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Roses69 is dead, not in body but in spirit. I realized that I cannot be the person I was under this name. I know it seems silly but it is important to me. While under this name I was in a lot of pain and a lot of bad shit was going on in my life. I felt like my whole family hated me and I had nothing to live for. I have learned that it really doesn't matter what they think of me but what I think of myself.
It is good to be able to look back and remember where I came from, so that is what this page is going to be for.

The knife cold in my hands
Cold like her touch
Soon it is tainted
Like she sees me
Slowly I watch as it drains
me emotion drains with it
It covers my arms as it makes its way to the floor
Still I feel nothing, my emotions blinded by her words
My hands are covered and I laugh
Are her hands covered too?
It stains my shirt and still I feel nothing
I wounder does she feel my pain?
Her eyes flash in my mind and before darkness calls me.
So dearest mother was it worth your child's blood?
Copyright Danielle McDonald

You see this is where I was, it is a place that I do not wish to return to. I did have good memories with this name, and I met some great people but it is time to let go of this old name.