Sword of Truth Terms

Sword of Truth Terms List



A man of prayer living in Renwold slaughtered by the Imperial Order army. Former employer of Clarissa.
Abigail. Daughter of Helsa, a sorceress from Coney Crossing in Pendisan Reach. Wife of Philip and mother of Jana. During an attack by D'Haran forces before the boundary was created, she was the only person from Coney Crossing who escaped. Forced Zedd to rescue her townpeople through a debt. She believed that the debt was owed to her mother by Zedd's father. In reality, it was the other way around.
Additive Magic
The magic of taking something already there and using it or adding to it. Comes from the physical world. The counter to Subtractive Magic.
A sorceress and bone woman from Choora in Nicobarese, who has most recently lived near the Westland entrance to the Boundary in hopes of contacting Pell 's spirit. Captured at a relatively young age by the Blood of the Fold, who blinded her while trying to make her confess to being a baneling. Uses her magic to "see" in a different way.
The Adventures of Bonnie Day
A children's book written by Nathan Rahl as a "primer in prophecy."
Agaden Reach
A valley in the Rang'Shada Mountains. Home of Shota, the witchwoman.
One who trades favors with the Keeper in return for the knowledge of Subtractive Magic. Also, a term used to refer to banelings.
A blood-red leather rod about a foot long used by the Mord-Sith to torture their prisoners. Just being touched by an agiel causes extreme pain in any form the Mord-Sith wants including breaking bones and killing.
A Keltish teamster who has a Galean royal passmedallion. Transported Zedd and Adie to Nicobarese and forced by the mriswith to bring Kahlan and Adie to Tanimura for Jagang.
Aldurren, Annalina
Former prelate of the Sisters of the Light. Presumed dead by the Sisters after she was attacked in her office by a Sister of the Dark. While being healed after the attack by Nathan Rahl, she and he both faked their deaths so they could work unseen against the Sisters of the Dark.
Homeland of Emperor Jagang. Altur'Rang means roughly "The Creator's Chosen."
a Sister of the Dark . Helped Marlin spread the plague in Aydindril . Supposedly betrayed her oath to the Keeper so she could enter the Temple of theWinds via the Hall of the Betrayer. Killed by Kahlan .
Amnell, Kahlan
Mother Confessor and former ruler of the Midlands . Daughter of Wyborn Amnell and an unnamed Confessor. Serves as the Queen of Galea and Kelton. Married Drefan Rahl as payment to allow Richard to enter the Temple of the Winds. Now married to Richard.
Amnell, Wyborn
Prince Consort of Queen Bernadine. Chosen by an unnamed Confessor to be her mate. Father of Harold, Cyrilla, and Kahlan Amnell. A great general and tactician.
D'Haran general and wizard during the war before the Boundary. Led the sacking, hostage-taking, and holding of Coney Crossing.
Andellmere, Kevin
Swordsman at the Palace of the Prophets and friend of Richard.
Anderson, Beth
Daughter of Clive and Hattie. Survived the plague.
A chairmaker and father of Darby, Lily, and Beth. Son of Erling . Husband of Hattie. Died of the plague.
Anderson, Darby
A Ja'La player. Son of Clive and Hattie. Died of the plague.
Anderson, Erling
A chairmaker and father of Clive.
Anderson, Hattie
Mother of Darby, Lily, and Beth. Wife of Clive. Died of the plague.
Anderson, Lily
Daughter of Clive and Hattie. Died of the plague.
A race of quasi-human magical creatures who live in the Midlands. Once they show up, one can only get rid of them with very specific protocol. One must give them a shiny objects or give them a messages. More reliable messengers than most humans.
The magic of divining the answers to questions by the inspection of living human entrails. Practiced by Darken Rahl.
Heavy spears with long, thin barbs used by D'Haran soldiers.
Elder of the Mud People .
A Sister of the Dark .
A lady-in-waiting to Queen Cyrilla. Killed in the massacre of Ebinissia.
Plant whose leaves, when mixed into a cream, can soothe cuts and bruises.
Home of the Wizard's Keep and the Confessor's Palace, and place where the Central Council of the Midlands meets. It is a neutral city.
Azrith Plains
The plains southwest of the People's Palace in D'Hara.
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Baka Ban Mana
"Those without masters." Tribe that once lived in the Valley of the Lost. At war with a neighboring tribe the Majendie. Using his wits and a bird whistle, Richard created peace between the two tribes. Their Blade Masters are without peer. Richard killed thirty and by doing so proved that he was the Caharin, their master, and the husband of Du Chaillu. Du Chaillu is the ruler and spirit woman, who has the ability to absorb magic, of the tribe. By destroying the spells of the Towers of Perdition, Richard, with the help of Du Chaillu, returned the Valley of the Lost to her people.
General of the Keltish army.
The plant that ten-step poison is made from.
One who secretly serves the Keeper. Some are known as agents .
A group of usually peaceful people living east of the Mud People.
The First Wizard of Kolo's time. A War Wizard . After going to the Temple of theWinds to determine what exactly had happened there, he returned in a stupor. Committed suicide shortly after he returned.
Bashkar, Jorin
The King of Jara and uncle of Tristan .
Bashkar, Tristan
A minister and member of the royal house of Jara. Ambassador to Richard. Nephew of Jorin. Attempted to kill Kahlan. Killed at the order of Richard.
A Sister of the Light. Pregnant. Killed by dacra after the she tried to get Verna to get all Sisters of the Light out of the Palace of the Prophets.
Benstent, Ham
A former gravedigger in Tanimura. Partner of Milton Sproul. "Buried" both Ann and Nathan.
One of four Mord-Sith who assigned herself to bodyguard detail of Richard. Was the victim of a possesion spell cast by Lunetta. Richard used his magic to save her. Understands some High D'Haran and help Richard translate Kolo's journal. Lover of Raina.
A servant at the Confessor's Palace in Aydindril.
Former Queen of Galea, mother of Cyrilla and Harold, and first wife of Wyborn Amnell
A Ja'La player and surviver of the plague.
Bevinvier, Jebra
A Seer and body servant to Lady Ordith. Formerly in the possesion of the Stone of Tears. Currently working for Zedd.
Representative of Sanderia in the Central Council.
The owner of an inn in Southaven. Father of Randy. Respects Chase.
A fool in Westland. Called Zedd a witch.
Bird Man
The true, but hidden, leader of the Mud People. The bird man can use a special whistle to call birds to him. All he has to do is think of the bird he wants and blow on the whistle and the bird will come.
An herb that helps prevent diarrhea.
Captain of the Lady Sefa .
Blood flies
These flies feed on blood and are used by gars to aid in their hunt for prey.
Blood of the Fold
An organization from Nicobarese dedicated to hunting and killing banelings. They believe that magic is of the Keeper and should be eradicated as is the Creator's wish. The Blood of the Fold are only interested in hearing what they believe, and not the truth, when questioning people accused of being banelings. Led by a Lord General, most recently Tobias Brogan.
