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First, an introduction. The Rocky Mountain Doctor WHO Viewing Society is a group of Doctor WHO fans in the Denver, Colorado area. We fans in the Mile-High city and surrounding area are fortunate anough to have and support one of the few TV stations in the United States which still shows the good Doctor - KBDI, Channel 12. Steve Brown and Tom Stewart started organizing and collecting names, and the RMDWVS was born. Our first meeting was held in January of 1998, with meetings the first or second Saturday of each month since - see the announcements below and check back for updates.

This is the site to see for announcements of Society events, members' homepages,  contact information, and anything else pertinent to the Society. We hope to update the site on at least a weekly basis, sooner if circumstances necessitate. E-mail addresses for news, updates, or corrections will be listed below.


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