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This site, contents and all collaborating links and material is Copyright © 1999 The Pokémon U.S. Any plagiarism, warrez or pirating, or any other act against this site or any of its members, workers or fans will be properly punished, with penalty of Grand Fine or, possibly, imprisonment or incarceration. This applies main to any original material, specifically any original ideas, pictures, information or material. Only material specified as being allowed to be "freely distributed" is permitted to be copied and used, but only with no modifications. If you take material that is protected, you are held liable and accountable for not asking if it was or was not protected, and we hold no responsibility for any charges that may apply.This site, contents and all collaborating links and material is Copyright © 1999 The Pokémon U.S. Any plagiarism, warrez or pirating, or any other act against this site or any of its members, workers or fans will be properly punished, with penalty of Grand Fine or, possibly, imprisonment or incarceration. This applies main to any original material, specifically any original ideas, pictures, information or material. Only material specified as being allowed to be "freely distributed" is permitted to be copied and used, but only with no modifications. If you take material that is protected, you are held liable and accountable for not asking if it was or was not protected, and we hold no responsibility for any charges that may apply. And furtherly to anyone who wishes to replicate this site, you will be fined. This includes unauthorized use of the Factory Name, Employee Names, Fan Names, Directory Names, Material, Pictures as well as the pages themselves. If you are found or suspected to be found with any of these, this counts as Plagarism (first degree), Warez (first degree), and Theft (second degree). Once again we take no responsibility for any charges or cost decreed. Incorragable actions will be prosecuted at offenders risk. WE TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY CHARGES, COSTS OR LOSSES. I make my own immages and I don't like people stealing my things!

Pokémon, the Pokémon logo, the game, all original (as in the first) pictures, and other material are property of Nintendo, Inc., Game Freak, Inc., and Creatures, Inc. Any matters to do with the original pictures or other material described here should be directed to one of those three companies.

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