Blunt Mountain
A mountain and cliff in the Upper Ven forest.
A guard at the Palace of the Prophets.
The covenant that connects the D'Haran people to the present Master Rahl. Established by Alric Rahl as a counter to the power of dreamwalkers.
A character in The Adventures of Bonnie Day. Also a horse.
Book of Counted Shadows
The instruction manual for using the Boxes of Orden. Taken from the Wizard's Keep in Aydindril by Nathan, Adie ,Prelate Annalina , and George Cypher, who made his son Richard memorize it. The book was then burned.
Area of the world where the Underworld overlaps with the physical world making it impossible to travel through. There were two boundaries put in place by the Zedd. One separated Westland from the Midlands, the other separated the Midlands from D'Hara. Both boundaries have since fallen.
Boundary Warden
A group of soldiers in Westland that would patrol the land along the boundary to keep people from entering the boundary and to keep underworld beasts from getting out. Chase is a prime example.
Bound-fork prophecy
A type of prophecy that enforces a double bind onits victim. Essentially a no-win situation where the only two choices lead to the exact same result.
Boxes of Orden
The three vessels for the Magic of Orden. Can confer ultimate power upon the opener if the correct box is opened. The other two boxes will either kill the opener or destroy the entire world. In order to open the boxes one must first "put them in play", only one box is needed to do this and how that is done is not mentioned. Once put in play, one of the boxes must be opened within a year's time or the person who put the boxes in play will die. Identified by the amount of shadows each box casts (which changes each day). Next the shell must be removed from each box and the proper spells must be cast. At this point one of the boxes can be opened. The Book of Counted Shadows contain the instructions on which Box to open. To open the boxes, one must have the use of both Additive and Subtractive Magic.
A Midlands general during the war with D'Hara before the Boundary.
Brandstone, Dell (Chase)
A Boundary warden. Husband of Emma, and adoptive father of Rachel .
Brandstone, Emma
Wife of Chase.
Brandstone, Lee
Daughter of Chase and Emma. Current caretaker of Cat.
A city in the Old World .
An elder of the Mud People. Died of the plague.
The Briar House
An inn in Tanimura.
A whore at the Latherton Rooming House .
Brighton, Cecil
An herb-seller from the Westland. Father of Nadine .
Brighton, Nadine
A young healer from Westland. Daughter of Cecil. Persuaded to come to Aydindril by Shota. Former wife of Richard as payment to allow Richard to enter the Temple of the Winds. Killed by Drefan Rahl.
A soldier in the Galean army. With Peter, came up with the idea of breaking the opposing army's horse's legs by running a chain through them.
Ball used for Ja'La .
Brogan, Lunetta
Sister of Tobias. She is a sorceress. Adept at circle and possesion spells. Killed by Galtero after killing Tobias after he went insane.
Brogan, Tobias
Lord General of the Blood of the Fold. Brother of Lunetta. Killed by Lunetta after his gift was revealed and he convinced himself that he was the Creator.
A former trader/smuggler who was to be executed for molesting and killing a little boy. Instead, however, he chose to call a Confessor, who turned out to be Kahlan. When it was found that he was innocent, Kahlan's wizard, Giller, changed him into a wolf to remove most of the magic of the Confessor's Touch. Unfortunately, some of its power still remained and he became a self-appointed guardian of Kahlan until his death at the hands of Demmin Nass.
Ambassador from Togressa.
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"The one who dances with the spirits." A legendary person among the Baka Ban Mana who will restore their homeland to them. One of Richard's many titles. Automatically the husband of the Baka Ban Mana spirit woman.
Elder of the Mud People.
The ability to be (but not the talent for being) a wizard. Wizards who possess the calling, but not the gift can be wizards of the Second or Third Order, but no higher.
Callisidrin River
A river running north through the center of the Midlands. It serves to separate Galea and Kelton.
A hideous and deadly creature that lives in the woods near Agaden Reach. Sometimes disguises itself as a man named Old John.
A prayer used by the Mud People healers.
Leader of the four Mord-Sith to assign herself to bodyguard detail of Richard. When trying to steal Marlin's magic, was subjected to an unhealthy amount of backfire. When trying to steal the Andolian Legate Rishi's magic, was caught by the magic of the Temple of the Winds. Loyal to the extreme.
Young boy killed by Darken Rahl to create a Shinga.
Carriage House
An inn in Tamarang.
Castaglen Crossing
A town in D'Hara visited with the plague.
Zedd's cat. Given to Lee Brandstone.
A Sister of the Dark.
A novice at the Palace of the Prophets .
A border city, partially in Galea and partially in Kelton .
Central Council of the Midlands
The former ruling body of the Midlands. Consists of representatives from the various kingdoms in the Midlands and the Mother Confessor, representing all unrepresented peoples. Disbanded by Richard
A baker in Aydindril.
An elder and warrior or the Mud People. Nephew of Toffalar. Guided Kahlan from the Mud People village to Aydindril and helped her train the remains of the Ebinissian army to fight against the Imperial Order.
Chapman, Peter
A soldier in the Galean army.
See Brandstone, Dell
"Reechani, Sentrosi, Vasi." Trigger words to: 1) the spell that saved Richard from the plague; 2) release something bad into the world.
Cholbane, Leonora
A member of the royal house of Grennidon. Has a reputation as a tough negotiator. Sister of Walter.
A member of the royal house of Grennidon, also has a reputation as a tough negotiator. Brother of Leonora.
A town in Nicobarese where Adie was born.
Former friend of Verna and Phoebe. Presently a Sister of the Dark. Killed by Emperor Jagang on a whim.
Circle spell
A spell that traps the victim in one place by forcing them to move in a continuous circle without the victim realizing it.
A woman from Renwold. Rescued from almost certain rape and slavery by Nathan. Grew to love (and have an intimate relationship with) Nathan. Killed by Jagang through Amelia.
Clark, Regina
A survivor of the Horner's Mill massacre.
Cloud Leaf
A soothing herb put in tea that can make one fall asleep if given too much.
A sergeant in the D'Haran army.
Collins Inn
An inn in Tamarang.
Con Dar
"The Blood Rage." A magic that only a few of the strongest Confessors can do. Until Kahlan invoked it instinctively, was only taught to a Confessor by her mother. It can only be invoked on behalf of another. When in the Con Dar, a Confessor devotes her life to the accomplishment of a goal, usually vengeance. A Confessor in the Con Dar can use Subtractive Magic in addition to Additive Magic. Most Confessors who go into the Blood Rage die.
Coney Crossing
A village in Pendisan Reach on the Coney River where Abby lived. Where the Boundary was created.
Coney River
A tributary of the Kern River.
Confederation of Lands
The major lands in the Midlands, governed by the Central Council .
