This used to be a very Pagan/Discordian web site until a few years ago...

Are you saved? It's not a matter of being good, sinning, or going to church. Are you saved? God says in order to go to Heaven, you must be born again (John 3:7). God's Bible describes the plan of becoming born again. It's a good story.

It started a long time ago. God made everything, and as you may know, "It was good." But before long, things took a turn for the worse. God had created Lucifer, a beautiful and talented angel, to be the leader of other angels who worshiped God. Lucifer grew mad (i.e., insane), and believed he himself was like God. Lucifer was beautiful, but--well-- he wasn't God. In a little battle for God, God cast Lucifer from Heaven. Since then, Lucifer has been trying to get revenge against God.

Still a long time ago but after the battle, God created a man and woman in love. He created a beautiful place for them to live forever. Spiritually, they were His beloved bride. God was their sun and source of life. It was Lucifer's dirty chance. He couldn't defeat God, but Lucifer could break God's heart. Using deceit, Lucifer tempted the man and the woman. He convinced them to trade God's inheritance of eternal life for a gilded fruit. They disobeyed God. They prostituted themselves for crap. It was the man and woman's choice. God was now obligated to fulfill the consequences. God is loving, but He is also righteous. That means He has two different (but not conflicting) natures. He loved the man and woman, but He hated their disobedience. He cast them out of the beautiful place.

The part where you come in is that you're these people's super-great- grand-child. You inherited their sinful nature and their natural separation from God.

But that's not the end. God wins.

Thousands of years later after the fall, God turned the tables. He had it planned all along. What Lucifer has took--our cleanliness and direct relationship with God who loves us--God has redeemed. God is a redeeming God. He takes broken things and makes them better than before, but there was a great price to pay to redeem all of mankind. Mankind's sin was heavy. The price was blood. The payment was God's precious son, Jesus.

Jesus was born a real person, like you. He grew up not too much different than you. He was tempted in every way, like you. Still, He was God's son, and completely God, even in a human body. He didn't sin. Not once. His perfection was unique, so He one to pay mankind's debt of sin. Though innocent, He convicted as a criminal. Like a criminal, He was condemned to die, and He did.

Lucifer probably was having a party at this point.

When Jesus died, His perfect sacrifice made the debt of mankind's sin. Oh, and what really spited Lucifer and provided proof of God's divine genealogy is that Jesus rose from the dead. (If you can raise yourself from the dead, don't read any further.) That almost raps everything up.

So far, mankind has a scapegoat to cancel sin. What a relief! Lucifer is mad again. But, the books aren't closed yet.

To apply God's sacrifice to your sin, you have to be born again. Remember, the natural birth includes sinful nature inherited from the first man and woman, your super-great-grandparents, so you have to do that birth over again. You don't need your mom for this. She would just give you a funny look. You must be born again spiritually.

Now, to be saved, that is pardoned from the crime of sin, you must believe Jesus (Acts 16:30). This implies you have to stop trying to be morally perfect to save yourself. Being morally perfect won't save you. Going to church won't save you. God knows that, and frankly, it makes you seem silly. Stop. Believe in Jesus' perfection and its basis to save you. If your faith needs a little brick and mortar, remember Jesus rose from the dead. It's both a fact and a miracle, a confirmation of Jesus' identity.

Good, you're forgiven. (Sigh.)

You were just born again, so no matter what your driver's license says, you are a spiritual toddler. You've got to grow, and fast! Say hello to your estranged family: your father God and your brother Jesus. You can do so by praying. They are listening.

Listen to God. God speaks to you through His Word which is the Bible. Read the Bible, and God will speak to you. Do you have a Bible? Go get one. They're easy to find.

Then, speak for God. Be God's witness for others, and tell them about him. You might as well, you've been reading this for five minutes.

Finally, encourage your spiritual brothers and sisters--and be encouraged-- by meeting with them. Don't be a Lone Ranger Christian. It doesn't work. Find others who believe in the Bible.

One last thing. You're invited to a really great wedding feast, and it's your marriage. Believers and God will reunite when Christ returns and really smites Lucifer for the last time. There will be a big party. Don't be late.

Contact me.

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