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Welcome to Reba's Page

I will talk about:

Hello, my name is Catherine or better known as Reba in the Golden Pond. I am 37 years old and have two great children. I live in Alberta,Canada. I am self-employed, I own a gas station and store and have 12 employees.

My son's name is Christopher. He is 12 years old and one of the lights of my life. He helped make this homepage for me. He is in 7th grade and is an honour student.He enjoys computers,books (taking away his reading time is like taking food from a starving person) nintendo and lego.He is a real charmer,always there to help and give advice (very opionatated), he is very compassionate,and has a heart of gold!.He fights like crasy with his sister , but dont let anyone else do so,for he will stick up for her always!

My daughter's name is Darla and she is the other light of my life. She is 11 years old, in 6th grade and also an honour student.She enjoys reading any kind of art,she loves drawing,making cards and pictures.Darla loves to cook she makes some great french toast among other things.She also loves to fight with her brother but will not let anyone else pick on him!

I was born in Nova Scotia, Canada, where I lived until I was 15 years old, at that time I decided to move out of the family home and live on my own. My first job when I left home was working in the carnival, traveling from place to place,I worked in one of the game consessions , which was alot of fun.I got to travel lots and meet many different people.

From Nova Scotia, I moved to Toronto,Ontario.I lived there for 2years, and loved the big city life.I made lots of friends and still keep in touch with some.Toronto is a very nice city, it is a city that never sleeps, no matter what time you are downtown on Young Street,it is alive with people>

I have a large family, 4 sisters and 3 brothers.Most of them still live in Nova Scotia.My Dad (who has now passed away) was the best! He was the kindest and most loving person I know. Through him and his teachings, I am what I am today. He has taught me to look at what a person is like on the inside and not the outside, to look at each one with my heart not my eyes! To never judge another unless I want to be judge in the same way. To treat each person that I come in contact with as a friend! I try to live my life by the teachings that he has given me, and even thou he is gone now, I know that he still watches over me and guides me each and every day!He never had a harse or unkind word for anyone no matter what back ground , religion,or race they were from! I have passed on the things he has taught me to my children, and I hope that they will pass the same on to theirs. He has taught me that to receive Love you must give LOVE! And always treat each other with the upmost respect. To have compassion for others,and care and treat others the way that you would want to be treated.

I like chatting with my new friends in the chathouse.

Please bear with me (I am still learning this.) while my site is under construction!!!

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