A woman who possesses a magic that can cause otherpeople to become hopelessly devoted to her to the exclusion of everything else. This is called the Confessor's Touch. This magic is passed down from mother to daughter. All Confessors except Kahlan Amnell were killed by quads sent by Darken Rahl. Long ago, there were also male Confessors, but they were hunted down by wizards in the dark time. Any male born of a Confessor is killed by her mate.
Confessor's Palace
A palace in Aydindril that serves as a home for Confessors and housed the Central Council of the Midlands.
Sadistic Mord-Sith and friend of Denna. Killed by Richard with Denna's agiel.
Council of Elders
The supposed ruling body of the Mud People. While the Council appears to rule to the outside world the Council and all of the Mud People are ruled by the Bird Man.
A lieutenant in the D'Haran army. Killed. Somehow??
Basically God. Opposite of the Keeper of the Underworld.
A sergeant in the Galean army.
A sentry for the Galean army.
Cypher, George
Stepfather of Richard Rahl and father of Michael Cypher. Killed by Darken Rahl in his search for the Book of Counted Shadows by practicing anthropomancy on him.
Cypher, Michael
Stepbrother of Richard and son of George. For a time, was the First Councillor of Westland. Allied with Darken Rahl. Killed by Richard after the truth was discovered.
Cypher, Richard
Given name of Richard Rahl .
Former Queen of Ebinissia, daughter of Bernadine and Wyborn, sister of Harold, and half-sister of Kahlan Amnell. Cyrill was captured by the Imperial Order when they attacked Ebinissia and was thrown into a prison cell holding the worst criminals in Aydindril. The prisoners raped and beat her repeatedly and as a result she has become mentally unstable.
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a special rounded knife used by Sisters of the Light. Extinguishes the spark of life in anyone stabbed if the stabber has his or her Han activated and transfers the stabee's Han to the stabber.
Brin's horse.
Dark Time
A period of history in which a few male Confessors joined forces and brought about a terrible reign of cruelty.
de Dackidvich, Ordith Contadith
Lady of the House of Burgalass in the Midlands. Extremely pompous. Former employer of Jebra.
Death spell
A spell that can mimic a real death by making people believe that they have seen a death, and so make them viscerally accept the event as true.
Lieutenant in Aydindril. Killed in the D'Haran takeover of Aydindril.
A sorceress who lived in the Wizard's Keep. Took care of Zedd when he was a child. Called him the "trickster."
Helmsman of the Lady Sefa.
The Mord-Sith who trained Richard. Denna was not able to break Richard and he instead began to love her for "teaching" him. Later made him her mate. Through her, he learned how to turn the Sword of Truth white and killed her with his love and forgiveness.
Foster sister of Kahlan and a Confessor. Killed by a quad.
The words that express the bond to the present Master Rahl. "Master Rahl guide us. Master Rahl teach us. Master Rahl protect us. In your light we thrive. In your mercy we are sheltered. In your wisdom we are humbled. We live only to serve. Our lives are yours." Corruptted in their use by Darken Rahl.
Land just east of the Midlands. D'Hara is ruled by the Rahl family with the current ruler called the Master Rahl.
Lizardlike winged creatures that live in the Midlands. There are at least three types gray, green, and red. Gray dragons are rather small and shy. Green dragons are larger, stupider, and extremely bad-tempered. Red dragons are smarter and much larger than greens. An example of a red dragon is Scarlet.
A person who can get into people's minds while they dream. They can also take advantage of the time between moments. To our knowledge, only one currently exists, the Emperor Jagang.
Drun River
A river that runs right along where the east side of the Westland-Midlands boundary used to be.
Du Chaillu
Spirit woman of the Baka Ban Mana people. Rescued from the Majendie by Richard, who is currently her "husband."
A Sister of the Dark.
A novice at the Palace of the Prophets .
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Capital city of Galea. Ebinissia was one of the cities to fall before the Imperial Order. When the Imperial Order attacked they killed all who lived there and left the city in ruins.
A mriswith. Servant of Jagang .
One of Richard's personal guards (along with Ulic) and a member of the First File.
A lady-in-waiting to Queen Cyrilla. Killed in the massacre of Ebinissia.
Enemy web
A spell cast by a wizard to make all see the one it is cast on as their worst enemy. While under the effects of an enemy web, Richard was mistaken for Darken Rahl by Zedd and Kahlan. Both were so taken by the spell that they tried to kill him.
Wife of Zedd and grandmother of Richard. Killed by a worm spell created by a quad sent by Panis Rahl when Zedd tried to heal her.
A member of the Blood of the Fold. A zealot. Brutally killed by Valdora.
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Feng San disharmony
A Raug'Moss term for excessive stress.
A Sister of the Light. One of the Ann's two administrators.
Fire Spring
Vents in the Wilds where steam comes up from the ground. Darken Rahl kept Scarlet's egg in the Fire Spring, guarded by dozens of short-tailed gars.
First Chair
The chair in the Central Council chambers reserved for the Mother Confessor. It is a capital offense for a council member to sit in it.
First Councilor
Ruler of Westland.
First File
The ruler of D'Hara's personal guards made up of two thousand of D'Hara's finest soldiers. Led by Commander-General Trimack.
First Wizard
The most powerful wizard at any given time. The present First Wizard is Zedd
First Wizard's Enclave
An area in the Wizard's Keep in Aydindril which only the First Wizard is allowed to enter (supposedly).
Fleckner, Lucy
A Westland girl, married to Giles.
Forked Prophecy
A type of prophecy with almost infinite possible meanings.
A guard in Tamarang.
A fool in Westland. Called Zedd a witch.
A sergeant in the Galean army.
Former High Prince of Kelton. Allied with the Imperial Order. Sentenced Kahlan to death for her "crimes." Killed by Richard.
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Gadding, Brandin
One of Queen Milena's chief advisors.
A nation in the Midlands south of the Rang'Shada Mountains and west of Kelton. Ruled by Queen Cyrilla until she went insane. Currently ruled by Kahlan. Its capital is Ebinissia.
Galliene, Mathrin
Leader of the King's Circle in Choora. Also influential in the Blood of the Fold. Responsible for the death of Pell and the blinding of Adie, who later killed him. A baneling whose task was to keep Adie's quest away from the destruction of the Keeper.
A member of the Blood of the Fold and right-hand man of Tobias Brogan. Killed by Kahlan after he killed Lunetta.
These creatures were bred by the D'Haran war wizards to fight off the mriswith. They used to be brutal to humans, and they were extremely fierce. Thankfully, Richard was able to call a truce with their new leader (and Richard's good friend) Gratch. They now live in harmony with humans. There are two types of gars, long-tailed and short-tailed. The short-tailed are the bigger and more intelligent of the two. Gars use blood flies to flush out their prey.
Garden of Life
A cavernous room in the center of the People's Palace in D'Hara. Used as a private garden by D'Hara's rulers. Where Darken Rahl attempted to open the Boxes of Orden.
Representative of Lifany in the Central Council.
