on the same day as my mother.Her hobbies are shopping,eating and playing Video Games.She hates Suprise tests,Her favorite color is pink.Her favorite food is ice cream and her strongest point is that she is a loyal friend.

Ami Mizuno is Sailor Mercury.She is the genius of the sailor scouts.She has a a special computer that tells about the enemy and has special blue goggles.Her favorite food is sand wiches.She likes computers,but dislikes practical Jokes.Her birthdate is september 10th and she is 14 years old.Her unique power is element of water. She lkes to play Chess and wants to be a docter when she grows up.

Sailor Mars is Rei Hino,She has the power of fire.She has these cards that fend off evil.She lives in a temple with her slightly eccentric father.Serena and her argue alot,but deep dpwn thy're really best friends.Her favorite color is red and she is a brilliant fighter.She has

Chibi-usa is Serena's daughter in the 30th century.Her name is also Tskino Usagi.In the future they call her Small lady.She has been sent in the past find Ginzuishou to save her mother's life and help the sailor Scouts.She carries around a lunaPball to communicate with sailor pluto who she is guided by ,in whom she calls Puu.Sailor Pluto is the senshi of time and Space.Sailor Pluto gave her a key so she can travel back in time when ever she wants to.Her parents are Neo Queen Serenitty and King Endymion.They live in a palace in the center of Crystal Tokyo.In North america,her name is Reeny.She is 6 years old and Her favorite color is pink,her favorite food is pudding and her hobbies are collecting rabbit goods.She goes to Minato Ku Juuban elementary School.Ironic as it is, her least favorite subject is Japansese.In the sailormoon S series she becomes SailorChibimoon when she yells moonprism make up.Like Sailor Mercury and Sailor Venus she has Sugar pink heart attack and has pink hearts the distact the enemy and she also has Sailormoon kick that injures the enemy.She also has twinkle yell the summons her pegasus.An evil monster from the negaverse convinced Chibiusa that she wasn't loved and turned her older and in to the evil Black Lady.The Neo queen Serenity showed her memorries and convinced her that she was loved and she turned into the adorable,bratty,Reeny again.

Tomoe Hotaru is Sailor saturn.She is Chibusa's best friend.Unfortunatly she does not appear in the north american version of sailormoon.Her birthdate is January 6th and she is a capricorn.People are not very sure what Tomoe's name is in American,but a guess is Helen.Her favorite color is purple and her hobby is collecting lamps.She dislikes milk and her favorite subject is world history. Her father Professor Hotaru was possessed by the evil Pharoh6 and She was possessed by the evil force and turned into Mistriss9.In a battle in order to save her friends she sacrificed herself and then came back on earth as an 8 year old.She has the special power of injury treatment.She has a weapon called the Silence Glaive,and it can slice through anything.

Another cool character that isn't in the North American version is Meiou Setsuna,Sailor Pluto except she has a speaking part in episode63 from inside the Luna Shere to Chibiusa,in case you didn't know Sailor Pluto was the one that sent Chibiusa in the future.She is the oldest Senshsi and goes to Mugen Gauken High school.She guides Chibiusa through the past from inside the Lunaball.Her favorite food is green tea and her hobbies are Shopping,Sewing and she is also a clothes designer.Her favorite colors are Green and Dark red.She was born October 29th and is a Scorpio.Her favorite subject is physics and Her power is the Garnet Orb.

I would like to give special thanx to few of my friends.I would like to thank Moonkitty for helping me and helping my page look so kawaii,and Lizzy for helping me decide what to do. Starfire for allowing me to use her link on my page.Iwould also like to thank Sailormoon.org for allowing me to use some of their images for my page.I would also like to thank all the websites with good pictures!J/K!!!

I love ya all!!

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Here's a place to get kawaii images and much much more. Visit www.sailormoon.org!

Syornara,come back again soon!!!

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