This ceremony of the Mud People calls forth their ancestor spirits so that they can be asked for guidance. A gathering can be only called by the Council of Elders and they will only do so if the need is great enough.
A character in The Adventures of Bonnie Day. Also a horse.
The natural talent to do a specific kind of magic. Wizards with the gift are usually taken as boys to the Palace of the Prophets. The headaches which are the first signs of an active wizard with the gift come after the wizard has: 1) used the gift to help another; 2) used the gift to save himself; 3) used the gift to kill another. Usually after the headaches, the wizard is either taught by a trained wizard, approached by three Sisters of the Light who present him with a Rada'Han, or the headaches kill him. The gift can come to different people with different strengths.
A friend of Richard's from Westland. Married to Lucy Fleckner.
Wizard who sold his services to Queen Milena of Tamarang. Formerly Kahlan's wizard and Zedd's apprentice. He helped Rachel smuggle the third Box of Orden out of Tamarang in a loaf of bread. When it was discovered by Darken Rahl that he had done this, he started to practice anthropomancy on Giller. Giller, however, made Wizard's Life Fire to prevent Darken from finding out that Rachel had the last Box.
Gillaume Hall
A building at the Palace of the Prophets. Named after a Prophet.
Glamour spell
A spell that makes the caster attractive to others. Illegal at the Palace of the Prophets.
A wizardly symbol. (Picture here) Outer circle represents the spirit world. Square represents the separation between the spirit world and life. Inner circle represents life. The star represents the light of the Creator, permeating all worlds, a hope to remain in the Creator's Light from birth through life to the Underworld. An inverted Grace (picture here), which bends the separation inside the world of life and outside of the spirit world, was part of the spell which created the Boundary.
A gar Richard saved at birth, after killing his mother, who then became his friend. Since gars were created to aid war wizards, and Gratch was the friend of a Richard, he later became leader of the gars.
Great Void
A possible future that exists without magic. A desirous future to Jagang
A red dragon. His mother is Scarlet .
Former king of Tanimura and the surrounding area. His fate is not known.
A country in the Midlands .
Grid, Ma Ban
Spirit guide ofthe Bantak. Leader of the aborted attack on the Mud People.
Armored and spiked animals that live in King's Port. Once they grip an appendage, will not let go. The only acceptable solution is to cut off the appendage.
A soldier in the D'Haran army.
A half-wit who ran errands in Renwold. Killed by the Imperial Order.
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Hagen Woods
A dangerous forest near Tanimura. A training ground for those with Subtractive Magic. Inhabited by mriswith and other evil creatures. One of the Sliph's destinations.
Hall of the Betrayed
A path to the Temple of the Winds. Can only be entered by one who has been betrayed by someone.
Hall of the Betrayer
A path to the Temple of the Winds. Can only be entered by one who has betrayed someone.
Hallick, Kelley
A healer at the People's Palace.
A Mord-Sith and protector of Richard. Killed in one of the first mriswith attacks.
Halsband Island
Island in the Old World near Tanimura on which the Palace of the Prophets is located. It is in the Kern River.
Elder of the Mud People.
Hamilton, Lindy
Hartland girl working with Cecil Brighton in place of Nadine.
The force of life within everyone. Wizards can use their Han to create a wizard's web.
Commander of the armies of Galea and half-brother of Kahlan.
A generous captain in the D'Haran army.
A regular customer of the Latherton Rooming House.
The capital of the Westland.
Hawker's Trail
A trail in the Upper Ven forest.
Heart hounds
Animals about three times the size of a wolf that live near and in the Boundary. Named either because of their ability to hunt by hearing the beating of a heart or because they go for the heartinstead of the throat when they kill.
A novice at the Palace of the Prophets.
Abby's mother. Sorceress who lived in Coney Crossing. Zedd's father saved both her life and Abby's during a tough childbirth, creating a debt of bones between them.
A fatal poison. Used by Drefan's mother.
A country in the Midlands.
A young wizard-in-training at the Palace of the Prophets.
High D'Haran
An archaic language formerly spoken in D'Hara.
Hobson, Flin
A lieutenant in the Galean army.
Granddaughter of Valdora. Has the gift.
Home Guard
Aydindril's standing army. Killed in the D'Haran takeover of Aydindril.
Home Guard
The First Councilor's personal guards.
Horner's Mill
A Midlands town whose inhabitants were slaughtered by Darken Rahl's forces, who used the Wizard's First Rule to make them think that an invading Westland army was responsible.
A Raug'Moss.
A soldier in the Imperial Order's army. Killed. Somehow??
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Imperial Order
A new world order from the Old World led by Emperor Jagang. They destroyed the alliance of the Midlands, and are trying to take it over. They are currently at war with D'Hara. Dedicated to the eradication of magic and the Great Void.
A wizard-in-training at the Palace of the Prophets .
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Jackson, Brin
A soldier in the Galean army.
Emperor of the Old World and leader of the Imperial Order and also a dream walker.
Ja'La dh Jin
A violent game from Emperor Jagang's homeland of Altur'Rang. Its name means "The Game of Life," but it is usually shortened to Ja'La - "The Game." Comparable to football but uses a broc.
Court artist in Tamarang. Has the ability to cast keeper spells. Killed by Richard
A Sister of the Light.
Abby's daughter. Held hostage by the D'Harans after they sacked Coney Crossing. Saved by Zedd.
Jara Pass
A pass through the Rang'Shada Mountains.
A country in the Midlands.
A wizard at the Palace of the Prophets. Allied with the Sisters of the Dark. Father of Leitis. Former lover of Margaret and many other Sisters.
A guard in Tamarang.
A character in The Adventures of Bonnie Day. Also a horse.
Jester's Inn
A whorehouse somewhere.
A Baka Ban Mana man who was sent by Du Chaillu with a message for Richard at the Palace of the Prophets.
A race of giants who lived west of the Mud People. They attacked the Mud People for an unknown reason before the Mud People had fighters. Chandalen's grandfather gave an oath to send the entire Jocopo nation to the spirit world after his wife was abducted. Eventually, with the aid of the spirits, the Mud People exterminated the Jocopo.
Jocopo Treasure
A group of prophecies collected by the Jocopo. Sought after by Zedd and Ann at the order of Nathan. One of the Sliph's destinations.
A Sister of the Light.
A fool in Westland. Called Zedd a witch.
Journey Book
A magical book used for transmitting messages over long distances. Come in pairs.
A drink that aids the Majendie in seeing the spirits.
A lady-in-waiting to Queen Cyrilla. Killed in the massacre of Ebinissia.
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A Keltish commander in the Imperial Order's army. Killed. Somehow??
Kedar, Javis
Star guide to the royal house of Jara.
Keeper of the Underworld
The opposite of the Creator. Rules the Underworld, and hates all life. Also known as the Lord of Anarchy and the Nameless One. Held in the Underworld by the Stone of Tears among other things.
Keeper spell
A spell drawn by an artist that creates an invisible box around the victim. Once touched, it begins to tighten. Eventually there is no room left in the box and the victim won't be able to move. The spell is poison, and inevitably either the poison or the crushing effect kills the victim unless they remove the spell.
A land in the Midlands east of Galea. Until recently, it was ruled by Prince Fyren. Currently ruled by Kahlan.
A Raug'Moss.
Kern River
A river in the Old World that passes through Tanimura. Halsband Island is in the Kern River.
A general in the D'Haran army. One of the heroes of the Shinavont province revolt.
King's Port
A passage in the Boundary between the Midlands and the Westland. South of Southaven.
King's Row
A street in Aydindril.
Brother of Yonick. Died from the plague.
A young wizard-in-training at the Palace of the Prophets.
Nickname used by Richard for a wizard from 3,000 years ago. Kolo wrote a journal describing the great war in which the New World was sealed off from the Old World. The word koloblicin, from which Kolo is derived, means "strong advisor" in High D'Haran.
Lady. Queen Milena's star guide.
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Lancaster, Tommy
A man from the Westland who attempted to rape Nadine. Friend of Lester. Married to Rita Wellington.
Latherton Rooming House
A brothel in Aydindril.
Latherton, Silas
The owner of the Latherton Rooming House in Aydindril.
Lady Sefa
A ship which carried the Sisters of the Dark from Tanimura. Owned by Captain Blake.
Daughter of Verna and Jedidiah. Died of old age.
Friend of Tommy Lancaster.
A country in the Midlands.
Light web
A destructive type of magic similar to a bomb with a long fuse. Can cause pain to those in it. Can be triggered by many things, as set by the caster.
A Sister of the Dark. One of Richard's teachers. Killed by Richard with the love magic of the Sword of Truth
Grandmother of Adie. A sorceress, she taught Adie how to use her gift in various ways.
A wizard of Kolo's time. The head prosecutor in the Temple of the Winds inquisition. Responsible for reinforcing the damage already done to the Temple of theWinds. Turned the Sliph into what she is today.
Lumholtz, Cathryn
A Dutchess and former ruler of Kelton. Lunetta possessed and cast a glamour spell on her so that she could attract and kill Richard.
A village in Pendisan Reach. The hometown of Philip.
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Ma Ban Grid
Spirit guide of the Bantak.
Maes, Pasha
A third rank novice at the Palace of the Prophets, in charge of training Richard. Next in line to become a Sister of the Light. Used by the Sisters of the Dark for various purposes. Killed by Warren while she was trying to kill Richard.
Magic of Orden
An ancient and dangerous magic of immense power. Contained in the Boxes of Orden. Imparts power over life and death, and therefore combines Additive and Subtractive Magic.
A group of people who live in a crescent-shaped swath of forests in theOld World. They believe in human sacrifice. Enemies of the Baka Ban Mana. Ruled by a Queen Mother who represents the spirits of fertility.
A captain of the Imperial Order army.
A country in the Midlands. Ruled by an assembly of seven.
A Sister of the Light. Head of the novices at Palace of the Prophets.
Woman who worked for the D'Harans under Anargo. Threatened Abby with her daughter's life.
A Sister of the Light. Betrayed by Jedidiah and killed by Liliana.
A Ja'La player.
Marsick, Leoma
A Sister of the Dark and former advisor of Verna. Killed by Verna with a dacra.
Master Rahl
The ruler of D'Hara. The people of D'Hara are bonded to the Master Rahl. To prove their faith to the Master Rahl, the D'Harans speak a devotion that expresses the bond.
A Sister of the Dark. One of Richard's first teachers at the Palace of the Prophets. Killed when Richard put the Sword of Truth into the sliph.
Magda Searus' wizard.
The central land in the New World. Previously bounded on either side by a Boundary. Ruled by a Central Council headed by the Mother Confessor. Have recently been taken under the rule of D'Hara by Richard.
Former queen of Tamarang and mother of Violet. Killed by Denna with her Agiel.
Lieutenant in Aydindril. Killed in the D'Haran takeover of Aydindril.
Millett, Andy
Richard's guide to Mount Kymermosst.
A servant at the Palace of the Prophets. One of the few people who remained loyal to Verna after her trial.
Formerly an all-female D'Haran society devoted to the art of torture. They reside at the People's Palace. Their favorite methods of giving pain involve using an Agiel. Mord-Sith train (i.e., torture) people that are sent to them for various crimes. The only way to avoid going insane while under training is to partition the mind. Mord-Sith are selected every year from all parts of D'Hara as girls. Those chosen are the most kind-hearted and gentle girls that can be found. Each Mord-Sith is broken three times in training: 1) Her spirit, by the same torture she will give to others; 2) Her empathy is broken, by watching her trainer break and eventually kill her mother; 3) The future Mord-Sith must break and kill her father, which destroys her fear of hurting others and makes her enjoy giving pain. Currently a group of women who consider themselves Richard's protectors.
Blacksmith for the Galean army.
Mosle, William
A rebellious Galean soldier, who was planning to join the Imperial Order. Killed by Kahlan's order.
Mother Confessor
The leader and most powerful of the Confessors and the advocate of all unrepresented lands in the Central Council. Basically ruled the Midlands. The office is currently held by Kahlan.
Mount Kymermosst
A large mountain in the Rang'Shada Mountains. Location of the Temple of the Winds. in the material world. Also called Berglendursch ost Kymermosst, meaning the "Mountain of the Four Winds."
Mysterious, evil creatures. They were enemy wizards who traded their power for the ability to become invisible. Mriswith wear cloaks which allow them to blend in with their surroundings. These cloaks are invested with Subtractive Magic. They can only be detected by those with Subtractive Magic, and gars. They wield triple-bladed daggers called yabree giving them the appearance of having claws.
Mud People
A primitive, isolated Midlands people, ruled the Council of Elders and their Bird Man. They have the rare ability to call gatherings to talk with their ancestor spirits. Richard and Kahlan are both honorary Mud People.
Myric, Elizabeth
One of the two Sisters of the Dark that accompanied Verna when she was sent to find Richard. Elizabeth killed herself when Richard refused the first offer of the Rada'Han.
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One of the Keeper's minions. Mysterious and evil.
Nameless One
A name for the Keeper that the Sisters of the Light use so that the Keeper "won't realize that they are saying his name."
A captain in the D'Haran army.
A meddling servant at the Confessor's Palace in Aydindril.
A race of people who live in the Wilds. They posess a magic that steals the strength from other magics.
Nass, Demmin
The commander of Darken Rahl's guards and a notorious pedophile. Killed by Kahlan while she was in the Con Dar.
A treacherous path in the King's Port pass.
New World
The area northwest of the Valley of the Lost. Consists of the Midlands, D'Hara, and the Westland. Formerly cut off from the Old World by the Towers of Perdition.
A Sister of the Dark. One of Richard's former teachers at the Palace of the Prophets.
Kahlan's horse.
A land in the Midlands west of the Rang'Shada Mountains. Home of the Blood of the Fold.
Night stone
A stone that gives off light but also attracts shadow people.
Night wisp
A tiny creature made of light that is native to the Midlands.
Mud Person healer.
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A Sister of the Dark. Killed by Richard while she was aiding the spirit of Darken Rahl. Missing the pinky finger of her right hand.
A D'Haran soldier.
Old John
A man met by Kahlan and Richard on their way to Agaden Reach. He was actually a Calthrop.
Old World
The area beyond theValley of the Lost. At present, is controlled by the Imperial Order.
A soldier in the Imperial Order's army. Touched by Kahlan's Confessor power. Killed in an attack by the Blood of the Fold.
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Palace of the Prophets
Situated on Halsband Island, near the city of Tanimura, it serves as a school for those with the gift and is run by the Sisters of the Light. The palace also has a spell cast over it that slows the aging processes of those in and around it allowing that person to lead a natural life of up to a thousand of years. The palace was recently destroyed by Richard.
Former love interest of Adie from Nicobarese. Pell was totured and killed by the Blood of the Fold in an attempt to have him name Adie a baneling.
Pendisan Reach
A country in the Midlands.
A town in the Midlands where Zedd and Adie stopped after being attacked by the skrin.
People's Palace
The capital of D'Hara, palace is shrouded with mystery. The Palace (which contains within it an entire city) is actually thought to somehow be one very complicated magical spell. Its design, seen from a bird's-eye view, is the very design for a protection spell when drawn in Sorcerer's Sand.
People's Peace Army
Darken Rahl's D'Haran army. Commited massacres in many towns disguised as other armies to win more support for D'Hara.
Perlin, Manda
A woman from Renwold. A frequent tormentor of Clarissa. Married to Rupert Perlin.
Perlin, Rupert
A wealthy moneylender from Renwold. Killed by the Imperial Order army.
A wizard-in-training at the Palace of theProphets. Killed by Pasha after the Sisters of the Dark convinced her that Richard must be killed. Perry was wearing Richard's coat and so Pasha thought that he was Richard.
A soldier in the Galean army. With Brin, came up with the idea of breaking the opposing army's horse's legs by running a chain through them.
Petitioner's Hall
Hall in the Confessor's Palace where officers of protocol determine the disposition of requests.
Abby's husband, Jana's father living in Coney Crossing. Held hostage by D'Haran's after they sacked Coney.
A Sister of the Light. One of Verna's advisors.
A Sister of the Light and childhood friend of Verna.
Pickard, Marlin
A wizard sent by Jagang ostensibly to kill Richard. His true mission was to spread the plague with Amelia.
A wizard. Currently serving Jagang.
Peter's horse.
Pratter, Bess
A Hartland girl who tried to seduce Richard but was turned down.
The head of the Sisters of the Light and the ruler of the Palace of the Prophets. The post has recently been held by Ann, who "died", by Ulicia, who was ousted as a Sister of the Dark, and presently by Verna.
Mud Person and friend of Kahlan. He was one of her guides, along with his brother Tossidin and his cousin Chandalen. He was actually a baneling. Killed when her fell on Kahlan's knife while he was trying to rape her.
The cryptic foretelling of the future. For a listing in the series so far, see my Prophecy Page.
A wizard with the gift for Prophecy. Many Prophets were kept at the Palace of the Prophets so that their prophecies could be recorded.
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Groups of four men used by assassins by previous Master Rahls. Sent to kill Confessors with the reasoning that one would be taken with the power, he would be able to kill one or two of the others before dying, and the one remaining would kill the Confessor.
Quassin doe
An herb used by the Mud People. The only known antidote for ten-step poison.
Quench Oak
A tree whose bark can be made into a tea that helps to prevent diarrhea.
Magical stone with the ability to drain the gift from a willing or a skined wizard. Turns bright orange when in contains a wizard's Han.
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Former playmate of Princess Violet and adopted daughter of Chase. Escaped the palace at Tamarang with one of the Boxes of Orden with the help of Giller.
A collar used by Sisters of the Light to train young wizards. Serves three purposes: 1) To stop the headaches associated with the gift and opens the wizard's mind to the gift; 2) To control the wizard; 3) To give him pain.
Rahl, Alric
Ruler of D'Hara three thousand years ago. Maker of the bond and creator of the gars.
Rahl, Darken
Former ruler of D'Hara and an agent for the Keeper. Son of Panis. Father and archenemy of Richard. Also father of Drefan. The person who put the Boxes of Orden into play. His death tore the veil.
Rahl, Drefan
Son of Darken Rahl and an unnamed prostitiute. Believed (for a while, at least) to be High Priest of the Raug'Moss. Former husband of Kahlan Amnell. A sadistic, delusional killer. Killed by Richard with the help of the sliph.
Rahl, Lindie
Rumored sister of Richard and Drefan.
Rahl, Nathan
The most recent (and one thousand year old) Prophet (excluding Warren) at the Palace of the Prophets. Recently escaped with the help of Zedd and became the beloved of Clarissa. Ancestor of Richard, Panis, and Darken.
Rahl, Panis
Former ruler of D'Hara and father of Darken Rahl. Killed in the Boundary War by Zedd.
Rahl, Richard
"The Seeker of Truth and wielder of the Sword of Truth, the bringer of death, the Master of D'Hara, the ruler of the Midlands, the commander of the gar nation, the champion of free people and bane of the wicked, and the betrothed of the Mother Confessor." Stated by Berdine at the beginning of TotW. A former Westland woods guide. The only Seeker in recent history to turn the blade of the Sword of Truth white. A War Wizard with the gift for Additive and Subtractive magic. "Husband" of Du Chaillu, former husband of Nadine Brighton, and presently husband of Kahlan. Bastard son of Darken Rahl. Grandson of Zedd. Step-son of George and step-brother of Michael. Referred to in some prophecies as the "pebble in the pond," the "one born true," and the "bringer of death." Also the Caharin of the Baka Ban Mana.
One of four Mord-Sith who assigned herself to bodyguard detail of Richard. Lover of Berdine. Died of the plague.
Ram's Horn
An inn in Penverro.
A helper in an inn in Southaven. Son of Bill. Has a crush on Kahlan.
Rang'Shada Mountains
A mountain range in the central Midlands. Its name comes from the language of the land of Altur'Rang and means "War Fist of the Chosen."
Ranson, Neville
A wizard at the Palace of the Prophets. Killed Sam Weber in order to make an oath to the Keeper. Former advisor to High Prince Fyren. Killed by Kahlan.
Trainer of Mord-Sith. Killed by Denna, who was told how to kill him by Constance.
A mysterious sect of D'Haran healers. Their High Priest is Marsden Taboor. Supposedly founded thousands of years ago by wizards gifted with healing. Raug'Moss means "Divine Wind" in High D'Haran.
Raina's favorite chipmunk. Missing the end of his tail.
General of the D'Haran army.
Queen's Lancer. Guard in Tamarang.
Rendall, Grace
A Sister of the Dark. Responsible for finding Richard. Verna killed her with her dacra after Richard refused the second offer to take the Rada'Han.
Capital city of Mardovia. Captured by the Imperial Order .
A member of the group of wizards who sealed the Temple of the Winds away. Author of Assigned to the Winds.
Captain in Aydindril. Killed in the D'Haran takeover of Aydindril.
General of the Imperial Order's army. Killed in one of Kahlan's attack.
A Mord-Sith.
Legate of the Andolians.
Lord. Queen Milena's minister of finance.
A prostitute who worked at the Latherton Rooming House. Called Rosa by her father. Killed by Drefan in one of his "Jack-the-Ripper" jags.
A Sister of the Dark. Killed by Zedd's light web.
Ryan, Bradley
A captain in the Galean army.
Rybnik, Elda
Travelling alias of Adie.
Rybnik, Elsie
Travelling alias of Ann.
Rybnik, Ruben
Travelling alias of Zedd.
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A former, and false, Seeker. Now a disgusting little creature who serves Shota.
Sanderholt, Mistress
Head cook in the Confessor's Palace. Friend of Kahlan.
A country in the Midlands.
Offical greeter and announcer in Tamarang. Has a fancy coat.
The capital of Jara.
Name of Rachel's doll. Given to her by Giller.
John's wife.
Sauventreen, Verna
A Sister of the Light. One of the three Sisters responsible for finding Richard, and the only one who was not a Sister of the Dark. Later the Prelate (after Ann "died"). Mother of Leitis. Beloved of Warren
An elder of the Mud People and friend of Kahlan and Richard. Husband of Weselan. Father of Siddin.
A red dragon. Her egg was hidden by Darken Rahl, and she was forced to serve him. Friend of Richard after he regained her egg. Mother of Gregory.
Underworld beasts used as assassins by the Keeper. They do not notice people who are walking slowly away from them, but will kill those who are still or running.
Searus, Magda
The first Mother Confessor. Created and served by Wizard Merritt.
Seaton, Bradley
Son of Elayne and Henry, and friend of Richard.
Seaton, Elayne
A woman from the Westland, friend of Richard, wife of Henry, and mother of Bradley.
Seaton, Henry
Husband of Elayne and father of Bradley.
Seeker of Truth
A finder of true answers. Wielder of the Sword of Truth. Only one who is named by a wizard and can turn the Sword of Truth white is the true Seeker. Currently Richard Rahl.
Someone who can see random things about people's futures.
Ambassador from Mardovia.
Shadow people
Beings with no solid form. Their touch causes the body to blister, swell, and eventually split open. Used as a weapon by Panis Rahl in during the Boundary War. They fear only the sound of horns. Can be killed by the Sword of Truth.
A creature that lives in Shadrin's Cave. Not much is known about it.
Shadrin's Cave
A cave in the Wilds that leads to Fire Spring. Inhabited by a Shadrin.
A group of people who refused to be conquered by the D'Haran army. Their battle tactics involved going into battle naked. To this day D'Haran soldiers fearthe Shahari.
A Night wisp who aided Kahlan through the Underworld.
A D'Haran province. Once held rebels.
The Underworld beast formed by a dead soul that allows agents to pass through the Underworld.
A witch woman who lives in Agaden Reach. An ally to Richard at times, but usually at great cost.
Son of Weselan and Savidlan. Taken hostage by Darken Rahl. Kahlan later found him in a dungeon in Tamarang and released him.
A Ja'La player. Died of the plague.
Si Doak
A race of nonviolent people who live in the Wilds.
Silver Garden Inn
An inn in Tamarang.
A Sister of the Light. Considered insane because her dreams were invaded by Jagang.
Sisters of the Dark
A secret society hidden within the Sisters of the Light. They serve the Keeper. Most Sisters of the Dark are stronger than those of the Light as they have found a way to take and assimilate wizards' Han.
Sisters of the Light
A group of sorceresses whose job is to train young wizards, and in theory they serve the Creator. They reside at the Palace of the Prophets in the Old World.
Skow Swamp
A swamp in Westland. A moderately safe place to stay between the Upper Ven forest and Southaven.
Beasts that exist half in the Underworld and half in the physical world, and help to keep the two separated. Creatures of both Additive and Subtractive magics. Guardians of the veil.
Wizard for the Imperial Order's army. Killed in one of Kahlan's attacks.
A sentient being used for transportation. She resembles living quicksilver. The sliph was once a prostitute three thousand years ago, but was changed into her present form for refusing to reveal her clients' names to Lothain. Can only be used by those with both Additive and Subtractive Magic.
A mriswith and of Jagang.
Sloan, Nolan
A lieutenant in theGalean army.
Snake vine
A poisonous, predatory vine. When it grows, it is a sign that the Boxes of Orden have been put into play.
Woman who have the gift. Their power is similar to but weaker than that of wizards. Referred to by the Blood of the Fold as Streganicha.
Sorcerer's sand
A special kind of sand used to cast spells. There are two kinds: white, which is used to cast spells involving Additive Magic, and black, which is used with Subtractive Magic. A single grain of either in a spell drawn with the opposite kind destroys the spell.
A town in the Westland that is just north of King's Port.
A town in the Midlands that fell victim to the plague.
A D'Haran soldier.
Spirit frogs
Red frogs used by the Mud People to help them see the spirits.
Sproul, Milton
A gravedigger in Tanimura. Partner of Ham Benstent.
Stentor Street
A street in Aydindril.
An altar in the center of Aydindril. When a male Confessor is born, the mother's mate puts the child on the Stone, places a rod on the baby's throat, and steps on both ends.
Stone of Tears
A stone hung by the Creator around the Keeper's neck to lock him in the Underworld. It is usually black, but when touched by a wizard's tears it turns amber. This repulses the Keeper, and his agents will not touch it when it is amber. It being in the material world is an omen of a tear in the veil.
A "person tainted by evil." The name that the Blood of the Fold gives to Sorceresses and wizards.
Subtractive Magic
The undoing of things. Originates from the Underworld. The counter to Additive Magic. Partially locked in the Underworld by several wizards three thousand years ago.
Elder of the Mud People.
Sword of Truth
The weapon of a Seeker of Truth. Its magic is characterized by righteous anger. Normally it can kill only those that the Seeker feels deserve to die, but when the blade is turned white with the love, it can kill anyone.
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Taboor, Marsden
High Priest of the Raug'Moss.
A city in the Midlands formerly ruled by Queen Milena.
A city in the Old World. The home of the Palace of the Prophets.
Tannic, Silas
One of Queen Milena's chief advisors.
Tava Root
A healthful and nutritious root found in the Midlands. Can be made into tava bread.
Temple of the Winds
A mysterious structure housing many powerful and dangerous items of magic that exists partly in the material world and partly in the spirit world. Located (in the material world) atop Mount Kymermosst. Several paths that can be used to access it, including the Hall of the Betrayer and the Hall of the Betrayed.
Ten Oaks
A town in the Midlands, near Aydindril.
Ten-step poison
The poison that coats "ten-step arrows" of the Mud People. Made from bandu. Named so because, after being shot with the poison, a person only gets ten steps before he dies. Quassin doe is the only known antidote.
Representative of Herjborgue in the Central Council.
Wizard second in command to Zedd during the war with D'Hara before the Boundary was created. Conservative with magic.
A Councilor in the Central Council, later Supreme Councilor. Killed by Richard in his rage over Kahlan's "death."
Former elder of the Mud People. Uncle of Chandalen. Killed in an attack by the Shadow people.
A country in the Midlands. Part of D'Hara.
Mud Person and brother of Prindin. He was one of Kahlan's guides. Later killed by his brother.
A Sister of the Dark. One of Richard's teachers at the Palace of the Prophets.
Towers of Perdition
Towers extending the length of the Valley of the Lost that reflect spells back at each other. Invested with the life-energy of many wizards. Built to stop dream walkers from entering or extending their powers into the New World. Those without magic cannot cross it without being trapped. Females with magic can cross the barrier twice, while males with magic can only cross it once. Their power was destroyed recently by Richard's restoration of the Valley of the Lost to the Baka Ban Mana.
Tracer cloud
A cloud hooked to someone by a wizard for tracking purposes. Looks like a snake to everyone but the victim, who sees it as a dot of cloud in the air.
A simple, stout piece of cord or wire with a wooden handle on each end, and long enough so that when it is given a twist, it makes a loop that is the right size to drop over a man's head. It is applied from behind, and the handles are then yanked apart. Used by the Mud People.
Tross, Drefan
Former advisor to Queen Cyrilla. A baneling.
Commander-General of the First File.
A criminal. Touched by Kahlan with the Confessor's power.
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One of Richard's personal guards (along with Egan)and a member of the First File.
Leader of the Sisters of the Dark. Formerly, one Ann's two administrators.
The realm of the dead. Ruled by the Keeper of the Underworld. Until recently, it composed the Boundaries.
Upper Ven
A forest near Hartland in Westland. Former hunting grounds of Richard.
D'Haran general in the war before the Boundary. Used Shadow people.
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A former novice at the Palace of the Prophets. Banished for casting a glamour spell. Grandmother of Holly. Killed by Nathan after she captured and tortured Ann and Zedd.
A novice at the Palace of the Prophets .
Valley of the Lost
Until recently, the border between the Old World and the New World. Bounded on either side by the Towers of Perdition. In the Valley, spells cast by ancient wizards that never found their targets bounced off the Towers of Perdition back and forth. No one could cross the Valley more than twice.
The metaphysical separation between the physical world and the Underworld. It was accidentally torn when Richard used the Wizard's First Rule onDarken Rahl, causing him to open the wrong Box of Orden and torn further when Richard called a gathering and called Darken back to the material world.
A wizard working for Jagang and the Imperial Order. Killed while trying to attack Nathan.
Princess of Tamarang. Daugher of Milena. Tormentor of Rachel. Presumed dead.
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Queen's Lancer. Guard in Tamarang.
A guard at the Palace of the Prophets .
War Wizard
A type of wizard with the gifts for both Additive and Subtractive Magics. War Wizards are different from other wizards in that they use their magic on instinct. Don't eat meat or cheese.
A wizard and Prophet. Nicknamed the "Mole" because he spent so much of his time in the vaults under the Palace of the Prophets researching ancient prophecies.
Wattle root
A healing root. It is usually administered in cubes. One is for common stomach bugs, two for major problems, three is almost never used, and three shredded will send one to the privy for a week.
Wayward pine
A sheltering tree perfect for adventurers. Provides the traveler with protection from rain, enough room for a fire, and loose-weave needles to allow smoke to escape.
Weber, Sam
A wizard-in-training at the Palace of the Prophets. Killed by Neville Ranson as way to become an agent.
Wellington, Mistress
A seamstress in Aydindril.
Wellington, Rita
A girl from the Westland, married to Tommy Lancaster.
Mud Person, friend of Kahlan and Richard. Wife of Savidlan and mother of Siddin.
The western-most land in the New World. The land was supposedly sealed away from the rest of the Old World with the Boundary without magic. Ruled by the First Councilor.
Ambassador from Pendisan Reach.
White Stallion
An inn in Tamarang.
The southern portion of the Midlands.
A Sister of the Light.
An unlucky man who "helped" Nathan out by impersonating him, taking his tracer cloud and delivering a message to Zedd and Ann. Tried to get them to tell him where the Jocopo Treasure is. Killed is the following confusion.
Capital of Kelton
Witherrin, Saul
Former Chief of Protocol in the Midlands. Killed by Darken Rahl.
Any man with the ability to use magic. Wizards have three orders: First, Second, and Third. First Order wizards have the gift for magic and are able to use Wizard's First Rule. Second Order are very talented wizards with the calling. Third Order wizards are lesser wizards with the calling.
Wizard's Fire
A super hot form of fire used by wizards. Normal fire is to Wizard's Fire as an angry moth is to a raging bull.
Wizard's Keep
A fortress in Aydindril where the wizards preserve important things of magic, such as books of prophecy, and books of magic and instruction like the Book of Counted Shadows, before it was taken. It is also a refuge for wizards. One portion of the keep is the First Wizard's Enclave. None can enter but a wizard, or one who knows where the back door is.
Wizard's Life Fire
A stronger form of wizard's fire. The wizard gives his life energy into the casting of the spell. If the wizard is doing this selfishly, to save himself from pain, the rsidue will taste bitter. But if it is for another or for altruistic purposes, the residue will taste sweet.
Wizard's Rules
Rules of wisdom needed to be a wizard. For a complete list, see the Wizard's Rules Page.
Wizard's web
A wizard's Han cast outside their body in the form of a web. Basically, a type of spell.
Worm Spell
A spell that is practically undetectable even to a wizard. Activated by using magic on the target. Once activated, kills painfully and inexorably. One killed Erilyn.
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Three-bladed knife used by mriswith to kill and/or disembowel their victims. Because of the design of the knife and the speed of the mriswith, the yabree give the mriswith the appearance of having claws.
A young Ja'La player whose brother Kip has the plague. May have died from the plague??


Zorander, Zeddicus Zu'l (Zedd)
First Wizard and grandfather of Richard. Husband of Erilyn. Saved his daughter with a death spell. Responsible for the creation of the Boundaries, the creation of Westland, the death of Panis Rahl and the burning of Darken by Wizard's Fire touched with some of the Underworld from the Boundary. Named the Seeker. Known as the "wind of death" and the "trickster."

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